Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 8th January 2021 Written Episode Update: Riddhima convinces Vansh

Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 8th January 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima being on the way. She falls asleep. He drives and looks at her. He thinks when I see you, I regret that I didn’t get the first rights on your love, its hard for me to tolerate this. He stops the car. She asks did the temple come. He says hotel, the journey is long, we shall take a break, we will freshen up and then go to temple. She says fine.

They come to the temple and climb the stairs. She gets hurt. He asks what happened. She says I think its a sprain. He asks can you walk. She says yes, one min. He says we will go back if there is much problem. She says no, we won’t go back after coming here, its fine, I can tolerate this pain. She tries to walk. He lifts her and takes her. She looks at him. Tujhme rab dikhta hai…..plays….


thinks he is angry, but still he cares for me, this care and love, its the hope for me. They come upstairs to the temple. He drops her down. She thanks him. The pandit says your rasam is complete. Vansh says we just came, we didn’t do any rasam. The man says you lifted her and got her here. Vansh says she had a foot sprain, she couldn’t climb the stairs, so I got her. The man says that’s the rasam, people come here to pray for their companionship for 7 births, husband lifts wife and gets her here to the temple, your rasam is completed. He blesses them. He says there is a story, a married couple was coming to this temple, they had annoyance, the wife jumped down the mountain, Mata rani saved her, today, there is an eternal story of the couple here. Riddhima asks about the mountain. The pandit shows the mountain. She smiles. The pandit asks Vansh to fill sindoor in her maang. Vansh turns to go. The sindoor falls. The pandit asks what did you do, you made the sindoor fall. He asks Maiyya to forgive Vansh. Vansh leaves. Riddhima also leaves.

Riddhima goes to Vansh. She sings Tujhe pyaar karte karte….. She tries to convince him. He stays angry. She kisses his hands. He turns to go. She runs after him and stops. He makes her away. His hand gets hurt. He says stop it, I can’t behave like nothing happened. She says you dropped the sindoor, I m your wife, why didn’t you fill sindoor in my maang. He says marriage is a pure relation, you married me on Kabir’s saying. He scolds her and walks away. She recalls pandit’s words. She says Vansh, you wanted to know to what extent can I go for your love, I can’t take anyone’s life, but I can give my life for your love, I m going to jump down this cliff, like you had jumped down the cliff for my sake, because I love you. He asks her to stop it. She says no Vansh, it started with cheat, but it will end with faith. He runs to save her. She jumps down. He jumps and holds her hand. Ishq mein marjawan….plays… He takes support from the tree. She asks why do you want to save me, let me die. He says stop the nonsense.

She says what will I do knowing you don’t love me, what will I do if you are not with me, just remember that I have loved you till my last breath, leave me. He pulls her up. The tree bark breaks. He falls to the down side of the cliff. She gets saved. She shouts Vansh, wait I will save you. She shouts for help. She asks him to hold her shawl. He holds the shawl and comes up. She hugs him. Ishq mein marjawan….plays… She asks did you go mad to do this, if anything happened to you, how could I bear the pain of losing you again, now I will not let you go away from me. Dil ye tere bina….plays… He holds her. She asks him to forgive her. She says I promise, I will never hurt you. He says its going to be night, come. She nods. They leave. She plays the radio. They hear about Manali’s bad weather. She says I think weather didn’t get bad for no reason, I think its a sign that we spend time together. They hear about the land slide. She says maybe we can’t travel. He says there is one option left now.

Riddhima looks for Vansh and panics. She prays for him. A car speeds towards her. She falls aside and gets hurt. She cries.

Update Credit to: Amena


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