Fan Fiction

Ishqbaaz 8 Years Later- Shivika, Ishkara and Rumya- FF by Luna (Episode 33)

Hi friends, I hope that u liked the twist in the last episode and didn’t got disappointed. Here’s the link of my previous episodes:

Note: This episode is a complete flashback going on Ishana’s mind. This flashback shows the incidents happened 8 years ago. In the flashback, Tej is about to get divorced with Jhanvi so that he can marry Svetlana. Om is taking therapy from Ishana, who he thinks is a Psychologist But in reality, Ishana is a con girl hired by Svetlana to trap Om and make him fall in love with her. Shivaye and Tia are about to get married and Anika is their wedding planner. In all this, Mallika runs away from her wedding and lands in the Oberoi mansion.

Recap: It’s revealed that Ishana is hired by Svetlana to trap Om in his fake love.


Scene 1(Tia’s house): Tia is sitting on her bed and crying . Mrs Kapoor enters the room, goes and sits besides Tia.
Mrs Kapoor: Tia…I’m so sorry that I slapped u….I know that I gave my whole life planning and plotting against Oberois and that’s why I never got time for my children….I failed as a parent… but Tia, u know who is responsible for this??? The Oberois….They spoiled your childhood….They destroyed our whole life…..Because of them only, your father is not alive.
Tia(sulking): But mom…I can’t break Robin’s heart….I love him and he also loves me….I can’t marry Shivaye…plz try to understand.
Mrs Kapoor(holds Tia ‘s hands and says): Tia….don’t u love your dad….u don’t want to take revenge from the Oberois??? I’ll talk to Robin…I’ll make him understand…and he’ll understand, I promise….I’m not asking u to spend your whole life with Shivaye….Once we take our revenge, you can come back to Robin…don’t u love your mom and dad Tia (tears roll down Mrs Kapoor’s eyes and she sulks).
Tia(emotionally): But mom…
Mrs Kapoor: Plz Tia….if u love your mom and dad, then plz marry Shivaye…it’s very important for me….plz Tia…I beg in front of u.(Mrs Kapoor folds her hands )
Tia(crying): Mom..what are u doing??? I love u a lot…but…I…I just can’t.
Mrs Kapoor: Can’t u give a small sacrifice for your mom?? For your dad???
Tia gets silent and gives no respond.
Mrs Kapoor(emotionally): Tia…plz marry Shivaye, for me for your dad’s sake.
Tia(after thinking for a minute): uh…okay mom…if that makes u happy…then fine.
Mrs Kapoor: Thanks alot Tia….I know that it would have been very difficult for u…I really understand.
Mrs Kapoor hugs Tia and smiles….Tia feels sad…Mrs Kapoor smiles and leaves from the room.
Tia(after Mrs Kapoor leaves): I’m sorry Robin…I’m really sorry.
Mrs Kapoor after coming out of Tia’s room gives a wicked smile and says,” what a great actor I am…This emotional blackmailing always works. ” Mrs Kapoor leaves from there and at the same time Robin enters, Tia’s room. Tia was still in tears.
Robin(seeing Tia crying): Tia??? What happened??? (Robin goes and sits besides Tia.)
Tia(crying): Robin…I’m sorry….I know, I’m hurting u…but I’ve no other option…I’ve to marry Shivaye.
Robin(getting angry): what are u saying Tia??? U said that u will say no to your mom, that u can’t marry Shivaye.
Tia: But Robin….I can’t do anything….Robin baby….plz understand….Mom wants to take revenge from the Oberois because of my father’s death….and I’ve to support my mom.
Robin(furiously): I don’t know anything Tia….u can’t leave me…u can’t marry that Shivaye..(Robin in anger holds Tia by her shoulders aggressively)
Tia(crying): uh…Robin..u r hurting me.
Robin(shouts in anger): I don’t care….u can’t marry Shivaye…..u r only mine Tia…Only mine.
Tia(emotionally): I’m sorry Robin.
Robin too gets emotional and was just about to cry but he controls it and walks out of the room without saying a word.
Tia(seeing Robin leaving): Robin….where are u going??? Plz listen to me baby…(Tia gets up and tries to stop him…Tia again cries.
Tia(thinking): I don’t understand, what should I do now???

