Fan Fiction

I Hate You (Episode 55)

Hey guys! Many of you were confused or scared because of the precap. Hopefully, this episode makes everything clear. I hope you guys like the upcoming twist and enjoy the episode!

Recap: Twinkle yells at Kunj for being rude to Mark. Later, she becomes jealous when she sees Kunj dancing with other girls. Twinkle becomes drunk and kisses Kunj in front of everyone. Twinj consummate their marriage once again.


(5 Years Later in Australia…)

A hospital is shown. The staff are all working diligently. There are doctors and nurses rushing through the halls. A man is brought in on a stretcher. There is a woman running alongside the stretcher, who is crying. The nurses cuts the woman off when they enter the emergency room.
Woman- Please save my husband! Please!
A nurse holds her off.
Nurse- Madam please control yourself Nothing will happen to your husband.
The woman sits on a chair and cries.
Nurse- Someone call the cardiotharacic surgeon!

The Next Scene…

A surgeon is quickly walking towards the Operation Theatre. Some nurses walks up to her, handing her a head cap and a mask.
Surgeon- I want the patient under reciprocation now! Have the oxygen mask on him.
Nurse- Ma’am, the patient is losing blood quickly.
Surgeon- Then what are you standing here for damn it! Go! I’m not going to lose this patient!
The surgeon walks into the operation theatre.
Nurse 1- The patient is in critical condition.
Nurse 2 smiles- He will live. Dr. Taneja is operating, and her operations are always a success.

The Next Scene…

The patient’s wife is pacing back and forth in front of the operation theatre. The operation theatre light goes off and the surgeon comes out.
Woman- Doctor, how is my husband? Is he okay? Will he be fine? Please answer me.
The same two nurses watch the scene from a far.
Nurse 1- Why isn’t the doctor responding? Did she fail this time?
Nurse 2- Just wait for it. She never fails.
Woman- Why aren’t you answering Doctor? Please tell me how my husband is.
The doctor pulls down her face mask and takes off her head cap. She is revealed to be Twinkle.

Twinkle- Your husband is absolutely fine.
The woman lets out a sigh of relief.
Nurse 2- Dekha. What did I say? Doctor Taneja hasn’t lost a patient in 5 years.
Twinkle walks away and enters her cabin. She sits at her desk and starts filling out paperwork. There is a knock on her cabin door.
Twinkle- Come in.
A guy walks in and stands in front of Twinkle’s desk. Twinkle does not look up. The guy takes the pen out of Twinkle’s hand. Twinkle stands up furiously.
Twinkle- What the hell!
Twinkle looks at the guy and breaks out into a smile.

Twinkle- Oh Sam, tu.
Sam laughs.
Sam- Kya yaar Twinkle, take a chill pill. You’re always so tensed and everyone here is afraid to even walk past you. I’m your only colleague that isn’t afraid of you. Actually, sometimes even I get scared.
Sam laughs. Twinkle sits back down and resumes her paperwork.
Sam- Why do you always keep that strict face on? Smile once in a while. Khadoos kahi ka.

Twinkle stops her work upon hearing that word. Sam looks at Twinkle’s face and then at her clenched face.
Sam- Twinkle, are you okay? Sorry, I didn’t mean to say it like that. I was just joking.
Twinkle- No, it’s fine. It’s nothing.
Sam- Are you sure?
Twinkle stands up.

Twinkle- Yeah I’m sure.
She puts on her white doctor coat and puts her stethoscope around her neck.
Twinkle- Now if you will excuse me, duty calls.

Twinkle leaves her cabin. Sam smiles.
Sam- Duty has been calling you for the past five years and you have always answered its call. That’s why you are the top heart surgeon here in Australia. But hidden underneath that strict hard outside, is pain that no one knows of.

The Next Scene…
Twinkle steps out of her cabin and takes in a deep breath. Sam’s words echo around in her head.
“Khadoos Kahi ka.”
Twinkle closes her eyes. She sees flashes of hazy memories and hears some distant voices.
“Khadoos Sarna.”
Twinkle closes her eyes and covers her ears.

Twinkle- No!
Twinkle opens her eyes.
Twinkle- No, I have forgotten the past. now only my future is in front of me. Twinkle Sarna is dead. Now it’s only Dr. Taneja, the best heart surgeon in all of Australia.

Precap: Sam: Twinkle, you have a special patient here. His case is very rare.
Twinkle looks at the patient and becomes shocked.


"Life always gives you a second's called tomorrow" Keep calm and love Twinj (Sidmin).

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