Categories: Katha Ankahee

Katha Ankahee 27th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Viaan and Katha suprise each other.

Katha Ankahee 27th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Viaan tells Ehsan everything about his conference trip with Katha. Ehsan considers himself cupid in Viaan and Katha’s love story. Viaan told Katha that he has never been happy and wish for this night not to end. Katha wasn’t sleepy, so suggested to go on a long walk. Ehsan anticipated something feisty, but all Viaan did was talk with Katha that night. Ehsan was about to jump from the window. He tells Viaan that universe and Katha gave Viaan all the signals, yet he ignored, the night was not for him to waste in talks. Viaan will get nothing from these talks, at the end he will be left with Ehsan. Viaan clapped, Ehsan has never been single. Viaan is at peace by having Katha around, he will never forget the memories with her. Teeji hears Viaan.

At night, Viaan comes to Teeji. He asks why she

is silent; didn’t ask how he was. Teeji received a blood report of Viaan regarding a viral infection. He was quarantined in office and lied to her about it. Viaan didn’t get a chance to come clean, they were quarantined after the Korean meeting. Teeji questions about Katha being with him. Teeji complains about not being approached, she does everything to make him comfortable. Viaan will not repeat the mistake, Teeji is all he has left of the family. He asks for a hug.

Next morning, Katha gets the parcel placed in Viaan’s office. Jeetu welcomed her into the office with applause, they had a photo frame of her from the conference. Viaan compliments her for the thorough and researched presentation, her loyalty and passion reflect in her work in this office. The picture is a thankyou from EarthCon. He asks everyone to understand that this picture reflects a thought which is important for an architect. He asks new joiners to come under Katha’s mentorship. The Mentor Prodigy program is about to end soon, the mentors will be choosing their prodigy. Ehsan tells Vanya that review is not needed, he has already chosen his prodigy, he will make him do odd job because he has a bike. Ehsan takes Viaan aside. The joiners want Viaan to chose them.

Ehsan questions why he wasn’t told about Katha’s surprise. They come to the office to a design sitting on Viaan’s table. Ehsan new, tells that Katha called organizers to bring the design over. Everyone comes to the office to see, Viaan comes to katha. Vanya calls Viaan the best architect. Katha tells that upon asking about ideal architect everyone would search their phone to dig names. Katha thinks that genius can be anywhere, one should be able to recognize it. For Katha the design was a genius, so brought it here. She wants everyone to know that their boss if a genius. For Viaan, its debatable. Viaan considers Katha the genius for him. She wants to know why he cut himself from the photo, it was a group presentation, the photo isn’t complete by him. For Viaan it’s complete, with Katha in front of Taj Mahal. He will always see Katha’s reflection in this mirror temple. Seeing from far is peaceful, now he understands how Mumtaz’s friend waited for her. Viaan is at peace knowing that Katha is around.

Katha keeps noticing Viaan rest of the day in office. They both look at each other from the reflection of the mirror temple. In group selfies Katha notices herself looking at Viaan. They both share desert in the cafeteria. Katha smiles looking at Viaan, ponders on what Neerja said. She realizes about her missing ring, Viaan notices and questions her about it. Katha is not able to find her ring, last saw it in washroom. Viaan checks with her.

Katha washed her hand, Viaan called Amjad to bring maintenance kit. He opens the basin. Vanya goes though some file, Katha notices her. Viaan finds the ring, cleans, and hands it over to Katha.

PRECAP: Batman wants Robin to give a card to his friend. Katha doesn’t think that Robin will give that card to his friend. Katha notices Viaan holding that card. Ehsan pushes Viaan to give Katha the card, he should fulfil his promise to Batman and not lie. Viaan comes to Katha, he has something to give to her.

Update Credit to: Sona

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