After few hours…..
Scene 2(Tia’s house): Tia is still sitting in her room….She was very depressed…She was still not ready to marry Shivaye….She didn’t want to hurt Robin but she can’t go against her mom. Mrs Kapoor enters
Mrs Kapoor: Tia….c’mon… get ready…we have to go to Oberoi mansion to discuss about the reception.
Tia: Mom…now???
Mrs Kapoor: yeah…now….you knew na.
Tia: Mom…..I’m not in a mood to go right now…We’ll go some other day.
Mrs Kapoor(smirking): Tia….u know na that Oberois are very busy people…..We already decide that we’ll go meet today only…so c’mon…get ready.
Tia(half heartedly): Okay..fine….

Mrs Kapoor and Tia get ready and leave for the Oberoi mansion….After they leave, after half an hour, Anika enters Tia’s house. Anika was standing at the main entrance.
Anika(looking at the house): Don’t know why these rich people make such big houses.
A Servant sees Anika and goes to her.
Servant(to Anika): yes…what do you want????
Anika: uh…I want to meet Tia and Mrs Kapoor…I’m Tia’s wedding planner…I wanted them to chose the design of the wedding cards….as I’ve get them printed.
Servant: Tia madam and Mrs Kapoor are not in home…..They have left for Oberoi Mansion.
Anika: when????
Servant: Just half an hour ago.
Anika: oh…It’s my fault…I should have called Tia before coming to her house…okay, I’ll meet them in Oberoi mansion only.

Anika turns towards the door and was about to leave, when a maid comes running from behind, shouting in panic.
Servant : what happened??? Why are u so scared???
Maid(scared): wo…Robin sir…
Servant: Robin sir???w hat happened to Robin sir???
Maid: u just come with me.
The servant and the maid run towards Robin’s room. Anika listens to the whole conversation, and wonders what happened. She goes behind the servants. All the servants of Tia’s house anong with Anika reach Robin’s room and find that Robin has closed the door and they see through the window, that Robin is trying to hang himself from the ceiling fan. Anika gets shocked seeing that.
Servant(banging at the door): Robin sir…what are u doing??? Plz open the door.
Anika(to the servant): what are u waiting for??? Just break the door.
The servant listens to Anika and breaks the door. They enter the room and see that Robin has hanged himself from ceiling fan but hasn’t died yet. All the male servants hold Robin’s legs and bring him down. They make him sit on the bed.
Servant: Sir…what were u trying to do???
Robin(shouts in anger): Why did u saved me??? (Robin gets up from the bed and slaps the servant.)
Anika: But Robin…why were u trying to commit suicide??
Robin(furiously): who are u to ask me that question…just leave from here…it’s my life and I’ll decide
Anika: But Robin…its not right…think about Tia and your mom.
Robin(furiously): Just get out of my house now.
Servant(to Anika): Mam….plz …leave.
Anika: okay…I’m leaving…but plz take care of him….and call Tia and Mrs kappor.
Robin(shouts at Anika): Don’t u understand??? Just leave. And u all also…just leave my room, now…

Anika turns back and was about to leave when she sees a piece of paper lying on the floor. Anika picks it up. It was Robin’s suicide note…Anika reads a few lines of the suicide note and gets shopcked. She turns back and looks at Robin. Then without saying anything, she straightaway, moves out of the oom. Anika comes out of Tia’s house main gate and reads the whole letter.

What written in the suicide note was:
“ Tia,
I’m sorry for taking such a drastic step…I know that u will get hurt and I’ve no other option…I just can’t see u getting married with Shivaye despite knowing that u r my wife….I know that u have your own reasons for marrying Shivaye and I understand it. I never thought our love story will end like this, butI always loved u Tia, despite your flaws. But still I can’t forgive u, of what u did with me.

