Categories: Faltu

Faltu 5th August 2023 Written Episode Update: Ayaan rebukes Tanu

Faltu 5th August 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Ayaan saying I want to go to Faltu. Savita says Faltu left, I just asked her about the food, she was showing attitude and argued with me. He says no, I don’t believe this. Tanu says yes, she misbehaved with us. Neil and Dada ji talk to the manager. Faltu comes and gets the tea. Neil looks at her. He stops her and says look at her, she has a plan look, she is wearing the shoes of our brand, our brand is for the common people, not rich people, we have to think of reaching those people who wear our brand shoes every day and walk to fulfill their dreams. He asks her to stand well. He says nice, meet the new brand ambassador, she is an ordinary girl who came to fulfill big dreams. She says no. Dada ji says it’s a nice idea. She says its not good, I m going. Neil stops her.


asks when did this deal get locked. Kinshuk says before Ayaan fell sick. Ayaan says it’s a good chance for both the companies, we should go in the party. She says you aren’t well. He scolds her and asks her not to interfere in business.

Faltu says I m not a model, you want to insult me. Neil says no, I want you to do this. She says no. Dada ji says Neil’s idea is good, you have a chance to become a big name, you will move on and become independent, cricket association can change their decision. Neil says yes, think of it, be thankful now. She jokes. Dada ji laughs. He asks her to say yes.

He says I will make Faltu an Apsara, don’t think much, I will lead this thing, show them they can’t run your life, its your right to get respect. Tanu says Faltu didn’t come out from that day. Janardhan asks what nonsense, you and Savita made her out. Kinshuk tells everything. Ayaan is shocked. He gets angry and shouts on Tanu. He says you and mom lied to me, where is mom now. She says Savita was worried for you. He scolds her. He says don’t know what is Faltu thinking about me, I will go and meet her in the party, I m ready to leave this house if anyone has a problem, no one can separate Faltu and me. Faltu calls home and thinks Amar should answer the call. Amar answers. She asks is Ayaan okay. He says yes, he is fine, he was talking of attending the party, Neil invited him, Tanu tried hard to stop her, Ayaan loves you a lot, I pray that your jodi always stays the same and everything gets fine. She asks him to take care of Ayaan. Tanu sees him and scolds. She slaps him. Kumkum shouts on Tanu. Tanu says I will not leave Amar, he was informing Faltu, he is a servant here, he forgot it. She fires Amar and drags him. Kumkum says you know since when he is working here, you can’t insult him. Tanu argues.

Faltu thanks Matarani and prays. Neil comes. She says I will eat the food now. He says its boring food, you should eat this. He asks Kaka not to give boring food to the boring girl. She says no, I will eat it. Neil asks her to eat pastries and cupcakes. He says you talk bitter, if you eat sweets, you will talk sweetly. He feeds her the cupcake. She recalls her moment with Ayaan. She says no, I don’t want to eat. Neil says you got reminded of Ayaan, no, you are dieting because you are becoming a model. She smiles. He jokes. Janardhan stops Tanu and asks how can you behave like that. Kumkum says Tanu slapped Amar, just because he was talking to Faltu. Janardhan asks what. Tanu says he was passing info to Faltu. He asks Amar what happened. Amar says Faltu called and she asked about Ayaan’s health, I said he is fine and he is going to the party. Janardhan says Faltu is our bahu, what’s the problem if she wants to know anything. Tanu says she will get business inputs and give to Neil and his Dada ji. Amar says trust me, I didn’t tell anything about business. Tanu scolds him. Kumkum asks Tanu to stop it. She says Amar and Faltu can never cheat us. Ayaan says they both are a part of this family, who gave you a right to do this, Amar has taken care of us since our childhood, how dare you slap him. He apologizes to Amar. Amar cries and goes. Tanu cries and says its my mistake, I can never be right for you, I did a lot for you, I m saving you, you don’t value me, this is not fair. She goes.

Ayaan divorces Faltu. Neil asks her to sign the papers and start a new relation with him. He says I love you Faltu.

Update Credit to: Amena


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