Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 26

The episode starts with Riddhima standing behind the bar.

She was smiling very much when she starts remembering all the beautiful moments that she has spent it today with Vansh.

Riddhima to herself: There isn’t a lot of time has passed on being in a relationship with Vansh and he starts showering me with so much love and care. I’m sure that my decision to be with Vansh is the perfect decision that I had made it in my life and I’m sure that I will never regret on doing that till the end of my life.

At that moment, Siya and Sejal were looking at Riddhima and they were seeing how much she is very happy.

They came near her.

As they decided to not make Riddhima’s happiness last for more time.

Siya starts clapping to Riddhima.

Siya: Wow Riddhima you are really genius! You have used today’s situation very well so you could make a place in everyone’s heart.

Riddhima: What do you mean Siya by saying those words? I really don’t understand what you want to say so please be direct and say what you want immediately without playing with the words.

Sejal: When you start to say what you want directly, we could do the same Riddhima. As I’m sure that you aren’t loving my brother Vansh. You just love his money and that’s what makes you want to be very close to Vansh.

Riddhima: Don’t you dare Sejal to accuse my love towards Vansh. I was and I will still always respect you because you are Vansh’s sister so that’s why I have always tolerated your bad behavior that you are always treating me with it regardless that I didn’t made anything to you that could makes you hate me that much, but I was always giving you excuses and don’t make any reaction for what you are doing to me just for Vansh’s sake. You just must to know something Sejal that if I’m silent that doesn’t mean that I’m not able to take my right, no dear I could easily make things that you will not be able to tolerate it. So don’t test my patience as I could tolerate anything, but I would never tolerate hearing a word from you accusing by it my love towards Vansh. My love towards Vansh is very pure and true so don’t you dare say a word about my love towards Vansh. Actually, I don’t care if you will trust that my love towards Vansh is true because the most important thing to me is that Vansh is sure of the true and the pure of my love towards him so I don’t care about your opinion at all. So if you will not trust my love towards Vansh, you could just shut up and please don’t say any other word once again as I’m just trying my best to put in my mind that you are Vansh’s sister so please don’t make me forget that.

Sejal was going to reply to Riddhima with a very aggressive way when Siya has stopped her.

Siya: Hold on Sejal dear. You don’t have to disturb yourself by replying to that girl. Just leave that thing to me.

Sejal nods to Siya.

Then she steps a step back.

Siya: So get Sejal out now Riddhima if you don’t want to do to her anything because that she is Vansh’s sister and let’s see what you will do to me.

Riddhima got silent and she didn’t say a word.

She wasn’t wanting to make any problems with Vansh’s family members.

She was always knowing, since the first day she became on it Vansh’s best friend, that Siya and Sejal doesn’t love her.

So their attitude wasn’t unusual to her.

She was always trying to make them change their point of view on her, but with no result.

The one that Riddhima was trying her best to make her accept and love her which was Sejal.

She was always doing her best to form a friendship bond between Sejal and her like what she was doing with Ishani.

She was trying to make all Vansh’s sisters loving her and treating her in a good way.

She was wasn’t that caring about Siya because she was always observing that Siya is a person who doesn’t love anyone and she is a very weird person so Riddhima wasn’t caring about changing Siya’s point of view about her.

Riddhima was being sad that she isn’t able to make a place in all Vansh’s family members.

She was really sad from inside her from what Sejal and Siya have said and done to her, but she was trying to not make them notice her sadness to always appear strong in front of them.

Siya and Sejal start laughing.

Siya: You will never do anything to us Riddhima.

Sejal: You are just a cunning girl who could do anything to reach to what she wants.

Siya: I can admit that you are very smart Riddhima as you have taken the advantage of the chili accident that has happened to win all the family members’ sympathy. You were sure to use this situation to make Vansh trusts you more and of course you would never leave any situation without insulting me by proving that you are the one who Vansh listens to her words more than his own cousin, but I promise you Riddhima that I will not leave you and I will not make you succeed in what you want.

Sejal: You didn’t became satisfied from being close to Vansh as his best friend as you also now want to become more closer to him by being his girlfriend and this is the thing that I will not allow you to do it Riddhima. I would never make you cheat my brother and play with his feelings. Just look at yourself Riddhima, how a middle class girl like you could be Vansh Rai Singhania’s girlfriend?!

Siya: You a very cheap and cunning girl!

Riddhima got really hurt from Siya and Sejal’s words.

A tear has came from her eye.

At that moment, Riddhima’s hero has came to save her from those two witches.

Vansh has came.

Vansh(Shouting): Siya, Sejal stop that nonsense.

