Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 25th July 2023 Written Episode Update: Savi Misses Her Appointment With Shantanu

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 25th July 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Ishan sitting in his office recalls Riva’s betrayal. His friend Prateek walks in. He asks Prateek what is he doing here. Prateek asks what is he doing and if he is fine. Ishan says he is fine. Prateek says let us go out and play some game. Ishan says he is busy. Prateek says he knows he wasn’t with Ishan when he needed him most, but he has returned and will not let him be sad like this. Ishan refuses. Prateek forcefully takes him along. Shantanu waits for Savi and asks watchman if a girl came to meet him. Watchman says no. Yashwanth calls Shantanu and asks whom he is waiting for. Shantanu says a brilliant student who wants admission in their institute. Yashwanth says he knows admission deadline is over and they don’t change rules. Shantanu says girl is really

bright and has a strong recommendation. Yashwanth asks whose recommendation. Shantanu says his knows one whom Yashwanth doesn’t know. Yashwanth says forget it if he doesn’t know him and takes him home.

Savi reaches college and pays money to auto driver. Prateek smells tea from cafeteria and insists Ishan to accompany him to cafeteria. Peon greets them. Dandelion flower falls on Ishan. Watchman says when he went to see his wife first, dandelion flower fell on him and he got married soon, looks like Ishan will also marry soon. Ishan angrily warns him to keep his theory to himself. Peon says its a belief in his wife’s village which always comes true. Prateek stops Peon and takes Ishan to cafeteria. Flower falls on even Savi. Autodriver says she will marry soon. Savi says she already ran from one wedding and wants to focus on her studies instead of marriage.

Isha walks into principal’s office and finds Bhavani, Mandar, and others there. Principal asks Isha what are these people talking about her. Isha says how does she know, she just came in. Bhavani says she manipulated Savi and helped her elope from her marriage. Isha says if she thinks so, she can file a police complaint. Vinu says they already did. Isha says police would have been here if they had filed a complaint. Bhavani in her usual rudest style shouts at Isha. Principal warns her to behave with the teacher. Bhavani says her teacher manipulated Savi and helped her elope, she will punish Isha once she finds Savi.

Savi reaches Bhosale institute late and walks in mesmerized with the huge campus. Watchman stops her. Savi says she came to meet Shantanu regarding admission. Watchman says Shantanu already left long ago and there is no one in the campus. Savi requests to let her stay in hostel tonight and meet Shantanu in the morning. Watchman denies. Ishan stops his car seeing them and asks watchman what is happening. Watchman says a girl wants to meet Shantanu regarding admission and wants to stay in the hostel for tonight to meet Shantanu tomorrow. Ishan says admissions are over and asks him to shoo the girl away. Savi notices Ishan and runs behind his car. Watchman shoos her away and closes the gate.

Bhavani says Isha had visited Savi on her wedding day and manipulated her to elope. Isha says Savi had great hopes on her grandmother, but her grandmother wanted her to marry an alcholic, drug addict, and womanizer boy Samrudh and hence she had to elope. Bhavani says she is cooking up a story. Mandar warns Isha to dare not speak ill about his son or else he will file a defamation case against her. Ishan says she has proof of it. Principal asks Isha what happened when she visited Savi. Isha says she gave evidence against Samrudh and left from there, Savi reached her home after sometime followed by Bhavani and these people, so she sent Savi far away from Ramtek to stop Bhavani from getting Savi forcefully married to Samrudh. Bhavani continues to yell. Isha gets Savi’s call. She excuses herself, asks principal to take action against her for saving Savi’s life from a drunkard and cruel grandma, asks Bhavani to file complaint against her and face the consequences.

Harini breaks down recalling the physical and mental torture she faces via her husband and tells Ashwini and Ninad that she doesn’t want to return to her husband, but Bhavani will not let her stay here for long. Ashwini and Ninad assure her that they will protect her and will not let her go from here. Prateek tells Ishan that the girl was in bridal attire. Ishan says even she must have ran away chasing her dreams. Ishan expresses his hatred towards his mother and Riva and says all women are same. Prateek says his mother would have left him due to her helplessness and he didn’t meet Riva to know how she is. He tries to cheer up Ishan. Isha picks Savi’s call and asks if she met Shantanu. Savi describes how she reached institute late due to goons misguiding her and couldn’t meet Shantanu; she tried to meet Ishan who misbehaved with Isha the other day, but rudely ordered watchman to shoo her away. Isha asks if there is any relative’s place to stay tonight. Savi says her sister’s in-laws are here, but her sister herself is staying with them in Ramtek. Isha asks her wait their itself till she arranges something and asks her to have food.

Precap: Peon lets Savi stay in Ishan’s cabin and asks her to vacate before 7 a.m. Ishan reaches office and asks Savi what is she doing here. Savi says she had to meet Shantanu regarding her admission. Ishan says she can’t get admission in Bhosale institute just like that, gets angry after learning she came on Isha’s recommendation, throws her bag and shouts at her to get out challenging her to get admission if she can. Savi challenges him back.

Update Credit to: MA

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