Categories: Imlie

Imlie 5th February 2024 Written Episode Update: Vishwa’s Vile Plan

Imlie 5th February 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Ashu bumps on Agastya. Agastya asks him why is he crying, today is his Imma’s happy day and he will be giving a surprise to her. Ashu recalls Bulbul’s request not to reveal truth to anyone if he wants to see Imma happy. He says there is no surprise. Agastya asks him to go and have some juice. Wedding music starts. Daadi performs Agastya’s nazar and makes him sit in mandap with Imlie for the wedding rituals. Imlie gets happy seeing her Titu maama and Pallo maami. Titu says he is happy seeing Imlie as a bride. Pallo taunts Imlie that she had a fake marriage with Agastya and is now marrying him in real and settling her life.

Agastya and Imlie’s pheras start. Shivani escapes from the room and informs Daadi that Imlie is Kairi’s sister. Daadi stops pheras and

asks Imlie if she knows a woman who is responsible for Dhanraj’s death. Imlie asks how will she know, she learnt about Dhanraj just a few days ago. Daadi shows her Kairi’s pic and asks if she knows this woman. Imlie says she is her Kairi didi. Daadi shows pic to Agastya. Agastya is shocked and says it means Dhanraj had married Imlie’s sister. Daadi asks Shivani how did she get this pic. Shivani says she got it from Bulbul. Pallo scolds Bulbul for getting into this mess. Bulbul says she wanted to hide this truth from everyone, but Shivani exposed it.

Daadi asks Imlie if she knew about it from before. Imlie says she really didn’t know. Alka says Imlie is lying. Vishwa enters and asks Imlie not to lie as it was her plan to take revenge from Chaudhry family. Imlie warns him to stop talking rubbish. Agastya starts a long fake story of how Imlie entered Chaudhry house to destroy them as Meera’s puppet, how a bar dancer Meera trapped ambitious Kunal in her love to lead a lavish life, how Kunal wish of having a son is fulfilled, how Kunal brought Agastya to Chaudhry house, how Meera saw her plan failing and killed Kunal, how she bought up 2 orphan girls Kairi and Imlie and trained them to destroy Chaudhry fsamily, how Kairi trapped Dhanraj and killed him, and how Imlie got into Agastya’s life to destroy him next, etc. Imlie says it’s a pure lie.

Daadi starts accusing Imlie of conspiring against them and misusing their trust. Imlie pleads that she really didn’t know about Dhanraj and Kairi and it was Dhanraj who didn’t have courage to reveal his family about Kairi and convince them. Daadi continues to accuse Kairi. Imlie says she lost Kairi because of them and will not keep quiet if they accuse her sister. Agastya accuses Kairi next and calls her characterless. Imlie gives him a tight slap, leaving everyone in shock and Vishwa happy.

Precap: Imlie pleads Agastya to return home and says she loves him immensely. Agastya says even he loves her immensely. Critically ill daadi takes promise from Agastya to marry some other girl than Imlie.

Update Credit to: MA

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