Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 68

The episode starts with Vansh, Riddhima, and Kabir sharing a very lovely moment together.

While Angre was ordering the food.
Vansh: I have missed those special moments that we have used to spent it together.
Kabir: Yeah me too. I’m really happy that we have got the chance to be all together once again.
Riddhima was watching Kabir and Vansh while they were doing a very huge masti.

There was a very huge bond being formed between Vansh and Kabir.

That what was making Riddhima very happy.
She was smiling so much while she was seeing them that close.

Vansh and Kabir have observed Riddhima’s huge smile.
So Vansh has looked at her in a questioning way.

Vansh: Hey hey hey. What is making my dearest wife smiling that lovely and special smile?
Riddhima has came near Vansh and Kabir.
Then she has hugged them a very tight and long hug.
Riddhima: I’m the most luckiest girl ever to have a very amazing bro along with having a very special husband. I wasn’t knowing that God will bless me with you two in the same time. I’m really being very happy that my brother and husband are sharing that wonderful bond as this makes me really relaxed and chilled.
They have hugged her very tightly to make her feel happier and more comfortable.
Vansh: Your happiness is the most valuable thing to us Riddhu.
Kabir: So if you are happy..
Vansh: Of course we will be very very happy.
Kabir has came near Riddhima.
Then he has putted his hands around her face in the brother caring way.

Kabir: You don’t know how much I’m really happy seeing you happy and enjoying your life my dearest little sister. I always feel the same thing as my sister feels it so if you are being comfortable and chilled so of course I also will be comfortable and chilled. I promise you Riddhima that you will be always secured while your brother is still alive and being with you.
He has kissed her in her forehead.

Then Vansh has came very close to Riddhima.

He has immediately kissed her forehead.

Vansh: I’m the most luckiest man ever to have an angel like you as my wife. I promise you Riddhima that I will always protect you my angel and there isn’t any huge danger in the whole world could be able to just touch you while I’m with you sweetheart.
Riddhima( looking at them both in a smiling way): I love you both so much.
Vansh and Kabir at the same time: I love you too.
The 3 of them were smiling very much and they were enjoying that strong bond.

Afterwards, Angre has came with the food.

He has gotten with him the most delicious Indian food.
He was having so many delicious food.
Such as: Chicken tandoori.



Rice with curry.


Malai Kofta.


There was also so many delicious desserts.

Such as: Sandesh.

Gulab Jamun.



There was so many more food other than those tiny food.
They have started eating the food while they were enjoying so much.
While Riddhima was eating the food, some of the food starts to be noticed on her lips.
So Vansh has came near her.
Then he has started removing the food in a very romantic way.

Vansh and Riddhima were staring at each other very much.
Kabir was looking at them while he was smiling.

Then he has putted his hand on his face in annoyed way.

Kabir: Oh!! Vansh and Riddhima once again?! I don’t think that the gang’s meeting will be completed now!!
Angre: Why Kabir?!
Kabir: You aren’t seeing Mr. Romeo and Misses Juliet while they are staring that much at each other and they are being in so much romance!! You know that when they start romance, nothing could be able to stop them.
Angre starts smiling.

Actually, Vansh and Riddhima have noticed what Kabir has said and they have started laughing.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that there is a very jealous person here. I’m sure that you are just annoyed because you aren’t also having a partner to romance with her Kabir, Am I right or am I right?!
Riddhima has looked at Kabir in a speculating way.

Riddhima: Actually, I can observe that Kabir bhai has really found a partner but he is just hiding that from us. As the change in your attitude bro is just a sign that you have got fallen in love, right Kabir bhai?
Vansh, Riddhima, and Angre were looking at Kabir in an investigating look.
They were waiting for him to tell them everything he is owing it inside him.
Kabir was just silent.

He wasn’t having an answer for their questions.
He was still in a very huge confusion.
So he has decided to change the topic.
Kabir( in an escaping way): Guys let’s dk a food competition. As I can observe that Angre has gotten pani puri with him so let’s see who will finish it first and who will be able to complete it all without surrendering.
Vansh has looked at Kabir in a surprising way.

Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You have gotten a very brilliant idea to escape from answering our questions Kabir. Very impressive bro!
Riddhima: Actually, I have liked your idea so much Kabir bro. So let’s do it.
Angre: But don’t think that you will be able to escape from us Kabir even if you have given that enjoyable idea as we still will not leave you without telling us everything.
Vansh: Yes, Angre is right. As actually the gang’s meeting is still on its beginning so we still have plenty of time to make you confess about everything you own it inside you Kabir.
Kabir: Anyway let’s start the game and then we could see what will happen next especially that I have decided that I will be the winner in that game and I’m sure that I will make you all lose against me.
Riddhima has looked at Kabir in a surprising way.

Riddhima: Oh! Really?! And who tells you that bhai?! As actually I will be the one who will win that game. No one could beat me in my love and passion to pani puri so of course I will be the one who will eat all of them without surrendering.
Vansh has looked at Riddhima in a suspicious way.

Vansh: You could do that in only one condition.
Riddhima: And what is that condition?
Vansh: If Vansh Rai Singhania isn’t your competitor, you could be able to win. But unfortunately you will not be able to do that sweetheart as Vansh Rai Singhania will never lose. Sorry Riddhu, but your record will be break today as your husband will be the one who will win against you.
Riddhima: Riddhima Rai Singhania never lose Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania.
Vansh: This time she will lose.
They have started to be in a cute little debate.

It was a very funny and enjoyable debate.
They were smiling at some times while being challenging at the other times.
Then Angre has stopped that debate.
Angre: Okay guys let’s stop that husband and wife’s debate and let’s start the game so we could know who from you will win as actually Kabir and I also will not give up that easily so the game will be super enjoyable and breath taking one.
Kabir: Yeah. Actually, I have a reward to the one who will win that game.
Riddhima: What is that reward?
Kabir: The one who will win that game will have the green card to make the rest implant a decision he/she will take. I mean that if for example Riddhima has one the game..
Riddhima( interrupting): Of course this what will happen.
Vansh has looked at her in a surprised way.

Vansh: So much confidence sweetheart.
She has smiled at him.

Kabir( complete his words): Let’s forget Riddhima’s interruption, like I said if Riddhima has won the game she will be able to order all of us to do something with her and we have to accept it whatever the decision is and even if it is a surprise one.
Vansh: Very interesting idea.
Angre: I agree.
Riddhima: So let’s start it now.
They have started the game.
There was so much amount of Pani puri in front of them.

Then each one of them start eating the Pani puri.
They were trying to keep their balance and they could be able to eat more and more Pani puri.
They were trying to not make the hot chili flavor has the control on them.
Vansh and Riddhima were competing with each other very much.
Each one of them was wanting to win against the other so much.
Vansh was staring at Riddhima very much while she was being very insisting to win the game.

Vansh to himself: She will always own that cute little child’s soul inside her that will make her do anything just to reach to what she wants. Maybe that’s one of the reasons that makes me so deeply fallen for you sweetheart.
Riddhima has noticed his staring at her.
Riddhima: Don’t stare at me that much and just be ready to lose against your wife Mr. organizer.
He was smiling at her.

Vansh( in an irritating way): Don’t be hasty Riddhu. Let’s see what will happen at the end of the game.
Afterwards, Angre has surrendered.
Kabir( being so tired): Okay I also give up. I can’t complete more.
Angre: Let’s see who from the love birds will win now.
Angre and Kabir were waiting to see whom from Riddhima and Vansh will win the game.
Riddhima and Vansh were being very stubborn and they were just concentrating on wining.
After some time, Riddhima has given up.
She has left the pani puri in a surrendering way.

She was just being a little sad that she has lost the game.
Angre: Oh! So now the winner is Vansh Rai Singhania.

Angre has came near Vansh and he has hugged him to congratulate him.

Kabir: Congratulations bro.
Vansh was smiling at them in a confident way.

Then Kabir has looked at Riddhima.
Kabir: Sorry my dearest Riddhima. It is okay as we will not always win and actually your husband has won so it is still your wining also.
Vansh has grabbed Riddhima towards him in a caring way.

