Categories: Kaamna

Kaamna 14th February 2022 Written Episode Update: Manav is called to the school of Yatharth

Kaamna 14th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Karan says to Yatho that they are going to go outside where he can even talk with his mother, Manav places his hand on karan’s shoulder exclaim that if he even thinks about talking to Yatharth for that woman then he would not think even for a second to turn to an evil person.

Manav reaches the office when he thinks that now everyone would know the truth since Khushal would have revealed it, when Amita comes asking him if he is fine and where is Akanksha since she did not come back even after all that happened when he asks her to thank Pankaj for taking care of everything in the police station, she replies it was not Pankaj but Khushal jee who took care of everything, he turns to see Khushal who is tensed and Manav going to him asks Khushal jee to come into his cabin.

Khushal entering the

office questions what has happened when Manav comes to hug him apologizing for what happened yesterday when Khushal apologized and accepts he might have seen someone else but Manav exclaims Khushal was right as Akanksha has indeed left him for someone else but he never wanted Yatho to find it from someone else and he would himself reveal it, Khushal exclaims he has not said anything to Yatharth nor will he say anything but it is his request that Manav should himself reveal the truth to Yatharth, Manav receives a call from the school and he is immediately called to meet Sakshi madam.

Manav rushes to the school where he tries asking the students however, they do not respond, a peon then asks Manav who does he want to meet, as they can find Sakshi madam anywhere the peon takes him to Sakshi, but she asks him to wait for some time, Manav gets really irritated then exclaims that she called him to come urgently but is now asking him to wait, Sakshi asks the peon to take the student away then she coming to Manav asks him to blow a balloon but then Manav questions if she called him here just for this reason but then Sakshi insists so Manav is able to blow the balloon when Sakshi mentions that this technique was used by centuries to calm people who are restless and she feels he needs to also remain calm, he asks about Yatharth when Sakshi replies he is not well, Manav immediately questions if he hurt or is injured when Sakshi informs that they only assume that it is some physical injury but they can sometime by mental, she asks Manav about the performance of Yatharth in his previous school, he says Yatho would get good grades, she shows him the report card seeing which Manav is shocked, when Sakshi informs that he failed in four subjects.

Vibhav introduces Akanksha to the designer, they show her the dress, seeing which Akanksha is really excited, but she asks Vibhav what is the need when Vibhav informs there is a party at the office and she is the guest of honour which is why he wanted her to see the dress, as the perfect thing doesnot need any improvement but he wants the best, Akanksha accidentally calls him Manav hearing which he gets really angry but then exclaims that she must not be worried.

Manav is with Sakshi when she exclaims that he has not been able to give any attention to his son even when the school has given him multiple notices on the diary but they did not respond, in these times the mother gives more attention but she feels they are not responsible towards their children, Sakshi informs that even his friend Ayesha also told them that Yatharth has started stammering, Manav questions how long has she known him when Sakshi accepts she doesnot know him a lot, he says even then she is saying he has a problem but Sakshi informs she is trained Psychiatrist however Manav replies these are just the rituals of these big schools as they need to justify their fees, Sakshi replies she is informing his son has stammering issue but this is his reaction, Sakshi explains that in order to counter such mental problems they have to interfere and talk first with the parents then the children.

There school break starts when Ayesha scolds the student to not tell anyone, she tries to sign but the pen is not working so she throws it however it is about hit Manav and he just dodges it, she apologizes to him but before he can say anything then Yatharth suddenly calls him and runs to hug Manav, Ayesha is stunned so exclaims he is the father of Yatharth and then she once again apologizes, Yatharth exclaims that he was going to pick him up from the bus stop but Manav said that his school called him to inform about the secret, Manav asks if he had a fever then why did he not tell him, Yatho replies because he would have gotten tensed, Manav informs he is the father and being a parent would never be tensed if he has to care for his son, so from now on he would always speak the truth. Manav mentions he has to tell Yatharth a secret and but before that Yatharth mentions how he asked Ayesha didi to sign on his diary. Manav appreciates Ayesha for taking care of her friend but informs that it is not right to forge the signatures, Ayesha explains she did it because Yatho was getting punished every day, Manav replies she would be thinking she is helping him but in reality, is only hiding his faults, he makes her promise to not do it again.

Manav then gives Yatharth a phone for speaking the truth, he mentions it has some conditions so asks Yatho if he knows the reason, he is getting the mobile. Yatho says so he can talk to him when Manav mentions it is so only then can talk but there is a condition and he should only talk with him, he advises them to not use it in school or show off. Yatharth also makes Manav promise that he will never drink again, Manav apologizes for last night and agrees to never drink.

Precap: Yatharth is in the school when Akanksha goes to meet him however he runs away when she calls him. karan suggests to Yatho that they can go outside where he can talk with his mother, Manav takes Karan by the collar exclaiming if he ever takes the name of that women then he will become someone else.

Update Credit to: Sona

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