Categories: Katha Ankahee

Katha Ankahee 21st June 2023 Written Episode Update: Vanya and Ehsan compete with each other.

Katha Ankahee 21st June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Neerja takes the phone from Aarav’s hands to tell Katha that everything is alright. Viaan is relieved, he will tell Katha about it. She sends Aarav to bring phone, advises Viaan to enjoy the trip as well. She questions him about this voice, feels like a love bird, a happiness, knows that it’s double happiness for talking to her and being with someone. Viaan sees Katha, tells that Aarav was calling her so he had to pick. Katha talks to Neerja, gives the phone to Aarav. He tells Katha about himself and permission to hold party for his friends. Katha permits on condition for him to help Neerja in cooking. Neerja forbids anyone entering her kitchen. Katha out the phone down, she asks Viaan to have rice after salad as well. Anirudh comes in champion, other colleagues come asking for not being treated

with drinks as well. Katha announces that Anirudh will be serving the most expensive champion to everyone after dinner. Viaan laughs, Anirudh leaves as the waiter asks him permission to serve drinks. Viaan asks Katha about the Katha he knows. She wants him to give her a background check on his story with Anirudh.

Viaan takes Katha to the terrace, telling her that 10 years ago he got in a fight with Viaan in this same hotel over a girl named Neha. Anirudh liked her, proposed to her but she didn’t like her back. Neha used to spend time with Viaan. Anirudh eventually became detached from Viaan, he started spreading rumors about him and Viaan and in return got his nose broken. He has been seeking revenge since Katha wonders why he still pushes his nose everywhere. Katha loves having protective friends around, like Viaan was. Viaan is still like that, would take troubles for his people, like Teji, Ehsan, Batman, Katha and Neerja as well. Viaan didn’t bring her here to tell a story, there is something else. He asks her to stand still, then see the starry sky above. They both lay down on the floor to enjoy the sight. He insists her to lay down. She makes him lay down as well. They see constellations. He tells her story about Orpheus and his signing capabilities. Katha questions him for telling a tragic story, Viaan tells that Orpheus did for his love as well to be reunited with her in underworld. Katha thinks that death of each lover was a tragedy. Viaan thinks that love seeks fulfillment. The lovers are together after death, togetherness was the purpose.
Ehsan gathers everyone to take a break, distributes bears among them. He notices Vanya working in the corner, point that one should enjoy in break. He cheers with Abhishek, who starts coughing. Ehsan indirectly taunts Vanya that riding a bike makes no one cool. She gabs herself a bottle, open the lid with her teeth, Ehsan fails to do so. Vanya completes the bottle before him, others ask Ehsan to back off because Vanya is very competitive. Ehsan contractor never backs out, Vanya grabs another bottle and the competition begin. At last, Ehsan fell down. Vanya asks him not to worry, it’s an age factor.

Viaan points another constellation. Katha takes a name which Viaan struggles to pronounce. The staff wants to know who is on the balcony. Katha questions, they aren’t teenagers, Viaan worries about being humiliated. Katha runs, Viaan follows. They run through hotel corridors, hide in the storeroom. A couple were sharing their feelings for each other there. The man never found girl like her; he attends the conference just to meet her. The girl remembers everything as well, their ice cream dates, dances and long drives. Viaan and Katha recall the moments they spent together.

PRECAP: Katha hears Viaan telling everyone a story about a King struggling for his love, true love knows how to give expecting nothing in return. Ehsan tells Vanya that her honeymoon period is over, Vanya loves challenges and so does Ehsan.

Update Credit to: Sona

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