Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 25th March 2022 Written Episode Update: Kashi tries to find Baji’s culprit

Kashibai Bajirao Ballal 25th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Scene 1
Kaviri tells Radha that Kashi has a tip about the man who attacked Baji. Radha thinks if Kashi finds out about the criminal then she will make a place in Baji’s heart again, I have to find that man.

Radha comes to Baji and says I found out about the man who tried to attack you. That man is coming to the mandir today as per the woman who gave me the news. Baji says I will go there. Radha says I know the woman but I can’t remember her name, she came here last year. A soldier comes there and says that woman was different. Radha looks away and tells Baji that I lied because of Kashi. Baji says what? Radha says the woman gave the news to Kashi but I didn’t want you to hear it from Kashi, don’t worry I will bring her here. Baji says there is no need.

He recalls Kashi telling him that if he goes out anywhere with her then she would win. Baji says I will go there alone to not alert the criminal, he leaves from there.

Kashi is waiting for Baji to come but sees Baji leaving the palace on his horse. Kashi says I can’t let him go there alone, what if anything happens to him? Kashi comes to Krishnarao and says I have to find out who the culprit is, Krishnarao is tense as he knows he was behind the attack. Kashi asks Krishnarao to go there and protect Baji, he leaves from there.

Baji comes to the mandir and looks for the woman who gave the news to Kashi. He keeps a shawl so no one can recognize him.

Krishnarao meets his man and says Baji can’t find that man in the mandir who attacked him. The man says I will send my other men to take him away from there. Krishnarao leaves. The man gives instructions to his soldier to kill Baji.

Kashi is praying for Baji. Radha says he went there because of you, his life is in danger now. Kashi says I thought he would take me and his soldiers with him. Radha says you don’t know Baji anymore. Kashi says maybe I don’t know him anymore but you need to understand my love for him, I have waited for him too. Radha says enough. Kashi says I am sorry but don’t doubt my love and intentions for Baji. Kashi prays for Baji’s protection. A soldier comes there and says someone has called you behind the house. Kashi looks on.

Kashi comes to the backside of the palace and looks around. A man comes there in a veil. She asks who are you? The man takes off the veil and it’s Baji. He says I need your help. Kashi smiles and says really? Baji says you know about that woman so it’s your duty to find out that culprit. Kashi nods. Baji calls his horse and they both leave.

Baji brings Kashi to the village on his horse. He holds her in his arms to bring her down from the horse, she smiles at him. They both cover themselves with shawls. Baji makes her wear the veil. They look around in the market and find the woman. The woman shows the culprit in the mandir. Baji asks Kashi to stay back. He goes to the man. The woman doesn’t let Kashi go to him. Baji grabs the man but he runs away. Kashi tells the women to run behind him and attack. Baji gets trapped by some enemies. The women run behind the culprit and catch him. Kashi tries to go to him but Krishna stops her, he says I was looking for Baji. Kashi says we have found the culprit. Krishna tries to stop the women. Baji beats the enemies. Krishna enters the crowd and silently stabs the man. Baji rushes there and finds the man dead. Baji thinks who must have killed him? He asks Krishna what are you doing here? Kashi says I called him here to protect you. Baji looks on.

Baji thinks someone is behind killing that culprit. Kashi comes there and says you have broken your first condition by talking to me so you will talk to me now. You have broken your second condition also as you went out of the palace with me. 2 out of 7 conditions have been broken, she thinks I trust my love. Baji looks on.

The episode ends

Update Credit to: Atiba

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