Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 10th May 2022 Written Episode Update: Anu’s lie is caught

Kabhi Kabhie Ittefaq Sey 10th May 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The Episode starts with Maya accusing Anu. Anu says not everyone is the same, he doesn’t love Gungun’s money, he really cares for her. She asks him to care for his wife. She says I m here for Gungun, does Akriti know that you are here. He says I m not a kid to report her. She says you lie and come here, it means you are after Gungun’s property. Anu asks Gungun does she think the same. Gungun signs no. She says I don’t want you to come here. Maya says I m taking Gungun to US. Anu says fine, I won’t come if you want, I will keep my promise and come to help whenever you need me. He leaves.

Everyone sees the pics of wedding. Chavi says institute has transferred Akriti to other dept. Chandru says they won’t work together. Sargam asks why did they decide so. Akriti says don’t

know. She thinks why did dean do this. Anu comes home. They ask about his changed behavior. He says I m busy, I m coming from lab now. Akriti says lie, I had called Rishi, he said you left much time before. They argue.

Sunanda asks him was he in lab. He says yes, I was working alone, so my colleagues don’t know. She asks him to sit, she will get food for him. She gets the food plate. She says I worry for you, so I wanted to know where you were. Sunanda says she worries for you. Maya calls Akriti. She says I had come to India for Riddhesh’s tervi, I called to invite you. Akriti says really sorry for your loss, is Gungun fine. Maya says no, I will take her with me to US. Akriti says really, you are doing right, I was worried for her. Maya says I can’t leave her alone, many people are eyeing her wealth. Akriti asks is her husband going along, Gungun has sindoor in her maang. Maya says I didn’t notice that, you worry about your husband, I have seen her in Gungun’s room today, I m surprised that you don’t know it, I had called to invite you. Akriti gets angry and scolds Anu for the lie. She says you were with Gungun. Everyone asks Anu is this true. He says yes. Charu and everyone scold Anu. Charu says he lied to us, he never hid anything from us, he is disobeying us now, its useless to talk to him. He goes. Sargam asks why did you start lying. Anu says because no one can tolerate the truth, I had lied to avoid this drama.

Akriti I says don’t know how much you lied, I will find out and then show it. She goes. Gungun sits talking to Riddhesh’s pic and cries. Maya comes and asks her to sign the papers, they are selling the house. Gungun says its my dad’s house. Maya asks her to wind up things and come to US. Gungun says you can sell anything but not this house. Maya asks do you know about your dad’s investments. Gungun says yes, there is a flat, villa and farmhouse, you can sell anything you want but not this house, I have my dad’s memories here, memories can’t be sold. Maya says you have to sell the house. Gungun says never, I will see how you sell it, take the money and go. Maya goes. Gungun says I have to go from here, but I won’t sell this house. Akriti shows the shirt to Anu and asks about sindoor marks. He says I don’t know, you tell me. She asks would I ask if I knew. She argues. She says you are married now. He says Gungun is going to US, you said this when you spoke to Maya. He leaves. Maya talks on call. She asks Gungun where is she going. Gungun asks why do you ask. Maya says I have to talk to you about sindoor, Akriti said you had sindoor in your maang and told them that you got married, I know it was your prank but I want to confirm, you lost your dad, don’t behave like this, you will get US visa today, then we will go. Gungun asks will I stay happy there. She says I wasn’t happy there, I agreed due to personal reasons. She recalls Ronnie. Maya asks what reasons.

Anu stops Gungun’s car and says you are going to US. Gungun says no one cries for me. He says I do care. She says ask Akriti to not talk about my marriage with anyone. He says she won’t listen. She asks why, she is your wife. He says you are my wife.

Update Credit to: Amena


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