Fan Fiction


Hi friends thx for ur support and love..

Ep 16

Ra: I. M fine but who r u..
Sa: with shocking ragini u don’t know me I. M sans
Ra: which San I don’t know anyone..then ap comes ragini dis is San laksh bro my first come i will show ur room..she take ragini from Thier San stand shockingly…

Laksh comes to him San do u know ragini got her memory..then she…just then he gets a call then he excuse and went off…

O ragini u got memory so only u didn’t recognise problem I will introduce myself to you..then he went to ragini room..

Ragini : ma thx for ur help but I should go to my home..y ur not letting to go
Ap: c ragini u don’t think like tat u save my life tat day it’s my duty look’s like ur house be free…
Sa: ma
Ap : ya San come in
Sa: ma how is her health
Ap: she is out of danger but she should take more rest..if she take stress again she will goes to coma between ragini he is ur friend San
Ra: hi San
Sa: hi ragini
Ra:thx San for taking so much care..
Sa: no rag it’s my duty
Ra: wat it’s ur duty
Sa: means ur my friend moreover u save my mother life I look ur life tats it..
Ap: k San now u go ragini should sleep now..

Later he went to his room

Thank God for saving my ragini life hope see recover soon but did she know she is raped and she conceive baby it’s dead…??

I should ask dis to ragini he again go to her room it’s closed he see her sleeping gesture he touches tat glass door if all is perfect I should be Thier with u..and I should be care for u..but then he hears baby sound ah hu ????he turns hear and Thier oh I. M hearing baby sound from where….?? He see laksh room door open and goes to Thier

Laksh room

Swa: laksh I. M very happy for dis baby it’s so cute na..
La; ya swara ur right but feel bad for ragini and her condition..
Sa: wat condition lak
La: with shocking nothing San between u want ask anything
Sa: s I want to ask many things tell me who’s baby it is
Swa; it’s my baby sa
Sa: no swara don’t tell lie I know it’s my…means ragini baby..
La: ya san ur rite it’s ragini’s but..
Sw:interprets wat to hide San she tell everything how ragini gain memory and ask who r u all..and she delived a baby but she don’t know about her past how she conceive and delivered baby..if she came to know her past she again goes to coma and again she may loss her memory and lead to death so ap ma decide not to say dis to anyone but I promise I will be good mother to dis child…

Sa: oh no swara how can u separate baby from his mother it’s dis good
Swa: I know it’s not good but it should done to save her life…
La: ya San it’s right decision so only I accept..morning I came to say dis only but I. M little busy so went off..
Sa: but he see baby face it’s so tremendous sparkling face swara can I hold dis baby..
Sw:ya sure it’s ur bro baby na ur his bigcha u can take or play with it anytime u have right on it
Sa : no swara I. M not his bigcha I. M his Father??‍♂
Sw: wat
Sa: I mean big father means bigcha only
Swalak: ha ha ha
Sa: hold tat baby hand and touch his all body he touches baby lip kiss his eyes wow swara dis baby is so cute same cuteness like ragini..
Sw: ya San ur rite same cuteness and same gesture, but feel bad for ragini…

Y swara y u feel bad for me said ragini,, between who is dis baby…..??
Swalaksan shocked

Precap: …………….??

U want boy baby or girl baby if boy tel it’s name if girl tell it’s name….??


When I look back my ego should run away?? Behind my every mistake? a friend like u????is their to guide me,miss me, I may miss u too??Urs Rock ☆☆☆ I.m from Karnataka

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