Siya and Sejal got frightened from the angry way that Vansh was calling their names through it.

Vansh starts moving towards Siya, Sejal, and Riddhima.

When Siya and Sejal have seen Vansh in that angry way, they have immediately left.

As they were sure that Vansh will never leave them after what they have said to Riddhima.

So they decided to leave to not put themselves in a problem with Vansh.

Vansh has raised his voice to make them hear it even after they have left.

Vansh: Don’t anyone of you could dare once again to talk with Riddhima in that way otherwise I will forget that you are both from my family members. I would have now came after you both to punish you for what you have both have said to Riddhima, but I will just be satisfied this time by warning you both and I hope that my warn got has been became cleared to you both.

Siya and Sejal have listened to Vansh’s words, but they didn’t care about his warning.

Then Siya and Sejal went to join the others in the party.

Beside the bar, Vansh has came close to Riddhima.

Then he starts removing the tear that was on Riddhima’s face.

Vansh: I’m sorry Riddhima for what Siya and Sejal have said it to you. Yes I didn’t heard to all what they have said as if I was here from the beginning I would have never made them complete hurting you, but what I have heard from them at the end could make me be sure that they have made you hurt a lot. I’m really sorry sweetheart. Please don’t care about what Siya and Sejal have said as you know that they aren’t that mature so please don’t make their words disturb you and I promise that I will make them never say something like that to you.

Riddhima has putted her hands on Vansh’s face.

Riddhima: I don’t care about anyone other than you Vansh. I would never think about anything when you are with me Vansh as I’m sure that you will always support me and save me from anything and everything. You will always be my hero who is always protecting me and I’m always feeling safe when I’m with him.

Vansh makes Riddhima closer to him.

Then he has hugged her a very long and warm hug.

He was wanting to not make her sad and upset as he was sure that Siya and Sejal’s words have made her so hurt.

He was trying to calm her down and not make her worry about anything when she is with him, but he himself was very worried.

He wasn’t knowing the huge reason that could make Siya and Sejal treat Riddhima in that bad way.

Vansh to himself: I was always speculating the reason that could make Siya and Sejal treat you in that bad way Riddhima especially Sejal as I know that Siya is a person who doesn’t love anyone. Regardless that she is my cousin, but I know how much she isn’t that friendly like all of VR family. I know that she has a very big dreams about our family business, but I still know that she would always respect and protect her family. I just wonder the reason that could make my sister Sejal isn’t able to love Riddhima, but even if they don’t love you Riddhima. I promise you that I will never make anyone of them could disturbs you when I’m with you.

A 6 months has been passed.

During those 6 months, Vansh and Riddhima were spending the best beautiful moments in their lives being together.

During those months, Vansh and Riddhima were doing everything together.

During those months, Vansh and Riddhima were caring about each other and loving each other in a very romantic way.

They were enjoying their relationship so much while they were spending those 6 months.

During those months, Vansh and Riddhima start feeling that they must to take a serious step in their relationship.

They were feeling that they don’t need to wait more, but none of them had the chance to open that idea with the other.

They were feeling that this will happen soon, but they still weren’t able at which time they will decide this.

They were leaving this thing to God as they were sure that he will prepare to them the perfect time to take a serious step in their relationship.

During those months, the evil gang that are around Vansh and Riddhima didn’t left them living their lives that peacefully.

As they were planning a very dangerous plan to destroy with it Vansh and Riddhima.

Aryan, Anuprya, and Siya start planning to destroy Vansh’s business.

They have succeeded in putting a spy in Vansh’s team.

They have succeed in making that person one of the ones who are in the closet team to Vansh.

This spy was trying his best to cause problems in the parties that Vansh is doing it.

Yes Vansh was always succeeding in solving those problems, but those problems start making Vansh’s clients worried.

Vansh was feeling stressed that his image in front of his clients could be destroyed.

He was trying to know the one who is behind everything is happening in his business.

Vansh was very stressed and worried during those months because of his work, but Riddhima was the one who was supporting him.

Especially that Vansh was always solving the problems before anything could be destroyed.

During those months, Siya along with Aryan and Anuprya were just laying the foundation to what they were going to do after those months.

They were planning to make a big disaster in Vansh’s business after they start to make Vansh’s clients worried from working with him.

During those months, Aryan starts his own plan that will happen along with the business plan that he made it with Anuprya and Siya.

Anuprya was helping Aryan in that plan.

Anuprya starts being very close to Sejal and that what Sejal was liking it a lot.

As Sejal was inspired from Anuprya’s wealth and attitude when she has visited VR mansion.

Sejal was feeling happy being close to a rich woman like Anuprya.

