How he know everything about me?

Moving towards the voice,Riddhima slowly looked outside of window,only to find him hiding against the railing wall,their laughs ,their whispers in the mid night..She lowered her eyes,to just escape the fog and darkest of night,the fact that she is spying him,was stabbing her from inside.

Should I keep on moving with the viel of lies,how long will I stay hidden in this web?He says he loves me,why dont he himself recognize,?

2 years later-
Turning to just find herself against his muscular chest,she adorable looked up at him,and then the clouds of her past ,when she had been spying on him,with Kabir,her eyelashes veiled her emotions,but he lifted her chin up,signing assurance,promising that everything is fine,she tried,but ended up closing her eyes,to escape every memory of past,perhaps was trying to gather courage ,to stand by him so far.
What if he knows about the web of lies I had surrounded myself in…why he chose to love me,I was just a spy.
2 years later-
Recieving the back hug,she slowly whispered thanks,his fingers slowly rubbing designs over her neck,her eyes were now,not feeling the need to hide,to hide any emotion,because that can never be hidden.
“How he always knew…everything about me?”

ख्वाहिशे बदनाम है ।

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