Fan Fiction


“How are my babies today” Anika pulled the cheeks of her 3 year old Aayan and Shivaay.
“We’re fine” they replied monotonously.
“Awww are my babies angry with me” Anika cooed.
“No” they lied.
“OK then give me my morning kiss soon” Anika said pointing at her cheeks.
“We’re not in the mood today”They replied in union.
” So you’ll are angry will my little Prince’s tell me why they are angry” Anika asked.

“No, you figure it out” Shivaay said walking out of the room with Aayan.
The whole day Anika tried to figure out why her babies were angry with her but couldn’t. The duo decided to ignore her totally that they went on a long drive spending almost half the day out without her.
“Papa Anita aunty is very sweet na” Aayan said.
“Ya and she’s also funny” Shivaay added.
Anika was burning in a mixture of anger and jealousy that she felt like strangling Anita’s neck. “Sautan ka bachi” she whispered. Anika decided to carry Aayan to bed and tuck him in.

“Aayan come to mama jaan” She opened her arms.
“No, papa will make me sleep today” Aayan spoke back.
Anika was taken back. So she decided to fake a fall so they’d feel sorry for her but instead of the kisses she wished for she found the duo ignore her. Anika decided to freshen up and when she returned she overheard the father son conversation.
“Papa I think we’ve turned old mama doesn’t love us anymore but don’t worry I love you a lot” Aayan said kissing Shivaay.

“That’s true and I love you too” Shivaay hugged his baby.
Anika finally realized why they were angry. She forgot to tell that she loved them last night. “Drama kings” she whispered.
Anika walked towards the duo with 2 sorry cards and explained how much she loved her drama kings for which the two happily accepted.

“We love you too” The father son duo confessed kissing her cheek pulling her to bed to sleep. They turned the lights off and after a million kisses they finally retired to bed. Anika pecked Shivaay’s lips and Aayan’s forhead she looked at her son that slept on Shivaay’s body. She placed her head on his left arm and snuggled closer smiling contently. The Moon witnessed one more night of togetherness wishing it’ll last forever.

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