Anuprya was making Sejal close to her so she could control her and impress her with all the power that she has.

After Anuprya made Sejal close to her, Aryan starts engaging with them and making Sejal being impressed from his attitude and hotness.

He was wanting her to fall for him so he could put the control on her and use her in his plan to destroy Vansh and Riddhima.

Sejal didn’t took a lot of time until she has fallen for Aryan and she starts trusting him a lot.

She was feeling that she is the one who deserves him not Riddhima.

As she was always doesn’t liking the relationship that was between Riddhima and Aryan.

She was feeling that Riddhima doesn’t deserve being the girlfriend of a rich man like Aryan.

So she was feeling very happy that she is the one who is with Aryan now.

She was happy that Aryan has loved her and chose her to be his girlfriend.

She wan’t aware that Aryan is doing his habit which is playing with the feelings of any girl around him.

She wasn’t aware that Aryan is using her in his plan to make him enter Vansh and Riddhima’s lives once again.

He was wanting to disturb Vansh and Riddhima by using Sejal.

Sejal was needing to feel that she could be loved very much the way Aryan was doing it to her so she has believed everything Aryan was telling it to her.

He made her against Riddhima more, but he wasn’t able to put her against Vansh.

She was still seeing that Riddhima is the only one who deserves to be hated not her brother Vansh.

Aryan and Sejal were in a relationship that no one in VR family was knowing anything about it even Siya.

Aryan was wanting to make sure that he has totally controlled on Sejal before he could make her announce this announcement.

During those 6 months, Siya and Sejal were trying to disturb Riddhima a lot when Riddhima was going to VR mansion to meet Vansh and the whole VR family.

Ishani and dadi were always supporting Riddhima against Siya and Sejal.

Regardless that Riddhima was feeling very hurt from the way Siya and Sejal were treating her through it, but she was feeling satisfied from how Ishani and dadi were supporting her and loving her so much.

The great supporter to Riddhima was Vansh.

He was standing by her side and showering her with so much love.

Actually, at those months, both Vansh and Riddhima were supporting each other a lot.

Each one of them was supporting the other during the bad situation that the other was facing it.

Vansh and Riddhima were always the backbone to the other.

During those 6 months, Ragini was being very close to Angre.

They were meeting each other everyday.

The bond that was between them start to increase more and more.

Ragini was feeling very happy being that close to Angre.

Ragini has made Angre has forgotten all the feelings that he was feeling it to Riddhima.

Actually, Angre became sure that the feelings that he was feeling it to Riddhima wasn’t a true love feelings.

During those months, Angre start to act normal once again with Vansh and Riddhima and that what makes him more sure that what he was feeling to Riddhima wasn’t a true love.

Angre was being very happy seeing Vansh and Riddhima together.

He was sure that Vansh is the perfect partner to Riddhima.

During those months, Angre starts to feel special feelings to Ragini.

He starts to feel that he wants to spend all the time with Ragini.

He was still isn’t able to understand his feelings, but he was feeling very happy when he was near Ragini.

Ragini was feeling that Angre’s perspective about her start to change.

She was feeling that Angre starts to feel special feeling towards her.

She was feeling that Angre starts loving her.

She was enjoying every single moment she is spending it with Angre.

She was just waiting for the day that Angre will confess his feelings to her on it.

During those 6 months, Kabir was feeling happy seeing Riddhima with Vansh and enjoying their time together.

He was also happy seeing Angre became fine and being with Ragini.

He was sure that Ragini is the perfect partner to Angre.

He was sure that very soon Angre and Ragini will be together.

During those 6 months, Kabir was doing his investigation about Siya.

He was still wasn’t able to get a strong proofs that could prove to himself that his doubts are true.

He wasn’t giving up in getting a proof against Siya.

As he was sure that Siya is hiding a lot of secrets.

What was making him more sure that Siya is hiding a lot of evil plans is that he has known from her movement records that she is meeting Aryan and Anuprya a lot.

So he was sure that Siya is a very evil and cunning person.

But he was knowing that Siya’s connection with Anuprya’s family will not be a strong proof as VR family is still keeping  in touch with Anuprya after she has acted as if she wasn’t aware of Aryan’s bad deeds.

Kabir wasn’t believing Anuprya so he was sure that Siya, Anuprya and Aryan are planning an evil plan.

He was trying his best to get proofs against Siya so he could be able to expose her real face in front of Vansh.

He was hoping that he could know Siya’s motive very soon and he could forbids her from doing anything bad to Riddhima and Vansh.

During those 6 months, Siya was very alert as she has known that Kabir is keeping an eye on her and he is investigating about her.

