Khelti Hai Zindagi Aankh Micholi 31st October 2013 Written Episode Update

Khelti Hai Zindagi Aankh Micholi 31st October 2013 Written Episode, Khelti Hai Zindagi Aankh Micholi 31st October 2013 Written Update

Epi starts with Sanjay in office .. n Shruti barges in his office … n is in angry mood. He asks if she didn’t get salary .. n he tells he’l call accountant .. n she orders him to keep phone down. She tells yesterday u had not come to office coz of personal problm .. n So i tried to call u .. i was worried for you coz ur my .. n stops But u sent sns abt advance salary?! Sanjay cuts her off n tell her not to bother OR be worried abt him .. n as for advance salary is concerned .. i did it coz ILU .. but U feel i’m doing ehsaan on u.. then see its not jst for u .. advance salary is being paid to all staff .. coz all need money .. Shruti leaves his cabin n goes ..

Shruti is shown working on some report in laptop .. but in her mind .. only

Sanjay’s talk is going round n round .. what he told her jst few min back .. She is not able to work .. n she closes the laptop.

Next scene .. Ami feeling emotional abt house .. Khushbu comes n tells her house has no feeling , etc .. Ami tells her that all things that we care for has feeling even inanaimate things also .. but they can’t show it .. Then they decide on how to save their house .. by scaring of the buyer who comes to buy their house from jassuben.

Next scene … Sanjay’s father opens newspaper n is shocked to read some news .. n calls prabha to read it aloud .. Sanjay’s bro n bhabhi r also there .. Prabha reads news abt travel agency doing scam by giving fake passport n viva to people .. n the guy is absconding .. n police is still searching for him … n they guy’s wife is from a well known family etc .. Prabha gets worried n asks her hubby if its abt Yogesh ..?! Her hubby nods .. Sanjay’s bhabhi preeti tells no .. yogesh can’t do this .. n her hubby tells how well do u know him?!

Next scene .. Sanjay , Shruti n rest of staff sitting n meeting .. Sanjay is discussing with kothari .. n when their new business partner who is gng to make deal .. Mr. Umesh Patel comes .. Sanjay welcomes them .. n they all sit n talk .. n go thro’ Shruti’s report … n Sanjay finds mistake in it .. n Shouts at her .. that she could have taken help from someone .. tells her do work properly .. n keep ur personal problems at home n come to office … n Shruti feels bad in meeting .. Sanjay appolizises to Mr. Patel for delay in report submission.

Next scene .. Jassuben is waiting for the new buyer to come soon so that she can show him the house ..
n buyer arrives .. n they both go inside jassuben’s house .. Ami & Khushbu hidding in garden of jassuben think on ways to get rid of this buyer .. n Ami gets idea n they go home n search .. n find walkie talkie which harch had gifted them … but find them dead .. They ask vennilal for battery but he says he is not aladin ka jin to have batteries with himself .. n goes .. Ami sees tv remove n says .. here r the batteries .. n removes them from tv remote n puts them in wallkie talkie .. n then Ami & Khushbu test those walkie talkie .. n say to eath other that mission to save house starts ..

Next scene .. Shruti in her office cabin sitting restless … n recalling Sanjay shouting at her .. n Sanjay comes n opens the door of her cabin .. n says .. don’t sit .. do work .. n complete it .. n if u can’t do it alone .. then take help .. n pls leave ur personal problems at home .. n come n work.
Shruti tells him how can he talk to her like that?! He could he shout at her in front of so many employee in meeting ?! She tells how can she work well .. when my personal problem is standing in front of me .. She tells jst because i talked with u rudly that other day .. ur behaving badly with me by shouting n scholding me .. Sanjay is shocked n comes inside office .. n says ur talking me wrongly that day also .. n today also .. He tells that report had mistake .. n ur 1 mistake could have caused such a huge loss to their co.. so it was his right to shout n correct her .. Shruti says its so easy for u to do all this .. so easily u started behaving like strangers .. but for me its not like that .. i have seen u my best friend .. u had a spl place in my life .. n its not easily for me to do all this. Sanjay comes close to Shruti .. n wipes her tears n lifs her chin up .. n tells her .. its was also difficult for him .. he kept things in his heart for such a long time .. he tried to control it knowing very well that he will lose his best friend .. but he couldnt control himself .. n told her the truth .. He agrees that ralations have changed b/w them .. n he can’t help it .. He tells Shruti that i don’t know what in ur mind for me .. what u think of me .. what emotions u have for me .. i can’t control it .. in samw way .. u can’t control my emotions .. I will continue to love u forevr … Sanjay then leaves Shruti’s cabin. Camera freezes on Shruti’s face.

Precap: Shruti and her mom talk … Her mom tells her khushiyaan coming in ur life again .. don’t phiro muuh from it .. What has happened in ur life ie Harsh.. we can’t change it n bring it back .. Ur getting such a humsafar who loves u n will take care of family .. So accept it .. Shruti is shocked at her mom’s words ..

Update Credit to: Swetha

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