Categories: Imlie

Imlie 24th December 2020 Written Episode Update: Aditya Saves Imlie From Anu

Imlie 24th December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Tripathi family gets worried when Imlie gets unwell. Anu yells that they are still worried about a maid and not bothered about Malini at all, their maid spoilt Malini’s mehandi, even then they didn’t scold her. Adi reminisces Imlie drinking alcohol spiked juice and confronts Anu to think before alleging Imlie as Imlie drank alcohol spiked juice which came from her house. Anu asks why would she do that. He says to increase the value of their drink, and he can say that Tripathis don’t drink alcohol. Sashank walks in. Anu asks him if he mixed alcohol in drinks. He says it was a joke. Aditya says children would have consumed the drink, if that was a joke. Dev scolds him and orders to apologize everyone. Shashank does and walks away thinking he will not spare Imlie. Malini shouts

that Imlie spoilt her daughter’s mehandi and who will correct it. Imlie says when she spoilt it, she will correct it. She stands wobbling. Rupali and Nidhi hold her and ask her to rest while they handle mehandi. Imlie insists and applies mehandi on Malini’s hands while Sunny and Tinkle apply mehandi Adi’s hands. Malini gets impressed with mehandi design and praises Imlie that she never saw such an unique design, says her mehandi got on Imlie’s hands by mistake. Imlie reminisces Pagdandiya incident and walks away sadly while a sad song plays in the background.

Imlie returns to her room and looking at calendar reminisces Adi telling she will return to Pagdandiya on 15th and he doesn’t want her to return in her life again. She emotionally thinks that she used to climb on village tank whenever she used to feel sad and seeing sunrise think its a new day with new beginning, but tomorrow nothing of that sort will happen. Aditya walks in and knocking door asks if she is awake. She says she was asleep, but will wake up for him as she doesn’t get deep sleep without his scolding. He says he always scolded her and is sorry for that. She continues pouring her heart out. He says she will leave tomorrow and since he will be in mandap, someone from his office will drop her; she need not worry as he will send a good person; asks her to sleep now and says if she informs anyone, they will not let her go, so she should go without meeting anyone. Once he leaves, Imlie sits crying. Adi reminisces her words and thinks he is sure he has Malini in his fate. He sees Sunny and Tinkle and asks what did they draw on his hands. They say its tamarind/Imlie. Adi thinks whatever god’s wish is, he wants Imlie to leave his life and house.

Next morning, Mithi with Satyakam reaches Delhi. Imlie wakes up and looking at calender thinks today is the last day in this house. Malini on the other side thinks today will be her first day in her new house, she was dreaming about it since years and is so happy today. Imlie packs her clothes and looking at her wedding sari reminisces marrying Adi, thinks she had not dreamt about it. Aparna with Badi maa passes by and seeing Sari says its very beautiful, looks like wedding sari, she should wear it tonight during bidayi. After sometime, Bade papa calls Imlie for studies when Sundar serves him tea. He thinks Imlie serves him tea at this time. Imlie watches him from a distance. A man brings Adi and Malini’s photo cutout and clashes with him. Family walks to them. Adi asks what is this. Dhruv says it was necessary as he is not making faces in cutout. They joke and ask Imlie to keep it aside and come along.

Precap: Satyakam calls Adi to inform that he came to his city. Adi is busy getting haldi applied. Sunny picks call and takes it towards Adi.

Update Credit to: MA

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