Fan Fiction

When I follow my heart, it leads me to you (Raglak SS) Part 1

Laksh maheshwari a great entrepreneur, a young businessman etc etc but he can’t give one thing which his wife asked. She needed divorce from him.He loved her although his soul,breath. She wanted to end this relationship.She was his life,his soul,his breath. If divorce is what gives happiness,he’s not ready to snatch it.He recalled all their lovely moments.His heart broke into pieces as she said those words,I don’t wish to live with you…Laksh world was spinning,he wasn’t ready to let go of it.A small misunderstanding separated them.Laksh took heavy steps into court,he saw his wife standing on the other side requesting judge to grant them divorce.Laksh went to witness stand n stepped inside.

Judge questioned whether he wanted divorce,he wanted to scream nooooo,but said yes looking into his wife’s smiling face. He thought why me???why can’t I deserve love??? He once again saw his life,his ragini who happily signed divorce papers n stood with her papa.I signed papers with trembling hands looking at her face, for that smile I could even give my life n now we are legally divorced.

I was shattered, I asked why ragini?why?why can’t you love me as I do??? What’s my mistake,if my brother n you loved n he eloped with another girl?what was my mistake in marrying you to save you??what was my mistake in loving you??what was my mistake?????

Why did u left me ragini?? Pls come back to me,u are my life, my sunshine,my breath,my heart its beat everything, youre this lakshs life, pls don’t go away from me?? His heart screamed when he saw ragini getting into car n car slowly moves

Ennai kollathey thalli pogathey
Nenjay killathey kanmani

Sonna en sollil
Illai unmaigal aeno kokobangal…solllaaaddiii

What was my mistake???ragini I love youuuu come back to me…..

Hi raglakians this is my new treat for my friends. Okk why not play a game,I’ll put a riddle u must give ur answers okk

A word that is 4-5 letter ,that gives you shoulder to cry,gives you smile in despair,its mere speech can give u immense strength,a word that stays as long as world stays,it plays a support in our life,it gives hope even without speaking…

Above all you all signify that word in my life??its a easy one guesses guys.

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