Categories: Ishk Par Zor Nahin

Ishk Par Zor Nahin 24th June 2021 Written Episode Update: Ishqi gets kidnapped

Ishk Par Zor Nahin 24th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Chachi asking Ishqi will she do this ritual. Maasi says Ishqi will do it, don’t worry. Ishqi goes. Dadi cries and says I knew it, Ishqi won’t do it, I can’t lose Ahaan, I can’t live without you, convince her. Ahaan wipes Dadi’s tears. He goes. Ishqi asks Maasi to support her. Maasi asks what will happen if you do this ritual for their happiness. Ishqi asks her to get an educated and sorted tree for her. She asks do we have a dignity or not, this thing has no logic. Ahaan comes. Ishqi refuses. He says I know, but agree for Dadi. She argues with him. He says I have no objection with your thinking, its not your mistake, but there is kundli dosh. She says I didn’t write my kundli. He says Dadi has lost her son, when its about her grandchildren, she forgets the logic,

I remember the day when my dad died, Dadi used to cry at night, she used to feel guilty, if she kept any fast or did puja, then this would have not happened, I would have done anything if it was about your safety, think about it once, please. He goes.

Kartik asks did you go to convince Ishqi. He argues with Ahaan. Ahaan says I m already stressed. Kartik says talk to Dadi and explain her, what will you tell Ishqi if Dadi tells some weird things again, will you always convince her. Ahaan says I m not doing this for myself, but family. Kartik asks would you agree to marry a goat, its insulting. Riya says plan worked, brilliant. Dadi says because you didn’t plan this, you know what to do now. Riya says yes and goes.

Ishqi says its insulting for me. Maasi says yes, but he is agreeing to Dadi. Riya comes and supports Ishqi. Ishqi says even Riya isn’t okay with this. Maasi says you have to listen to Dadi. Riya says Ishqi left the job offer for Ahaan, its about the sacrifice. Ahaan recalls Ishqi’s words. Dadi comes and says I have thought a lot, if Ishqi didn’t agree, then its okay, you listen to Ishqi, she doesn’t believe this, I believe this but I will give up on this for your sake. She cries. He says I will talk to Ishqi once and come. She thinks Ahaan will break this marriage. Ahaan asks Maasi where is Ishqi. Maasi says she is in the quarters, she said she wants to stay alone for sometime. He goes and knocks the door. He says I know you are upset, we have faced many problems together and will face this also. He gets in. He looks for her. He gets Ishqi’s letter… I m sorry, I can’t do this, I m leaving, I can’t get insulted by your family. He gets shocked. He comes out. Maasi reads the letter. Everyone reads the letter. Ahaan thinks Ishqi left me, she chose her stubbornness over love.

Ishqi is kidnapped. Sarla says Ishqi is a black cat who just makes bad omen, she has a habit to run away from mandap, Mayank was a wrong guy, why did she leave Ahaan, he is a gem. Dadi says he just truly loved her, I made a mistake, I will fix it, call Ishqi, I will apologize to her, I will tell her that she doesn’t need to marry any tree, I will beg her, I can’t see you crying. Ahaan hugs her. Kartik calls the inspector to get the footage. Inspector says sorry, I will send it soon. Kartik says something is wrong, Ishqi is missing now. Sonu says tell everything to Ahaan, they can’t get separated by any misunderstanding. Ishqi gets conscious. She shouts for help. She asks who tied me up here, who got me here. She recalls someone fainting her down. She says Ahaan will know I m missing, he always saves me, he will save me. Ahaan thinks of Ishqi. Riya comes and says so sorry, you were in love, its not your mistake, I also went through the same, Ishqi doesn’t deserve you, I don’t think you should marry her, you value your family, but it isn’t her priority. He thinks Ishqi you left me in the first test itself.

Ahaan asks Riya to marry her. Ishqi cuts the ropes and says I m coming. She runs to the resort. Ahaan and Riya go to the mandap.

Update Credit to: Amena


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