So she was very careful to not make him know anything about her.

She was sure to not put her name in anything she is doing it with Aryan and Anuprya.

She was sure to make everything by the name of Aryan and Anuprya.

So if their plan got to be exposed, Aryan and Anuprya could be the only ones who will be caught and she would never be exposed.

At morning, Riddhima was in the school performing her sessions.

She was thinking about Vansh.

She was very worried about him.

As she was knowing how much Vansh is very worried due to the problems that is happening in his business.

She has texted him, but he didn’t reply back.

Riddhima to herself: I know Vansh that you are now very busy trying to solve the problems that has happened in your business and I’m sure that very soon you will know the person who is behind all of those problems. I know that you my love will solve everything very soon.

She looked at Vansh’s picture that was the desktop background of her laptop.

Riddhima to herself: I’m sure that you will make everything fine like before Vansh. I really trust you a lot. You also don’t have to worry Mr. organizer as your sweetheart will not leave you. I will always supporting you and being with you until we could know together that evil person who wants to destroy your business. So I will call you soon to meet you so we could think together and not make you feeling that you are alone.

She kissed Vansh’s picture.

Riddhima(looking at Vansh’s picture): I love you so much Vansh.

At that moment, Vansh was sitting with Angre and Rudra discussing about what is happening nowadays in his business.

Vansh was very angry.

He wasn’t believing that his hard work could be destroyed by the hand of anyone.

Vansh: How you are both telling me that none of you have known the one behind all of the problems that has happened during the previous 6 months?! I will never allow anyone to destroy my business.

Angre and Rudra were silent.

They weren’t having anything that they could say it to comfort Vansh with it.

Vansh gets up from his chair.

Then he has pushed his hand on the table beside him.

Vansh(Shouting): I want an answer guys. I want to know the reason behind all the problems that has happened in the previous parties that we were responsible about it.

Rudra: Please Vansh calm down. Your anger will not help you at all.

Angre: Yes boss. You must to be relaxed so you could think about a way that could help us in knowing the person that is behind all of those problems.

Rudra: We must to know that person very quickly as the clients’ trusts on us start to lessen and this isn’t good to our business’s image. Please Vansh think about a way that could help us in catching that person very quickly and that will never happen if you are angry. You must to be very peaceful and quiet so you could be able to know that person.

Vansh’s anger start to lessen.

Then he sits once again on his chair.

Vansh: You are right guys I must to be quiet so I could think about a plan to catch with it that person and forbids that person from destroying my business.

At that moment, Vansh’s mobile rings.

It was one of his team.

He picked up the call.

One of Vansh’s team: Vansh sir please come to us at the new party now as there is a big problem here. The situation is very critical and this could lead to the destroy of your whole career.

Vansh: What?!

One of Vansh’s team: Yes sir, you have to come quickly as you are the only one who could be able to stop this catastrophic situation. Please boss come very quickly as we aren’t able to handle this situation.

Precap: “Your business got spoiled Mr. Vansh, we would never work with such a party planner like you”

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Let’s see what has happened in the new party that Vansh’s company was organizing it that could make someone say something like that to Vansh. Let’s see if Vansh will be able to solve the new problem or it will be too late. Let’s see if Vansh will be able to catch the ones who are behind the problems that is happening in his business or not. Let’s wait to see how Vansh will get out from that problem and who could help him in solving this problem. To know what will happen next stay tuned for the upcoming episodes and please do support me in reaching to my target in this episode to be encouraged to update the new episode. If anyone of you have any suggestions or opinions about the upcoming events don’t hesitate to tell me about it in the comments. I hope that you have liked reading the first precap in my fan fiction. I really want to know all your opinions and feedback. I also want you to rate my fan fiction from 10 so I could be able to improve my fan fiction more and more and this will never happen without all of yours help. I also want to know from you all do you are liking the length of the episode or should I make it shorter as I felt that there isn’t so much respond like I was expecting so please help me in knowing if you are liking that or not. I want to thank you all for supporting and encouraging me. I was reading all your comments and I was feeling very happy while reading it, but I was still upset that I didn’t reached to my target. I really got very upset and down for not reaching to my target. I hope that when this episode could be published you could all have made me reached to my target on the previous episode. I hope that you guys could make me encouraged to write more and more by making me reaching to my target on this episode. I hope that you could make me reach to my target on this episode this time. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 25 comments( excluding my comments). So please guys don’t disappoint me and please make me reach to my target. I know that you are all a great supporters and you all will help succeed in reaching to my target. Please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. So please don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.


A very obsessed fan of immj2. Enjoy writing so much and I hope that I could publish my own novel one day and be a famous writer.

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