Hum Rahe Na Rahe Hum 14th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Ranimaa convinces Swati

Hum Rahe Na Rahe Hum 14th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Madhu arguing with Ranimaa. Ranimaa says Swati will become the queen after me. Surili hugs Shiv and says sorry. Shiv says Ranimaa takes such decisions in tension. Ranimaa says Swati will get everything if she accepts Raghu’s love proposal, Swati knows it, Raghu loves her a lot, Shiv doesn’t, I have declared the marriage next week, Swati will be brought to the palace, I like Swati a lot and Raghu also likes it, you have to decide, what’s imp for Swati, marrying Shiv or the one who loves her, its your decision.

Shiv gets emotional and talks about Ranimaa and Raghu. He says we shouldn’t confuse control with ego. She says Raghu will learn from his experience. Raghu comes to meet Samar. Samar hugs him. He asks did Ranimaa’s anger calm down. Raghu says yes,

you did it, I got her consent, Ranimaa gave Shiv’s place to me, I will handle the entire business. Samar says really, congrats, wow, you deserve this, Ranimaa is sharp, I knew it, she will take the right decision. Raghu asks why are you playing from one side, white side has lost. Samar says you don’t know this, we have to make the other team lose. Raghu says lets celebrate our success. Surili says I have a plan to make everyone’s mood better, I m proud and happy that I m a café owner, a good cup of coffee and breakfast will make the mood better, we will make it. She asks where is the kitchen. Maan says its not allowed. She asks why, bahus are sent to kitchen to cook food, what’s the problem. She asks is Raghu joining us, I don’t think so. Maan says there are some rules, it can’t be broken. She asks why, what happens when rules are broken. He says no, we don’t know what happens. She says then please let me break this rule. Maan says fine, Sam stay alert, you take Surili out of the kitchen if mum comes this way. Sam wishes her all the best. Raghu says I got too drunk and went to Swati’s house, I told her everything, she said no. Samar says you don’t have patience. Swati calls Raghu. Samar says ask her to meet. Swati asks how are you, I wanted to meet you. Raghu asks when, sure. Samar smiles. Raghu says yes, fine. He says she wants to meet me, how do you do this, you are a genius. Samar says experience, don’t waste time, go to Swati. Raghu leaves. Samar says I will celebrate the destruction of Barot family. Surili greets Ambitai and other servants. Ambitai says you don’t need to come here.

Surili says no, I wanted to make something, what’s the big deal if I make the food for you all, let me cook, tell me where are the things. She makes the cup cakes and asks them to taste it. They refuse. She asks why not, eat it and tell me how is it. Shiv asks what, Raghu raised hand on him. Bandish asks how can he do this, no one has a right to raise hand on you.
Shiv apologizes to Bandish. He says you are imp for me, you aren’t just an employee, no one has a right to slap you. Bandish says thanks. Shiv says sorry again. Ranimaa is on the way. She says the arrangements should be grand. Veera looks at her. Ranimaa says I know Swati’s answer, she can’t refuse. Swati says no, ask Ranimaa to give Shiv’s powers to you. Raghu says you are thinking about me. She asks am I saying yes to the one who has become Shiv’s shadow or the one who will give me the queen’s place. He says your place will come true, mum has given me Shiv’s place in the business, you will be the next queen of Ranakgarh. Shiv comes and asks how did you slap Bandish. He sees Swati and says sorry, I didn’t know. Raghu says see with whom I m. Shiv says Swati, I wanted to apologize. Raghu says I have already apologized to her, so much happened here, you were not here, I have handled things, Bandish doesn’t know his work or manners, you have given him freedom, I will fire him. Shiv says he is a capable and sincere man. Raghu says I don’t think so. Surili says I got special cup cakes for you all. She greets Swati and says I m Shiv’s wife, Surili. Swati tells her name and says I m Raghu’s would be wife. Raghu smiles.

Update Credit to: Amena


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