Your love,
Robin aka Dushyant. “

Anika(shocked): Dushyant??? What’s this???

Anika was still dealing with shock that she got just now, meanwhile, Robin also comes out of Tia’s house in anger. Anika sees Robin and gets scared. Robin sees his suicide note in Anika’s hand and gets shocked.
Robin: u r still here??? and what’s that??? Give it to me.
Anika: Dushyant??? Right???
Robin(scared): I said, give it back to me.
Anika: U r Tia’s husband??? Right???
Robin(furiously): Just shut up…I said give me the letter.
Robin comes close to Anika to snatch the letter from her. Anika tries to move away from Robin.
Anika: u don’t want Tia to marry Shivaye, right???
Robin: just give me my letter(Robin snatches the letter from Anika)
Anika: Take it, but now I know your truth.
Robin: No one is gonna believe u.
Anika(grinning): Don’t u think that people should believe me????
Robin: What are u saying???
Anika: u love Tia na, and that’s why u were trying to commit suicide…bcoz Tia is marrying Shivaye???
Robin(furiously): It’s non of your business.
Anika: If u love Tia, then why don’t fight for her????
Robin: what do u mean???
Anika grins looking at Robin.

At the same time….
Scene 3: Tia and Mrs kapoor are on their way back home in the car. Tia gets a call from the servant of their house. Tia picks it up.
Tia: Hello.
Servant: Tia Madam…Robin sir tried to commit suicide.
Tia(shocked): What?? what are u saying??? Have u gone mad.
Mrs Kapoor: what happen Tia???
Servant: Madam, I’m saying the truth…Robin sir tried to hang himself from the ceiling fan….but we saved him and he is fine….but…
Tia(scared): But?? But what???
Servant: Robin sir got very angry on us….and he went outside.
Tia(scared): but where???

Servant: I don’t know ma…but Sir was very angry, when he left.
Tia(furiously): Why didn’t u follow him???
Servant: madam…I got scared…Robin sir told not to go behind him.
Tia(furiously): and u listened to him???
Servant : But madam…
Tia(shouting): Just shut up…If anything happened to my Robin, then I’m not gonna leave u.
Tia cuts the call.
Mrs kapoor: Tia… what happened???
Tia: Driver, drive fast.
Mrs Kapoor: Tia…will u tell me anything.
Tia(shouts in anger): This all happened because of u mom….because of u Robin tried to commit suicide.
Mrs Kapoor: What??? Robin tried to commit suicide.
Tia(angry): yes, and now…I don’t where Robin is??? What if he again tried to commit suicide…
Mrs Kapoor: Don’t worry Tia…we will find Robin.
Tia(gets emotional): I told u that I can’t marry Shivaye….but u forced me, and now see what happened??? Mom..If anything happened to Robin, then I’m never gonna forgive u.
Mrs Kapoor(thinking): This Robin…after so much difficulties, I convinced Tia to marry Shivaye and he again spoiled everything.
Tia(crying): where are u Robin??? Plz come back.

After few hours….
Scene 4(Tia’s house): It’s 8:00 pm….Tia is sitting on the sofa in the main hall. She’s crying. Mrs Kapoor is trying to console her.
Mrs Kapoor: Don’t worry Tia…Police is trying to search for Robin…they will soon find him.
Tia(crying): Stop it mom…I know that u don’t care about me or Robin…U only care about your revenge.
Mrs Kapoor: That’s not true Tia…I care about u a lot….I’m your mom after all.
Tia(crying): Mom, plz leave me alone…Oh My Robin…plz come back baby.

