
I&B Ministry to TV show producers: Clear TV artistes’ dues of up to March 2020

Our television industry has come under the radar and is making news for undue payments of the actors and the crew for many months. After the cast and crew started raising voice for the same, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has asked the producers of all TV shows to pay their actors and crew members. On Friday, the Ministry issued a letter to all the production houses, appealing to them to take a compassionate view of the matter.

In its letter, the I&B Ministry, stated, “The pandemic of COVID-19 has led to a financial downturn for a large number of sectors of the economy. However, equally important is the livelihoods of the employees who are working in this sector, including a large number of modestly paid TV artistes engaged for the production of various TV serials. While services of such persons were taken, some of them may not have received their remuneration.”

The letter further states, “Broadcasters and producers of TV serials may take a compassionate view and ensure that all payments due to such persons up to March 2020 are cleared at the earliest.” The cast and crew of Hamari Bahu Silk have been complaining about non-payment of dues, and have shared videos on social media.

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