Will it take my pain away
Those words of pardon
Those thousand stars
She counted while breaking hard
It Bleeds her heart
Those laughs echoed her heart
Haunted her life hard
every time she rose  tall
It Broke her even hard

Her cheeks remained stained
Every single night
Stayed in the back of her  head
At night when she slept
Came haunting her eyes
Flowed hard and fast
in the pool of tears
In the from of blood
Every single drop of light
Made her hard to ice

Exhausted while complaining hard
Her eyes were lost
Her heart scremed hard
I wish  my pain goes away
Laughed destiny hard
Wish of every single soul
life shows them hard
It will make u fall
Every time u stand tall
drops  to ground hard
Shatteres your dream hard

I wish my pain goes away
pleading eyes searched a saviour
where ‘s the saviour she dreamed for long
My night in shining armour
Came n take me away
Lips once filled with colour
Now drained  hard
I wish my pain goes away
She stood helpless

Life came and replied fast
Life means to lose hard
Wait until the light falls
Her chirpness lost in the dark 
Mirrored a different girl
With baited breath
With Lost  hope
The savier nevver came to life
Nd tht fairy tail came to end
All those books laughed hard
Life had showed her hard
She was a fooled soul
Fell in thier charm hard
Hope came knocking her heart
But Now she closed the doors hard

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