Kasautii Zindagii Kay 25th October 2019 Written Episode Update: Basus learn about Anurag’s marriage

Kasautii Zindagii Kay 25th October 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The Episode starts with Komolika thinking the same puja smell, I m back here. She introduces herself as Sonalika. Anurag says she saved my life, that’s why, we have got married without your permission and blessing. Everyone gets shocked. Komolika smiles. Moloy asks what are you saying, you were going to get married on the day you left from home. Komolika asks him not to remind him anything. Anupam asks her not to talk in between. Komolika says Anurag has lost his partial memory, he doesn’t remember anything that happened in the last two years. Moloy asks how can this happen, we will remind him. Anurag asks what happened, remind me. Komolik says don’t…..

Moloy tell him everything. Komolika thinks it seems like a bad episode repeat telecast. Moloy says I was on a wheelchair

for long and then I got fine, you remember. Prerna cries. Komolika asks Moloy to stop it. Anurag tries to recall and faints. They get shocked. Doctor checks Anurag. Komolika comes and says I m his wife Ko…. Sonalika, actually his treatment is already going on. She thinks I didn’t get Anurag here to fall ill, he has to get me my rights in this house. She acts in front of everyone. She says Anurag’s life is precious, he got saved by much difficulty, I was with him since a month, despite having our own hospital, we had to call specialists for him, if anything happens to him, I will be shattered, I m standing alive here, just because of him, my dad was forcing me to marry a politician’s son, so I had run away, I was driving the car in speed, then…..

FB shows the men getting Anurag to her and asking her to take Anurag to the hospital. She asks them to put him in the car. FB ends. She says I met Anurag and saved his life, he was unconscious for long time, I felt he needs me, I was with him when he got conscious. FB shows Komolika meeting Anurag when he gets conscious. He asks what’s all this, how did I come here, are you a doctor. She says no, I saved your life. He asks what, from where, what’s the time, I m getting late, I have to go. Doctor says you are unconscious since a month. Anurag says what, I have a match today. Nurse asks him to see the calendar. Anurag gets shocked seeing the date. Doctor asks him to sit and calm down. Komolika says you don’t remember me, I m your wife. FB ends. Nivedita asks when did your marriage happen.

Komolika thinks I knew Nivedita will ask this. She says he got conscious even 5 days back, I was trying to remind him, my dad reached there, he was dragging me out, he had called everyone at the temple to get me married, but Anurag came in between, maybe our fate is connected, its a miracle, Anurag married me to save me from this forceful marriage, he had clicked our pics to show it to that guy, our marriage got completed, the goons came there and attacked him, he got a head injury, thank God police had come and arrested goons, Anurag lost his memory, he didn’t remember our marriage, I got to know he lost his memory, I was happy that he just lost memory of two years, he is still in Dec 2017, its better to forget two years than forgetting everything, two years passes so soon. She thinks Anurag is out of Prerna’s hand, I m too good. She says I showed our pics to Anurag, I have the pics and videos also. They get shocked. She thinks the family will believe my story.

Komolika says its destiny, we both got saved and united. Mohini thanks and hugs her. Prerna asks Anurag to get up. Komolika says his chances to lose life is bigger than memory regaining chances. Mohini asks Prerna to leave the house.

Update Credit to: Amena


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