KKM Story Of Love And War Between Siblings Episode 15

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At Abhi’s House

Abhi gets up early in the morning comes down and wishes dasi, Mitali, Meera, and Pallavi a “Happy Diwali”, the ladies are really happy to see him and wish him too, Pallavi says Vikaram has gone out for some last minute purchase when Aliyah and Purab joins the group and wishes a very “Happy Diwali”. They all look at the decorations for the party and are happy about it. Abhi asks Mitali “Where are the kids, Bhabhi???”, Mitali says that they are deciding upon the theme of outfit for the party!!!”, Purab asks “What is there to decide??? It is Diwali!! Obviously, everyone will have some ethnic wear for the party!! Aliyah interrupts “Oh come on Purab, they are kids, let them decide what they want to wear, it’s better we don’t dump our choices on them!!!” Abhi continues “I think Aliyah is right, let the kids decide what they want to wear after all they are grown up adults, it’s better we parents don’t interfere in their lives, you both come to check on the decorations and arrangements of the party!!”

Upstairs in Rhea’s Room

Rhea says, “So it’s finalised, me, Priyanka and Mishti will wear lehenga and you two boys are goanna wear Sherwani!!” Aryan moans “What Rhea, an aspiring supermodel like you is suggesting traditional ethnic wear!!! You know how uncomfortable they are right!!!” Ranbir tells “Aryan, I think Rhea’s choice is perfect, because it will match with the party and also please our parents!!” Mishti continues “Yes Aryan, and this year, Mom gave me a bright red lehenga which is going to make me look gorgeous for this party!!” Aryan dishearteningly agrees while Priyanka smirks while thinking, “I don’t care about the outfit, I just want my plan against Prachi to work so that I can win Rishi and marry him.” Mishti snaps “What happened, what are you thinking about??”, Priyanka shakes signing nothing, while she continues to smirk after Mishti leaves!!!”

At Pragya’s house

Pragya, Prachi and Shahana are busy lighting diyas for the LAKSHMI PUJA. Prachi asks them to hurry up as they must attend the party too. Prachi asks “But Ma!! We both are going early right?? So, I think we should hurry up and get dressed” Shahana surprisingly asks them “Why is that you and Maasi are going early???” Prachi tells “Ma had already agreed to another set of guests that she will attend their party, but I didn’t know about it before affirming to Mr. Mehra, so we will be going to Mr. Mehra’s party first then leave soon, while you, Sarita Auntie and Rishi come later. Shahana says “Okay!!! Anyways the diyas are done so I will go and get dressed too, since I need to put really good makeup!!” Prachi asks “To impress Rishi or Aryan??” Shahana gets embarrassed “Shut up Prachi!! No one!!”


Sunny is walking alone in the streets inebriated “It’s is the festival of lights, when the whole city is celebrating with their faces filled with brightness, I have chosen to stay alone in my world of sorrow and darkness.” Just then, he hears a song from a church, where the English service is going on and, in the song, he could recognize a strong sorrow as if someone else is also filled with the same pain and remorse as his. As he continues to listen, he starts feeling better as if the song is healing his inner wounds. He thinks, “I should thank the woman whose voice has touched and made me feel better.” He goes inside the church and tries to look at the face of the woman who is singing the solo for the choir, but he is unable to see her face.” He wonders “How will I thank her here??” Then he gets an idea, he takes out his tissue writes a message and asks kid nearby to give it to the lady who is singing the solo. Then, he slowly gets up and moves outside. The kid goes near the choir and gives the tissue to Rakhi who was singing the solo without getting noticed by anyone. Rakhi is surprised to read the message “Thank you, your song filled with pain made me feel better that there is someone else who like me is grieving in sorrows.” She wonders “How could a stranger understand her pain when her OWN MOTHER couldn’t do it.” She takes out an embroidered handkerchief which she had made for herself and whispers in the kid’s ears to hand it over to the person who gave her the tissue. Rakhi’s eyes follow the kid as he goes to the place where Sunny had been sitting, but Sunny had already left the church doors. The kid noticing that he is not there goes outside while Rakhi’s focus turns back to the service. Just as Sunny is about to go outside the church gates, the kid comes and gives him the embroidered handkerchief of Rakhi, he reads “We can overcome our pains only when we are brave enough to face and defeat them.” Sunny mood enlightens and he smiles while looking back at the church before leaving.

At Pragya’s house

Everyone is well dressed while Shahana boasts “Today, I’m going to be the hottest girl in the party and all the guys will be staring at me” Prachi coughs while Pragya comes dressed in a bright saree. All are amazed to see her beauty. Shahana says “Wah!! Maasi, today all guys won’t be looking at me but at you.” Pragya blushes and tells her “Stop praising me!!” Prachi comes and boasts “After all whose mother she is!!!” Pragya says “Now you don’t start Prachi, we have to leave, we have to go to another party too right!!” Prachi “Yes Ma, let me take my purse!!!” While leaving Pragya signs at Rishi, he nods. Pragya gets thinking “Today, on Diwali, finally Ram and Sita are reuniting “(Ram ram jai raja ram, ram ram jai siya ram plays….)

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