KKM Story Of Love And War Between Siblings Episode 18


The episode starts with Rhea calling Sanju and asking him, where is he??? Sanju on the other side of the phone tells to look towards her right. Rhea along with Priyanka, turn towards their right when they see, Sanju standing there dressed brightly. They giggle at his outfit “He comes towards them and asks them, Don’t I look ek dum mast for meeting Prachi??” Priyanka tells him “You look Superb!!!” Sanju says “Thank you ji, so where is my Prachi???” Rhea tells him “You took so many efforts and came here just for Prachi right?? Don’t be so impatient dear!!! Just wait for some time, then she will be yours forever!!!” They take him to Priyanka’s room and ask him to wait there, while they bring Prachi over there. Priyanka signs at Rhea, who goes and fixes a CAMERA in front of the mirror and thinks “Now, whatever is going to happen here is going to be recorded in this CAMERA and then Prachi your life will be shut in darkness forever.” She goes along with Priyanka downstairs to look for Prachi.

Aryan asks Shahana “So what type of guys do you like???”, Shahana asks him “Why are you asking me that???” Aryan nervously tells her “Well, you too asked me during my Mom and Dad’s anniversary, what is my type and then I did say you that I like timid and girly types of girls!!!” Shahana smiles getting reminded of that and how she had asked Prachi to lend her accessories, so that she could impress Aryan. While Aryan continues “While you also told me twice that I’m not of your TYPE, so I’m just curious to know WHAT IS YOUR TYPE??” Shahana is about to say when Rishi calls out “Shahana!!!” Rishi and Pragya come there, Rishi asks her “Why did you come here??? I asked you stay there right!!!” Pragya tells her warningly “Who asked to show yourself off in front of Priyanka?? Can’t you keep your mouth shut??? Come with us, and stay with Rishi, don’t go anywhere else.” Shahana unwillingly goes along with them. She turns back towards Aryan and thinks “I don’t have any type, because I already know what kind of person I want!!” she smiles. He smiles back at her and wonders “Why have started feeling good when she is around and curious to know the type of guys she likes!! What is the meaning of all these emotions???”

Abhi comes to Pragya’s house and finds the door locked, He asks a neighbour if there is no one in the house and the latter informs him that the whole family is out for some function. Abhi wonders “Where is Pragya???” He calls her on her phone. Pragya picks up the call, Abhi asks her “Where are you??’; Pragya counter asks “Where are you?? I’m in your house!!!” Abhi is surprised and happy to know that, he tells “I was waiting for you there and then when I didn’t see you, I thought I will come here and surprise you!!!” Pragya tells him “Now you yourself got surprised right???” Abhi laughs and tells her “Okay don’t go anywhere Fuggy, I’ll come soon then I’ll make you meet our younger daughter.” Pragya says “And I’ll introduce my daughter to her dad!!! Now please hang the phone and come fast!!!” Abhi says “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming!!!” Pragya hangs the phone smilingly and gets thinking “Finally, Prachi is going to meet her dad!!! But my god!!! I almost forgot her, where is she???”

Rhea and Priyanka come downstairs and look for Prachi. Priyanka notices Rishi with Shahana and goes towards them, telling Rhea “You just manage Prachi for now, I’ll come in a second!!!”. Rhea asks her to wait but then she leaves hurriedly. Rhea calls out Mitali and asks her to inform Prachi that her Mom is calling her to Priyanka’s Room. Rhea keeps her fingers crossed and thinks “I hope the plan just works, but where did Priyanka go???” Priyanka comes towards Rishi and Shahana, she tells Rishi “Rishi, I need to talk to you!!!” Rishi denies going along with her and gets tensed. Shahana notices his discomfort. Priyanka goes near him and whispers in his ears “Come with me or else, I’ll reveal everything about the molestation charges to Shahana.” Rishi gets irritated and helpless. He agrees to go along with her. The two go together to the kitchen, Shahana is surprised thinking “What does she want to talk to him alone??”

In the Kitchen

Rishi asks Priyanka “What is it??” Priyanka asks him “What is it that you see in that Shahana that I don’t have??? Tell me Rishi, what is it??” Rishi tells her “Stop your nonsense Priyanka, I’m not going to bear any of my madness anymore!!!” He starts to leave, when Priyanka catches his hand “Why are you getting close to that middle-class woman Shahana, am I not as beautiful as her?? And I’m also rich!!! I’ll make you rich, Rishi, once you marry me, please don’t go close to Shahana” She hugs him tight. He gets vexed “Leave Priyanka, don’t repeat, what you already tried doing!!! You will not succeed!!!” As Rishi tries desperately to free himself from the clutches of Priyanka, Shahana comes there, pulls her from Rishi and slaps hard on her face. Rishi is shocked. Shahana shouts “What kind of woman you are??? Yuck, you are an insult to all women!!!” Priyanka gets angry. Shahana continues “I saw everything that happened here, Why the hell are you after him, when he clearly said he is not interested!!! Don’t you dare try to come near Rishi once again!!!” Shahana leaves after saying that while holding Rishi’s hand. Priyanka says frustratingly “You didn’t do the right Shahana, you will have to answer for this.” After they come out, Shahana tells Rishi “Didn’t I tell you that I’m DANGEROUS!!!” Rishi is confused “What!!”. Shahana says “When we met Priyanka before, I said that I’m dangerous and I can teach that Priyanka a LESSON!!! But I should say that woman is really a PSYCHO, now if you have any troubles just notice me, I’ll take care of her.” Shahana leaves while Rishi keeps smiling staring at her.

Mitali comes and tells Prachi that her mother is calling her upstairs, Prachi “Oh ho!!! Where Ma had been so long??? I had been waiting for her!!” She rushes upstairs while Rhea smiles seeing her go upstairs. Priyanka comes there dejected, Rhea asks her “What happened??” Priyanka tells her “Nothing, so how far is our plan working??” Rhea informs her that Prachi has gone upstairs to her room. Priyanka angrily murmurs “Now you see Shahana what I do to your sister!!!”

Prachi comes inside the room and calls out “Ma, Ma, where are you??” Someone catches her shoulder. Prachi thinking it to be Pragya turns back and asks “Ma, where have you been??” but is surprised to see Sanju. She gets reminded of the incidents when he used to stalk her in Hoshiapur and how she slapped him for that, she asks “You, what are you doing her? And where is my Ma??” She looks all throughout the room but doesn’t find Pragya, so she decides to leave. But Sanju pulls her inside and closes the door. Everything gets recorded in the camera. Sanju says “Prachi, just listen, I need to talk!!!” She says, “But I don’t want to talk to you” She is about to leave once again but this time Sanju forcefully catches her and tells “I came all the way from Hoshiapur only for you, you must listen.” Prachi pushes and goes to the balcony of the room, she tries calling out to people, but Sanju covers mouth and pulls her inside and at that very moment Prachi’s dupatta catches fire through a diya kept in the balcony unnoticed by both Sanju and Prachi.”

To be continued

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