Fan Fiction

Finding the seeds to grow the happy family tree — Rikara omkara singh oberoi

name: rikara omkara singh oberoi

nicknames: riks, choti o, tweety didi, snowflake, drama queen, miss dabang, twinkle, fox, melody, health freak.

age: 16

description: she is the eldest daughter of RiKara and by god the sweetest and smartest. she is a topper in school and very popular as of her fashion choices and photography, acting, dancing and singing skills. she is a true artist. respects all arts: painting, photography, dancing, music and acting. she looks a lot like om hence gauri calls her choti o. some of his qualities are in her: dreamer, great listener and connects with everyone’s pain. unfortunately she feels the need to lie time to time and does push people into getting what she wants.

like gauri, she is in love with salman khan and time to time uses internet chachi to find what she needs. she also loves singing and dancing like her mother. like shivay, she loves cooking and family is her first priority. like rudy, she is full of life and doesn’t eat much junk food as she is focused on her health.

she wants to make it big in the world of Bollywood. she has her own YouTube channel where she posts herself singing whilst playing her guitar. knows Spanish, German, French, Italian, English, Punjabi and Chinese. knows how to play guitar, flute, violin, piano, harp, drums and trumpet.

she loves her family a lot. very close to her Ayaan chachmu (half chachu and half mamu). in siblings wise, very close to her little sister omika and cousin Krishna.

main character.


hi I am lavanya from wattpad (magicglow11111).

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