Then he has kissed her in her forehead and near her eyes to calm her down.

Vansh: My wining is still your wining sweetheart so you don’t have to be that sad as Vansh and Riddhima will always be one so anything I will do it will affect you and anything you will do it will also affect me as well.
She has smiled at him.

She was staring at him very much.

She was being very relaxed while observing how he is always supporting her that much.
She holds his hand very tightly.

Riddhima: I don’t need anything after those lovely and very pure words Vansh. Your presence in my life is the most important thing to me.
They have hugged each other very tightly.

Kabir and Angre were looking at them while they were smiling.

Then Vansh has made Riddhima to drink water in a very caring and romantic way.

So she could be able to minimize the hotness of the pani puri.
Afterwards, they have seated all together after finishing the game.
Vansh: I have told you guys that I will be the one that will win that game and now it is the time to make you all follow the order that I will give it and none of you will be able to refuse it as actually I was thinking about doing this stuff since a lot, but I wasn’t having the time for it. So I don’t think that there is a perfect time other than that, but actually I will not say this decision now and I will leave it at the end of the meeting because I still want to make inspector Kabir confess about what he is hiding from us.
Kabir: Again?! Do you will not leave me today Vansh?!
Vansh: Of course not Kabir. You have to tell us everything.
Riddhima: Yes bro you have to tell us what is the reason that have changed you that much?
Angre: There is a very huge change in your attitude Kabir and this change is just could happen as a reason of love.
Riddhima: Yeah. I think that you are in love bro and of course you know who that girl that you are in love with her.
Angre: Actually, we all know that.
Riddhima: But we just want to hear it from you.
Kabir was just silent.
Their words have made him notice everything has happened at the last time.
He was happy, but at the same time he was worried.
Kabir to himself: Could I really be in love like they are saying?! Do I really have fallen in love? No, I don’t think that I will be able to do that once again. I don’t think that my heart will repeat that mistake once again.
Vansh was observing Kabir’s confusion.
So he has decided to stop that confession time.
Vansh: So let’s stop that guys because I’m observing that Kabir doesn’t want to talk about that not because he is hiding that thing from us, but because he is still has a huge confusion.
Kabir was looking at Vansh in a thankful way.

Vansh( continuing): I can observe that you aren’t able to understand what is going inside you Kabir and this is a very normal thing. We all have passed through it. I just want to give you one advice.
Kabir: What is that advice?
Vansh: Don’t make the past destroy your future. What has happened at the past doesn’t need to be repeated once again. You can’t forbid yourself from living your life and enjoy everything. You just need to sit with yourself and connect everything together and you will be able to get rid of all those confusion.
Angre and Riddhima have understood what Vansh has understood it that has made him said those words.
So they just have closed about that topic.
Kabir starts to act normal and don’t make his confusion rule him.
Kabir: So you could now tell us your order that we have to follow it after you have won the game Vansh.
Vansh: Okay. So I have decided that tomorrow morning we all will go into a trip to Manali and there isn’t any excuses guys as actually I was preparing for that trip since a lot and I was just waiting for the perfect time.
Kabir( being surprised): Trip to Manali that suddenly?!
Riddhima: Just a second, you have prepared for it since a lot and you didn’t have even told me Vansh?! You start to do so many surprise decisions without telling me Vansh!! This isn’t fair my dearest husband.
Precap: Ishani has interrupted the gang’s meeting while she was being very shocked and surprised.
Ishani( being shocked): Guys, there is a very shocking news and you all have to know it now.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Let’s see what is Kabir’s past that makes him that confused and worried to be in love. Stay tuned for the upcoming episodes. I know that I’m not that good and of course there are so many writers that are better than me, but I’m really doing my best to be improved so please guys what I need from you all is just the support not any thing more than that. I’m just doing my best to entertain you all. Thank you so much guys for making succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 30 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode. The upcoming episode will be published depending on all of yours respond. The next episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target. I just hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you all will help me in reaching to my target. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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