Is life all about betrayal? (Episode 7)

Hi guys, I am so sorry for not posting for the last 2 days but I will make it up to you guys 😜😜

The episode starts with (Vansh, Kabir and Aryan are at the club)

Kabir:this club is so boringπŸ˜’

Vansh: exactly

Aryan:the girls here are so dry and ugly

Riddhima: not all of them

Vansh:what are doing here?

Riddhima (giggling) hi Vansh, hi Vansh,hi Vansh

Vansh:I have ears as u can see

Ishani: I think di is drunk

Aryan:where is your sister?I don’t see her anywhere

Ishani:she has gone to the washroom

Riddhima: Ishani, is it my eyes or Kabir really became short?

Ishani:umm excuse us(she pulls Riddhima)

(They both hide in a corner)

Ishani:what is wrong with you di?Why did you drink so much?

Riddhima:I am not drunk, I am pretending so that we can achieve the plan.

Ishani:no, I won’t let you ruin your life di, I will do it

Siya:no, I will do it

Riddhima:guys, please I am the eldest so I will do it even if it will ruin my career

Ishani:but Riddhima

Riddhima:no ifs no buts, let’s go, we have to achieve our plan

(Riddhima, Ishani and Siya went back to where the brothers were sitted and Riddhima sees Kabir’s drink and adds something inside)

Riddhima:umm guys excuse us (she pulls Siya and Ishani)

(Vansh sees the drink and drinks, Riddhima,Siya and Ishani are back)

Vansh: Riddhima, why am I seeing you in two places?

Riddhima:so Vansh drank it, ok then the show must go on

Kabir:I think u are drunk bhai

Aryan:H..he isss not drunk

Kabir: both of them are drunk

Ishani: aren’t you drunk?

Kabir:ooo my ex girlfriend, u look kinda desperate right now

Ishani: Kabir please

Kabir: poor Ishani, u see we were not taught to love only to use and throw and I did the same thing.

(Kabir takes a bottle of alcohol and drinks it and after a while all the 3 brothers are unconscious)

Riddhima:this is our chance

(Riddhima takes Vansh to a room and then laid him on a bed then she starts taking pictures)

Riddhima: just wait until the morning Vansh Raisinghania

(She calls ishani)

Riddhima:did u drop them at home


Riddhima:how did u manage?

Ishani:I got some help from the security

Riddhima:ok, I will be back in the morning

Ishani:ok di, take care

(In the morning, Riddhima slept on a chair and she sees Vansh asleep then she sits on the floor and starts shedding crocodile tears)

Riddhima:why?(crying) why did this happen?

(Vansh wakes up)

Vansh: aaarrr my head,

(He sees Riddhima)

Vansh: Riddhima, why are u crying? Why are they lip stick stains on my shirt?Why are my buttons opened?answer me

Riddhima: last night, we were drunk and I don’t remember what happened after this

Vansh:I also can’t remember but try harder to remember

Riddhima:I can’t

Vansh:oh God I need to go to the office and pls stop crying

Precap-(a week after the club incident, Riddhima comes to VR mansion and says she is pregnant)

Wow guys I won’t lie but I had so much fun when I was writing this episode and I hope you also enjoy it.😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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