Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 4th February 2022 Written Episode Update: Anu and Gungun sign the deal

Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 4th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The Episode starts with Anu and Gungun deciding to meet. Yug asks why does she want to meet. Anu says you three come with me and ask her. Golu says we don’t want to come in between. Anu goes to change. Anu waits for Gungun at the café. She comes late. He asks did you see the time. She says you aren’t late. He says you are late. They start arguing. He asks why did you call me here. She says your family is equally involved in our marriage talks. He says I know, so I have come here. Waiter comes to take their order. She says I didn’t come on a date. Anu orders coffee. Gungun asks him to come to the point. He asks her to talk to her dad, it was his idea. She says no use, I don’t want to marry you. He jokes on her. She says I tried a lot, dad isn’t agreeing. Anu says I also tried,

I asked Bade Papa not to get me married to you, he left food and tortured me emotionally, I love them, so I had to agree, I have a hope from you, you just shout and cry, leave having food, threaten of leaving the house. She says I have tried all this, but I failed, I agreed to dad because I have no job, I didn’t lose courage like you, I will try my best.

He says very good. She says so I said yes. He asks what, why, you said you don’t want to marry me. She says I won’t be with you all life. He says you will run away with the jewellery. She asks what. He says you think I m a thief, I agreed to dad and kept a condition, if I come first in BA next year, then I will break this marriage. He smiles. He says you think you will win this bet. She says I find studies boring, so I failed, but you are more boring, I have to come first to get rid of you. He asks can you do this miracle. She says yes. He asks did your dad agree. She says yes, he also thinks that I can’t come first. He says awesome, I will pray that you come first next year, imagine, I know good tutors, they charge good. She says dad will pay. He asks will you come first. She says yes. He says just keep your promise. She says it’s a deal, we will sign this, you shouldn’t do any drama after a year, read it and sign. He says you are not so foolish. She asks him to sign. He signs the papers. She smiles. He asks where is my copy. She asks him to click a pic.

He thanks her. She says just 365 days between us and our freedom. He says I will get my peace back. She says I have a BF. He says poor guy. She says BFs keep changing, I m warning you to not talk to me when my mood is bad. He says I won’t talk even when your mood is good, I knew you will talk of breaking this marriage, so I got a chocolate as a token of thanks. She says keep it back, I also got a chocolate for you, I knew you will sign the papers, I hate you. He says I hate you too. She says perfect. She goes to order milkshake. She says we want this hatred in the relation, your family is too good, you stay away and don’t interfere in my personal life. He says you too. She picks the chocolate and goes. Anu thinks the day wasn’t bad, I have to tolerate her for a year. He takes the chocolate. She thinks I have to focus on studies now.

Anu comes home. He sees everyone in his room. They see the chocolate with him and tease him. They ask Anu to tell in detail what happened. Anu says you really wan to know. He starts telling them. He says Gungun had come late. Golu says beautiful girls don’t come on time, she would have said sorry and gave the chocolate. Anu says no way, I scolded her. Neeti asks what, you scolded her, what did you take for her. Anu says I also took chocolate for her. Golu teases him. He asks him to put romance and love in the story. Anu says its not your dinosaur story, it’s the truth, its boring. Golu says think, Anu and Gungun reached there before time. Anu says this didn’t happen, she came late. They all imagine a romantic story. Anu goes away. Golu asks him to stop. Ankit says I left Khushi downstairs and came here to hear the good story, I got disappointed. Golu says thank Ankit, he took Khushi outside and then Riddhesh came home, so Gungun came in Anu’s life. Ankit says I m the cupid. Anu says I have done something for Gungun, so she gave me the chocolate. They ask what did you do. Anu says I signed a paper for her. Golu says it would be court marriage form, we will get grand marriage done. Yug and Golu dance. Anu says she took the step to break the marriage, I signed the deal of breaking the marriage, so she gave me the chocolate.

Anu is called on the stage. Everyone claps for him. Gungun says he is flying high today. Anu sings. Gungun likes his singing. Everyone claps and stop. Gungun continues to clap for him. Everyone looks at her.

Update Credit to: Amena


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