Fan Fiction

a journey of twinj love (Part 1)

Hi guys manu here i know many of u r angry on me but trudt me i am very busy now a days i will try to post the epi also very soon today i got lit time so thought to write something so i am here with a journey of twinj it is not a os or ff. Its just a journey of our twinj how was their luv story. I want to refresh your plus my mood so here it is a short summary of our twinj love how our twinj love face problem but despite of that their love won the journey begins with our

Tw who’s mother leela wants her to marry kunj. Tw in starting dont know about this. Twinj first met in gurudware but didn’t see eo but destiny wants that both should be together. Then at party they met first. Tw in the arms of ku. Ku loves his mother a lot but father. His father’s behaviour was not good with his mother that’s why kunj hates manohar but somewhere he has respect and love for his father. Ku was a popular bachelor. Manohar and leela talk to twinj about their marriage but kunj loves alisha and tw loves uv. Then they decided to do drama and fake function 3 months and then ku with alisha and tw with uv. Uv didnt luv tw and was taking revenge for his mother and alisha also luvs kunj’s money. Then incident happen with tw and all blames ku infact tw also when no one was ready to marry tw our ku supported her and stand for her. Both ku and tw get marry to eo and from their start their TASHAN E ISHQ. Leela get to know about tw and uv. And she gets miffed with tw. Tw gets broken and cries than our kunj

Support her and console her. Bebe didnt knew that twinj hates eo. She planned a honeymoon trip for twinj. Twinj goes to goa there uv scares tw and then also our kunj support her stand for her. Then uv evil plans that his memory lost then ku didnt trusted tw but tw protected ku in every possible way and uv truths came out and in ny party ku eats poison by mistakenly and tw protect ku and in tw birthday ku slaps tw but then he promised that it is last time and un gurudware tw realises her luv for ku. And with thennok jhok and the trust& respect for eo both fall in luv for eo. They were about to confess their luv but monu’s comaa incident and all blames tw . Tw knows abut what happened with monu. But she didnt expose in media. Ku trust her but he was miffed why tw didnt told him. Tw was out from sarna mansion & she lives ot taneja mansion. Then she came back & strts the wedding planner business. K was miffed with tw but when tw gets any type of problem ku was always there. And finally in rajjo’s marriage track twinj confess their luv. When mahi dies tw breaks down whn ku supported her thw aftr tw get to know abut ku disease. She want to tell him but he didnt listen and tw protects ku. And when ku get to know abut it he acts to be happy. That time uv’s 3 condition then only he will give kunj blood. Tw can do anyrhing for her ku so she accepts & uv gets marry with tw by his evil plans.ku consoles tw & tell her that our relation is made by god. We will always be together. And wirh much difficulties twinj gets remarried.uv also gets change but ku didnt except it. And in leela’s success party ku sees tw and uv together in bed & geys teary eyed media raosed ques. But ku trusted tw. His love didnt decrease for hercand from babaji also wished only for tw for her smile his tw’s happiness and aftr that tw feels somerhing strange that simething will happen to ku. They go to goa. There twinj enjoyed &wajah tum ho scene (sry i am lit girl cant describe it) and nxt day ku gets soty award and dedicates to his lovely wife mrs tw ku sarna and tw ties a bracelet in kunj hand and says this is for u ku smiles and says marte dam tak sath rakhunga and both bit bye to eo. And that day ku got shoot by anita &he……..aftr that tw came to chruch she knew norhing happen to ku & remember church scenes & prays to god for her ku and inspector declared ku dead. And tw cry and said mai nhi jee pa rhi hu tumhare bina ku and she cries bitterly……

They r not together but their love will never die

And i guess that time only our ku died for us and naman shaw he is rocky for us not our ku.
I hope u all like it & hope i am able to describe it well and i want eacha nd every reader to comment if i made u smile just for a sec by this journey then comment below…..bye bye


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