Categories: Ikk Kudi Punjab Di

Ikk Kudi Punjab Di 9th April 2024 Written Episode Update: Yashika and Heer’s plan.

Ikk Kudi Punjab Di 9th April 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Teji and Jasmin are in the kitchen when Heer joins them, asking if she can help make breakfast. Rajwinder arrives and allows Heer to cook. She hands coriander to Heer with wires hidden between it, secretly planning to make her tasks difficult, smirking at the thought.

As everyone gathers to eat, Rajwinder announces that Heer has prepared the food with lots of hard work and insists that should be served first. Jeet tastes the food and compliments it, leaving Rajwinder puzzled. Navjot remembers entering the kitchen and finding something mixed in the food, so she cooked again. Teji also praises Heer’s cooking.

Sartaj tells Jeet that he can stay home if he wants to spend more time with Heer. Jeet expresses his desire to be more responsible for Heer and the entire family. Sartaj

reminds Jeet about the meeting with Yashika, prompting him to question if they’ve decided to finalize her.

Heer offers to help Teji with gardening, while Jarnail lurks around the garden area, following Heer. Someone silently pulls Heer aside – it’s revealed to be Yashika. Meanwhile, Jarnail talks to someone in a hoodie and takes them with him. Heer questions Yashika’s actions, and Yashika reminds her that she’s trying to take her place, asserting that the real Heer is only her. She scolds Heer for leaving her photo at home, as Jarnail went searching for it. Yashika reveals herself as the real Heer, and they had planned everything together as childhood friends.

Heer explains how she knew the family wouldn’t easily trust her, so she orchestrated the drama. In another room, Jarnail is with the person in the hoodie. Heer tells Yashika that she’s sure someone in the house is helping Jarnail. Jarnail manages to escape unnoticed by Heer and Yashika. Jasmin calls Gurmeet’s friend, who threatens to harm him if he comes there. Jasmin questions Teji about what she was doing outside, having finished gardening earlier.

Heer tells her friend about how, during her accident, Yashika saw her, and they planned everything with the help of the doctor treating her. Heer instructs Yashika to take her place temporarily, while she plans to return as Yashika to expose Jarnail’s scheme. Yashika returns to the Atwal mansion and pretends to faint. Teji calls out all the family members, and Heer claims to have recalled past memories.

Precap: Yashika, Heer and Jeet together in a room. Jeet leaving, Yashika stops him and says now Heer remembers everything, so you both will be living in the same room. Heer says Jeet tell me truth, have you dreamed about us when we will be behaving like a normal couple? She tickets him and both of them falls on bed.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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