Suddenly, the door bell rangs.
Mrs Kapoor: whose there at this time???
The servant opens the main door. It was Shivaye. Shivaye enters Tia’s house. Tia and Mrs Kapoor get surprised seeing Shivaye, at thattime. Seeing Shivaye, Tia wipes her tears.
Mrs Kapoor(thinking): what is Shivaye doing here???
Shivaye walks towards Mrs Kapoor and Tia.
Shivaye: Hello Mrs Kapoor…Hi Tia.
Tia(giving a fake smile): Hi Shivaye baby.
Mrs Kapoor(suspiciously): Shivaye..u??? at…this time???
Shivaye( smiling): why??? I can’t come to my would be wife’s house??
Mrs Kapoor: Of course u can…shivaye.
Shivaye: Then??? Well…I’m very angry with u all…robin has gone missing and u all didn’t even informed me???
Mrs Kapoor(scared): Robin??? U knew about that???
Shivaye: of course, I know…And I’ve even found him.
Tia: what ??? u have found Robin????
Shivaye: yeah Tia…I have..
Tia: where is he???
Shivaye: Robin…come inside.
Robin enters the house along with Anika. Mrs Kapoor and Tia get shocked seeing Robin with Anika. Seeing Robin, Tia gets emotional. She runs towards him and hugs him. Both cry.
Tia: Robin, u r fine…how can u even think of committing suicide???? Didn’t u even thought that without u how will I live??? How can u do that??
Robin: Then what should I’ve done Tia…I can’t see u marrying Shivaye.
Shivaye(grins looking at Robin and Tia): Hmm…so much love between husband and wife… adorable.
Mrs kapoor(shocked): what?? What are saying Shivaye???..uh… Husband-wife…I…I didn’t got it???(Tia too gets shocked)
Shivaye(turning to Mrs Kapoor): U will soon get it…Khanna!!!
Khanna too enters from the main door and goes to Shivaye. He hands some documents to Shivaye
Shivaye(showing the documents to Mrs Kapoor): This is the marriage certificate of Tia and Dushyant aka Robin.
Mrs Kapoor: what??? Have u gone mad Shivaye…Robin is Tia‘s brother.
Shivaye(furiously): of course…I’m disgusted to even think…that u turned a relationship of husband-wife into brother-sister.
Mrs Kapoor: Shivaye..what u r not true????
Shivaye(shouting): Just Shut up…shut up…I don’t even want to talk to u all…I don’t even want to see the face of u all…..I feel disgusted…..and U Tia(Shivaye turns to Tia and goes to her) u r most cheap, disgusting girl I’ve ever seen in my life….u agreed to marry me just for the sake of money??? How much money u want??? 100 crores??? 200 crores??? How much??? Tell me.
Mrs Kapoor(thinking):Money… what is Shivaye even saying??? What did Robin even told him???
Tia(getting emotional): Shivaye…I was forced by my mom.
Shivaye(furiously): No u were not…If u were forced then would have came to me and told the truth…but no….U didn’t…that means…u were also interested in my property… right???
Mrs kapoor(thinking): What the hell is saying???
Tia(confused): Shivaye…what are u saying?? It’s not true.
Shivaye(shouting): Dushyant has told me everything….and u r still lying??? Do u have any shame left Tia??? Tia, U r a disgrace to womanhood.
Robin(angry): Shivaye, u can’t talk to Tia like that..
Shivaye slaps Robin in anger.
Tia(crying): Shivaye…How dare u slap Robin???
Shivaye(to Robin): Just shut up…..I can dare of doing much more than this. …and Mrs Kapoor, don’t think that I’ll leave u all so easily…..I’ll use all my sources to destroy your whole family….just wait and watch.
Tia(crying): Shivaye….I can explain everything to u.
Mrs Kapoor: Leave it Tia….Shivaye knows the whole truth now….now we can’t do anything.
Shivaye: Right Mrs Kapoor, Now u can’t do anything other than seeing your company going bankrupt.
Shivaye, Anika and Khanna leave from Tia’s house.

To Be Continued……

No Precap.

Sorry Guys, I know that u all got bored with this episode with so much Tia drama, but it was necessary to move the story, and that’s why I rushed it. Upcoming episodes will be entertaining, I promise. Plz comment and give your views.

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