Kkb episode 63 (Love of Life)

Ishaan slowly opened his eyes and seized his hand on the girls shoulder and again closed his eyes in fear

“Ishaan” he heard a sweet voice which his ears were longing to hear, at this moment he wasn’t able to believe himself, he kept his eyes closed just to hear a few more words

“Ishaan are you okay?” he heard another time and this time he was sure that yes, she is there and without wasting any time further he opened his eyes and as soon as he opened them, his eyes met the most beautiful eyes in this world, the shining brown orbs of hers was all he wanted to be lost in, he kept staring at them for a few seconds, his eyes were now moist, he then after breaking the eye lock stepped a little back looked at her from head to toe and let out a chuckle with tears streaming down his cheeks

While Ishaan was doing all this, Rhea was standing there silently with a confused reaction on her face, she watched him like that only when suddenly he hugged her, she was brought of her thoughts by this move, automatically her hand wrapped around him, a lone tear streamed down her cheek while Ishaan on other side was sobbing like anything. Rhea after realising what actually was happening, wiped her tears, not to hide them from Ishaan but from herself instead.

She gently broke the hug and looked at Ishaan who was still sobbing, Rhea gently cupped his face and wiped his tears with utmost care. She looked at him while he also looked up at her.

“How are you?” asked Rhea the only question she could think of at the moment as she was hell confused what to say and what to ask?

And hearing this Ishaan let out a chucklechuckle

“You are asking it now,isn’t it too early? ” he asked sarcastically making Rhea silent for a few seconds

“I.. I am sorry” Rhea said in a mere whisper but it was quite loud enough for Ishaan to hear it

” It’s not at all okay” Ishaan said with a heavy voice

And at this point Rhea was left speechless, she didn’t have the words which could express her pain at the moment. She just looked at Ishaan with her watery eyes while Ishaan didn’t make an eye contact with her, his head was facing the ground and tears were flowing uncontrollably from his eyes.

“Ishaan” she said in a broken voice

“No.. Please.. What was my mistake?” he asked her

“I.. I am.. Sorry” Rhea said again while closing her eyes

“No, just don’t feel sorry” said Ishaan while wiping his tears

“Ayee, I didn’t mean to make you cry, I hate to see..t.. tears in your eyes” Ishaan said as he forwarded his trembling hands towards Rhea’s face in order to wipe her tears

But to his surprise he was pulled into a hug and it felt like a bliss. It was the best moment of his life according to him, he could feel that unsaid emotions between them. And this hug was everything they needed at the moment because you know sometimes little things with special person makes it the best.

After breaking the hug Rhea said nothing just held his hand and dragged him inside the house.

“Coffee?” she asked to which Ishaan nodded yes

She took a few minutes and then brought two coffee mugs, one for herself and the other for Ishaan.

She handled the cup to him and sat on the couch facing his, for a few minutes there was an awkward silence between them which was killing them but they both didn’t speak at all and gave silence the chance to stay there for a few minutes more, five four three two one…

“Ishaan” said Rhea abruptly and this breaking the silence between them as she couldn’t hold it anymore

Ishaan was staring at his coffee looked up at Rhea who now had a puzzled reaction on her face, Rhea took a deep breath and finally began the conversation

“What are you doing here?” she asked calmly

“What?” Ishaan exclaimed

“I mean what are you doing in Shimla?” asked Rhea

Ishaan looked at her and then remembered the actual reason behind his arrival but was now puzzled as how could he tell her the reason though what he decided was to openly accept his love for her but at the moment he didn’t have that strength to speak maybe because Rhea was sitting directly in front of him or maybe because he wanted to give themselves some time as they were meeting after three long years.

“Ishaan, say” said Rhea and this brought Ishaan out of his thoughts

“Well… I was here to … For vacations” said Ishaan to which Rhea nodded

“All alone?” Rhea asked as she took a sip of her coffee

“No” replied Ishaan which made Rhea more curious to know about it

“Then” she asked

“Me, Ranbir and Prachi are together here” said Ishaan and hearing this a smile appears on Rhea’s face but the other moment it vanishes

“Then where are they?And what were you doing in road like that, you were unconscious?” said Rhea

“Woo… ”

“Yeah, continue”

“Actually, I had a fight with them” Ishaan said this time truly

“What” exclaimed Rhea

“So you left them and didn’t inform them anything?” Rhea gussed

“Yes” replied Ishaan

“Call them” ordered Rhea

“No” Ishaan replied

“What no, they must be worried for sure, just dial their number.” Rhea said

“Why should I tell them anything? What they did with me wasn’t right at all” Ishaan said

“What did they do?” Rhea asked making Ishaan mentally facepalm himself

” Vo they pranked me” Ishaan said as he made an excuse but did reveal the half truth

“That’s it, Ishaan you aren’t a child, just call them right now” Rhea said



“Okay” Ishaan said but the other moment he was little surprised as he didn’t have his mobile with him

“Actually, I forgot my mobile in the hotel itself” said Ishaan

Rhea just sighed hearing this and handed over her mobile to him

“Take mine and call them” said Rhea

Ishaan started dialling the number seriously but then looked up making a cry baby face

“I don’t remember their number even” he said feebly making Rhea face pal herself

Rhea took a deep breath and took the phone from his hands

“Do you remember the hotel name?” she asked

“Umm.. ”

“Don’t just say that you don’t even remember that” Rhea said as Ishaan was trying to recall it

“No, I do it’s Hotel xyz”Ishaan said with a smile

Rhea smiled and then googled the name from where she got the number of the hotel management. She dialled it and then waited for the other side to recieve the call.

“Hello, Priya speaking from hotel xyz” said a voice from the other side as the call was picked up

“Hey, I am Rhea. Well I wanted to have a talk with Prachi Mehra who is staying in your hotel” said Rhea

“Yeah sure ma’am ; let me check the list and then I will connect your call” said the receptionist as she started searching in the computer

She then connected the call to Pranbir room who were seen sitting on the couch with their fingers intertwined in each other’s, the ringing sound in their room was the only sound that was heard, they picked up the call

“Hello, Miss. Prachi Mehra? ”

“Yeah, I am here”

“Ma’am a girl named Rhea wanted to talk to you so let me connect the call so that you can further continue your conversation” said the receptionist as she connected the two calls

“Hello ma’am you can have the talk, I have connected the call” the receptionist said to Rhea

The call was connected now, while Pranbir were confused who was the Rhea who wanted to talk to Prachi? How is she connected to them? Is she their Rhea? So many questions were running in their minds

“Hello” Prachi said and on the other end Rhea was standing quitely

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