Categories: Ishk Par Zor Nahin

Ishk Par Zor Nahin 23rd June 2021 Written Episode Update: Ishqi’s kundli dosh issue

Ishk Par Zor Nahin 23rd June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Ishqi arguing with Sarla. She scolds everyone to be equally responsible. She says Sonu and I got scared, we knew that we will get punished for anyone’s mistake, I asked her to tell truth to Raj and Sarla, Sonu was scared that her marriage will break, her fear was right. She says Raj, you were upset with Sonu, we know the reason. Sonu says Ishqi had to pay a price for my fear, she had to tolerate this because of me, I m sorry Ishqi. Sarla says this was left that my maid insults me. Ishqi says not maid, ex-employee. Sarla says I m leaving. Raj says you took the right decision, if you can’t support Sonu, then its better that you leave, I will always support Sonu, she is my wife, its my duty to always support her. Sarla scolds him. Raj says I will also not come home. Sarla

asks where will you go. He says I decided everything already. He goes with Sonu. Riya says Ishqi should have not spoken to Sarla like this. Ahaan goes.

Kartik talks to inspector. He asks for cctv footage to see the girl who filed the complaint. Inspector says you will get it by tomorrow. Riya asks Dadi not to worry. Dadi scolds her. Riya says I told Raj that I can get him a house if he wants to leave his mom, Ishqi will be blamed, Ahaan will be hurt seeing a family breaking, Ishqi and Ahaan are getting apart, come and see. Ishqi says thanks for trusting me. Ahaan says thanks for fighting with Sarla. She says sorry. He says one has to tolerate a lot to keep family united, we have to tolerate things, Raj and Sonu can have a big thing because of this matter, its not imp to be right in relations, but to do the right, Riya also has common sense, we sit and talk, we can’t blame Sarla, Dadi can’t see Sonu’s marriage breaking, you think I will not take revenge on Mayank, I will not leave him, you are stubborn, you do what you want, why are you not arguing with me now. Ishqi catches his collar. She says if you say its your family, I will throw you into the pool, its our family, I won’t let wrong happen with Sonu. Dadi and Riya look on. Ahaan stops Ishqi and says sorry. Dadi gets angry. She goes. Riya also goes. Ahaan says thank you. Ishqi applies haldi to Ahaan. He applies it to her. They hug. Dadi argues with Riya.

She calls the pandit. Raj apologizes to Sonu. He says I promise to be like you expect me. She says thanks, but Sarla won’t accept me. Sarla comes. Raj says Sarla crossed limit today. Sarla apologizes. She asks Raj and Sonu not to leave the house. She hugs them. She recalls Ginni asking her to just act sweet and then teach a lesson to Sonu. Raj thanks Sarla. Ahaan thinks of Ishqi. He thinks to message her. Ishqi calls him and asks him to send whatever he is typing. He asks do you want to message. She says yes, I was waiting for your message. He says I didn’t do this before. She says like I have sent many messages. He says we will learn together, I used to forward romantic scenes, I want to sit with you and watch that, I want to experience love feelings with you. She sleeps and snores. Ahaan says good night. He disconnects.

Sonu ties kaleerein to Ishqi and wishes her. Ahaan smiles. Riya also comes to tie it. Dadi greets the pandit. Kartik asks what puja is there now. Dadi says I have to match kundlis. Chachi asks what’s the need. Dadi says so much is happening in their lives. Pandit checks the kundlis. Ishqi asks Sonu what is it. Sonu says its just a formality, Dadi believes in that. Pandit tells something. Dadi faints. Everyone cares for her. Dadi gets up and cries. Ahaan asks what happened. Chachi says we will find some way. Sarla asks why is she crying. Ahaan asks Chachi what happened. Chachi says pandit is saying Ishqi has kundli dosh, if she marries you then you….. Dadi says I can’t lose you. Pandit says if the girl marries a tree, then this dosh will end, the groom’s life will not have any threat. Chachi asks will you do this. Ishqi says no, I won’t do it.

Ahaan says Dadi has agreed for the marriage, you respect her word. Ishqi says its not my mistake. Riya says our plan worked. Ishqi leaves a letter. Ahaan gets worried.

Update Credit to: Amena


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