Fan Fiction

Finding my Angel (Episode 13)

Finding my Angel: Episode 13
Recap: Concert with the fans 😉 Little YuvAni Dance…
Yuv PoV:
Today is the sangeet finally! Now I get to see suhani is asian attire! Like they say get a girl who can do both… I don’t usually get excited for these ceremonies, but this will be amazing…
Sharad: Guru! Come on get ready! What are you dreaming of? Actually no don’t answer that. Suhani isn’t it!
yuv: NO I DON’T LIKE HER! She is my best friend.
Sharad: Ok then (he makes a face and walks off)
Yuv closes and locks the door gets in the shower and gets ready…

The BH is very loud and happy, little white lilies everywhere, green and red fairy lights hung everywhere, everyone is dressed in green and red… All the guys except Saurab are wearing a deep green sherwani, with red silk trousers and a red scarf and a gold flower embroided in the left, while Saurub is wearing the reverse red sherwani with green trousers… There is a knock at the door… It must be the Shivastas and the guests starting to come in, Yuvraaj runs out his room and opens the door to see suhani looking down holding a basket of offertories, her hair messily done in a side braid with little flowered weaved into it, she is wearing a green and red lengha, her lips painted redand her eyes green with a dash of gold… She looks up at yuv’s eyes quickly smiles and looks down, viraj comes and links arms with her and walks her inside, giving Yuvraaj a very wicked look…

Everyone walks in one by one, Rags being last with Pankaj, linking arms together, Rags is wearing the reverse on the girls and is looking stunning with her red hair curled and half twisted into a flower in the back of her head… Saurub couldn’t get his eyes off her… he slowly walks up to her, and offers her his hands, she giggles and places her hand into his, and they walk off to their seat… The guests start coming in one by one, yuvraaj sitting opposite suhani who is sitting next to Viraj with a little frown on her face… She looks up to see Yuv looking at her and she looks down again and fiddles with her fingers…
When all the guests came, Bhavna and Sharad go up on stage…
Shavna: Welcome one and all to the sangeet of the most astonishing couple of them all… Ragni bhabhi and Saurub bhayha!
Everyone claps

Bhavna: On this night, people will dance and sing together, people will meet their true friends, people will meet and find the ones they love!
Somu looks at Kris and smiles and Kris notices this and blushes…
Sharad: We have a special person today, who will be a member of our family… SUHANI SHRIVASTA!
Suhani looks up at everyone and waves giving them a weak smile…
Yuv PoV:
What’s wrong with my smiley chirpy suhani… Was it because of our dance yesterday…
Suhani PoV:
I want to leave… I can start crying at any moment right now.. I can’t survive this pain… I am totally alone… I’m Sorry everyone for putting on such a bad show…
The fans noticing a problem with suhani… Roz noticing Yuv just starting at her… he nudges komal and nithu lightly…

Roz: do you think Yuvraaj… Likes her?
Komal (whispers) hush yaar… I think he might… but what is wrong with suhani…
Nithu: Hmmm… I think Yuvraaj must’ve done something to her…
Farhat: Guys, your speaking soo loud… Shhhh And I think its that guy next to Suhani… The one who is holding onto her hand tightly…
They all nod…
ruby puts her arms around them all: I know what we can do to answer all our questions… Make sure Yuv and suhani dance with each other! Second we need to talk to yuvraaj and some of us needs to talk to suhani… We can do this! We can do this and unite YuvAni!

Roz confused: YuvAni?
Farhat pushes her head: Yes YuvAni Yuvraaj and Suhani! I think we should call ourselves the tigers…
They all agree and laugh… A few girls walk up to the group…
one of the girls: Hey, my name is Sanaa… I am a friend of Saurab… Is it ok if we hand around with you lot…
another girl: My name is Ayushi… And this is Mercy, and this one is Tanzia…
they all smile…
Napsha comes there with a tray of drinks: eh, leaving me out! I went to get us all a drink… So whats happening
Nithu explains everything…

Napsha: This will be AWESOME!
They all high 5, and they watch the sangeet start…
Sharad: So first up is Mehnka and Anuj! The most bestest of friends (he laughs)
Mehnka: I don’t want to dance with this monkey!
Bhavna: Tough! (she comes off stage and grabs mehnka and anuj’s hand and brings them on stage)
They just look and each other and give a humph, the music then starts with Zehnaseeb, they both danced with happiness until mehnka steps on anuj’s foot by accident and he picks her up and spins her around till he gets dizzy…
They all laugh… Everyone gives a round of applauds and Suhani smiles a little…
Sharad: Well that was a.n interesting performance, Thank you u two jokers!
They hop off stage not realising they were holding hands…
Bhavna giggles: So now, its the adults dance!
Sharad goes to bring Dadi, Pratima and Pankaj
the music starts playing surprisingly is was Chaiyya Chaiyya, everyone was surprised but were all clapping ans swaying side to side, Viraj clasping Suhani’s Hand tight ristiricing her from enjoying herself, a cold tear runs down her faces, Yuvraaj fumes notcing this…
yuv whispers: Suhani! WHY ARE YOU CRYING!

Viraj lets go: No she is fine! Enjoy the show…. (He smirks)
Suhani feels a pinch on her leg and nods quickly smiling to Yuvraaj… Tigers notices this and discusses something…
The adults have finished dancing and everyone stood up and clapped…
Bhav: amazing performace by our elders! Up next is Suhani and Yuvraaj!
viraj stands up: NO I want to dance with my friend! Yuvraaj hardly knows her!
Everyone looks at Viraj confused and shocked, Yuvraaj just stares at Viraj…
Viraj: I mean, I didntget to spend time with my friend since I have come… I thought I would get the chance to dance.. Am I right suhani…
She doesn’t respond
Viraj stares at her and says a bit louder: AM I RIGHT SUHANI?
Scared Suhani nods her head and quietly gets up and walks to the stage…
Everyone turns around to look at her… Eventually all the tigers stand up and say: Yes! We want to dance and stand with our role model!
Suhani smiles and walks to them…

Napsha whispers: I know something isn’t right Suhani…. I will make sure nothing happens (and she cups her face) Let’s do this!
All the tigers walks up to stage and nudges Viraj out of the way…
Sanaa: Hey guys… You may not know us but we are the Tigers, and we fight to make sure we are at the top! We are huge fans of Suhani and we wanted to take this chance… I’m Sorry Viraj (she pulls a face at him and then smirks)
The music starts up, Tu Chahiye starts to play they all dance together, each grabbing suhani’s hand and spinning her round! Suhani starts to laugh a little bit and starts to enjoy herself…

Precap: Confrontation….

Sorry guys this episode seems to be a bit boring and repetitive… I really didn’t like putting Suhani through pain… But I need to for something amazing to happen… So Sorry if I hurt anyone by putting Suhani through pain! 🙁 LY all x Ty for all your support, on my last episode on Finding my Angel I had 41 comments! I was soo happy, So I would like to thank you all soo much in supporting me x I never thought I would reach this far! 😀 BTW the sangeet will still be going on in the next epi! ;p


I am usually busy, unless you have food (FanFics for SSEL)

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