Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 20th July 2020 Written Episode Update: Happu gets a medal from his Department

Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 20th July 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The Episode starts with Resham Lal giving medal to Happu and appreciates him. Makwana asks why did he get the medal? Commissioner says even I didn’t know. He says there was a letter with this medal which was misplaced, the letter will be resent again. Happu says this medal was given for my bravery. Resham lal says I am curious to know for what you got it. Happu asks Makwana to bring ginger tea for Commisioner and pomegranate juice for him. Makwana goes. Happu is happy. Amma asks Malaika to see the plants drying up. Hritik says since mummy went, it dried up. Amma asks didn’t we water the plants. Happu comes home. Malaika asks from where did you get this medal? Happu says he got this medal from the Ministry. Malaika asks for what? Happu says for bravery. Malaika says she needs time to believe

on it. Happu says atleast you can congratulate me. Malaika congratulates him. Happu asks her to make matar paneer today. Malaika asks are you telling me? Happu says yes. Malaika says I have my exams and need to study. Happu asks her to make matar paneer for today. He then asks Ranbir and hritik to clean his scooter, as he got the medal today. Ranbir and hritik refuse, but Happu insists. Happu asks Amma to help Malaika peel the matar. Amma asks me? Happu says just help the daughter. He goes to freshen up.

Happu comes to beni’s house and shows the scotch. Beni asks what did you do today? Happu shows his medal and says he got it for bravery. Beni asks for what? Happu says I didn’t remember, I have solved many cases. Beni appreciates him and throws his wine. Happu asks why did you throw yours and tells that scotch will not suit him (Beni). Beni asks why? Happu drinks and says I have reached some level and that’s why drink the scotch. Beni says you mean to say that I didn’t do anything in my life. He says I felt bad and asks him to drink his scotch, says he will drink his cheap brand. Happu asks him to do something constructive in life. Beni shakes his head.

Later Happu comes to his house and wakes up his sons. Ranbir says it is not yet morning. Happu asks them to get ready, have breakfast and leave for school. Hritik says we have slept just 2 hours before. Happu says you was on mobile all night. They go to get ready. He comes to Amma and asks if she is sleeping. Amma slaps him and says she didn’t have the sleep properly. Happu says sun is rising. Amma checks outside and asks where is the sun rays? Happu asks Malaika if she made tea? Malaika says just now I woke up, have patience. Happu says everyone is showing tantrums since Rajjo left.

He asks her to see the clouds and asks her not to fix her own time table. Malaika brings the tea. Happu asks her to make breakfast fast. Malaika asks him to help her and says I am a small girl. Happu asks her not to be lazy and make food fast. He asks her not to argue with him. He asks Amma to drink fresh and get ready fast. Amma slaps him and asks why you are not drinking tea? Happu and Ranbir get ready and come out. They think why the sun haven’t risen till now. Watchman of the other house says it is 3 am in the morning. The kids shout calling Happu. Amma slaps him and asks why did you wake me up in night. Malaika says you asked me to make breakfast. Amma slaps Happu.

No Precap.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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