Fan Fiction


Thanks guys ….for huge support.
The episode starts with pragya in children’s home playing with children.the mother of that home thanks pragya. PRAGYA says it gives some relief to her heart so she is coming and helping them.abhi comes there.pragya sees him and asked why you came here ,and whom you are going to beat today.the mother of that home says he is helping these children’s to study in big aided school.pragya looks at him .the children’s come saying abhi bhai…abhi says hey all kiddies…one boy says bhai she is pragya di. .I will say n.a..she used to spend time with us weakly. She used to take us out.abhi says Oh…hi..pragya smiles. A girl says di. He is abhi..he only admitted me here when my parents died and cries. PRAGYA wiped her tears saying we are here n.a..the girl hugs her.pragya too hugs her.mother asked all the children’s to leave them.pragya says sorry
..I was wrong.yesterday I saw you beating that man.abhi says it’s ok..actually the man teased a girl so..pragya says I am pragya and forwards her hand.abhi says abhi by holding her hands.abhi asked what she is doing.pragya says English professor.abhi says nice.pragya asked what he is doing.abhi says I am talking with you.pragya asked comedy…abhi says no I am ….He thinks not to say police ..may be she will get feared.pragya says abhi..abhi says ha..I am a social worker.pragya says osum..great.abhi says thank you.the day went for both by spending with that children’s.pragya says it’s late I have to go.abhi says ya. ..I am also leaving .both waves bye to them.abhi says I will drop you.pragya says no thanks I will go And leaves in car.

PRAGYA in her car driving ,suddenly she stops the car. She gets out.some goons stopped her.she asked why they stopped the car.pragya messages to man holds pragya ‘s arms.pragya asked him to leave otherwise he will get into trouble.they teases pragya.other man was about to touch pragya’s shoulders one strong hand strongly stopped him.pragya says dad. ..Neil beats everyone.they ran from there. Neil says how many times I will say don’t come alone.pragya says nothing to worry dad.yesterday only I told to abhi not to beat but I could not resist you dad. Neil says come let’s the car ,Neil asked who is abhi.she explains everyhing to him.Neil asked is she is in love with him.pragya says dad…impossible.Neil says ok ..I believe you.they both reached home.

Abhi in his office sits with purab.purab asked why he is so happy.abhi says he met that girl.purab asked who ..abhi says yesterday who stops us n.a..purab asked did you informed that we are police.abhi says no.purab asked why.abhi says if she gets feared. First I want her to believe then I will say.purab asked them what did you said.abhi says social worker.purab says good.abhi says okay ,it’s late I am leaving.

Next day, while pragya was returning from college she was blocked by some goons.pragya called Neil.but his phone is switched off.pragya thinks what to do.she gets down .they asked where is that super hero who beated them yesterday.pragya says please leave …abhi comes there and sees this and gets angry.abhi gets down ,purab too comes with him.abhi comes there and asked whats the problem.pragya says to abhi that they are teasing .abhi asked them to go …one of the man says lets go…purab shows his id from behind pragya as they are not in police dress.they left saying you are escaped today.pragya says thanks a lot abhi.abhi says it’s ok and its purab my friend.pragya says oh..hi..he was there with you be that day.abhi says ha can you come to my home ,it’s near only .my dadi will get happy seeing you.pragya says ok.the three entered mm.pragya says nice house.abhi says hmm.dadi comes there with dasi.pragya gets blessings from dadi and dasi.dasi aSked who is she bahu of this house.pragya looks shocked.abhi says no.she is my friend.aliya comes saying oh…in teasing tone. Dadi asked them to keep quite and asked robin to get some snacks.dasi says our abhi… na he is a nice boy but he will not listen to our words.this purab n.a. he too joind with them.abhi says dadi why are you pressuring me to marry .dasi says leave it di. PRAGYA beta. .what are you doing.abhi says professor.aliya says acha…bhai…abhi says aliya go ..tomorrow you have exam n.a..aliya says ok bhai and leaves. PRAGYA says it’s time I have to leave dadi asked abhi to stop pragya .pragya says it’s ok.abhi says no I will come.
In car,pragya asked abhi and purab …why you both are not agreeing for marriage. PURAB says how can we both marry.pragya says very funny…are you in love with someone.abhi says cha. way.pragya asked why.abhi says first we have to find a nice girl ..then we have to convince them to fall in love ,then we have to convince our parents then marriage …oh i can’t.pragya asked them arrange marriage.purab says no.pragya says you both bettee not marry anyone .its good for those girls who gonna marry you.both laughs.abhi says we reached.pragya asked them to meet her parents.purab says let’s GO bhai.
They three enters.pragya calls mom Neil and ragini comes.Neil asked who is he…pragya says abhi..he is purab his friend .Neil says nice .ragini says I will bring tea.abhi says no it’s late we have to leave .Neil says ok.pragya says bye …both abhi and purab leaves from there.

Hope you all loved it…
Don’t worry soon rockstar abhi will be back…don’t worry guys…


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