Episodic Analysis

Are you excited for Ved and Payal’s wedding in TSMSP?

This is Yami with the exciting thought of Ved and Payal’s upcoming wedding. In the beginning I thought they might run a parallel track with Ved and Payal along with Uma and Kanak. But instead they just stopped showing that story. But now Uma is going to get Ved and Payal married.Everyone thinks Payal is a spineless girl who is always being used by everyone . I agree and I hope that the writers change Payal’s character a little. Ved is by far my favorite character in the show. He is calm,not immature and sensible compared to Vansh. I also want to get Maasisa and Aditya out of the picture. I want to see more of Vansh-Saras , Ved-Payal ,Uma-Kanak and Bhabho and Meena Chachi. Kanak’s character is quite interesting and fun to watch. Uma is rocking the jealous husband role. Maasisa has bored me but Aditya creeps me out.

As far as I know, Uma is going to beat up Aditya (again) and rescue Payal and Kanak. He will call Bhabho and Ved to Ladno.Bhabho will give shagun , Maasisa will do drama as usual, but what I am waiting for is the characters to have more space and let their characters blossom. I am probably the only one who agrees with me but if you agree let me know in the comments below.

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