Categories: Imlie

Imlie 7th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Atharva Refuses To Stay At Rana House

Imlie 7th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kairi during a family picnic notices all her family members busy in their world and feels sad. Atharva asks what happened to her. Kairi says its a family picnic, but everyone are busy in themselves. Atharva says let’s play. Kairi says she doesn’t want to play with anyone. Atharva dances on Galti Se Mistake.. song and cheers up Kairi. Whole family joins him. Imlie and Atharva bump on each other while playing with Kairi and feels awkward. Imlie then sadly tells Dhairya that if her daughter was with her, she would have been of Kairi’s age and would play with her. Dhairya says Kairi brings a smile on her face. A kid throws frisbee towards Imlie by mistake. Dhairya holds it. Kid apologizes him. Chini tells Atharva that she never thought Kairi would spend time with her family. Atharva

says especially with Imlie. Devika tells family that they are all happy again because of their bundle of joy Kairi. Kairi walks to her and she pampers Kairi.

A host announces a game for kids. Kairi says even she wants to play and seeks Imlie’s help in solving a puzzle. She gives a right answer and wins prizes giving right answers. Host announces her as first round’s winner. Kairi shows her won teddy to Imlie. Principal walks to them and tells Imlie that many big kids participated, but her small daughter gave right answers; she is very intelligent. Atharva says Kairi is his and Chini’s daughter and not Imlie’s. Principal apologizes for the misunderstanding. Atharva takes Kairi away. Principal stops him and says his daughter is more intelligent for the kids of her age and her school needs such kids. Atharva says he can’t afford the fees. Principal says Kairi can participate in scholarship test and if Kairi clears it, he doesn’t have to pay fees till her 12th std.

Back home, Atharva gets ready to leave for Goa. Devika requests him not to go and get Kairi’s admission at that school via scholarship. Atharva refuses and says there are many good school in Goa also. Imlile says he will get good schools but not a family which can give her good morales. Atharva argues with her and finally says he will stay back only if Imlie leaves this house. Rudra asks him to stop talking nonsense. Devika says she has a solution for this problem, brings divorce papers, and says Atharva and Imlie should sign them right now. Rudra opposes her decision. Devika says until Atharva gets rids off his hold relationship, he can’t get into a new relationship with Chini and return home. She says Atharva and Imlie took pheras again years ago, but now their relationships is dead. She asks Imlie if she really cares for Kairi, she should sign the papers. Imlie recalls Atharva’s hatred for her and says Devika says right, their relationship is dead and they should end it.

Precap: Imlie asks Atharva if he and Chini love each other so much, then why don’t they marry. Atharva agrees to marry Chini.
Imlie thinks she will see how far he has gone ahead.

Update Credit to: MA

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