Eternal Love Story # Our Riansh (Chapter-59)


In VR Mansion:-

All entered in through the balcony and saw them kissing each other passionately and seeing them doing all turned around covering their eyes with their hands.

Kabir- Haaye…….. my Virgin ro0m.

Sejal- Just shut up Kabir.

Siya- Someone please stop them.

Angre- I can’t see my boss like this.

Kabir- Now he became your boss.

Angre- If you don’t have any issue then stop them.

Kabir- I’m uncomfortable.

Angre- And we all are downloaded version of comfortableness….

Sejal- Will you guys stop fighting?

Siya- Aryan bhai do naa….

Aryan- Aray Siya, I never kissed my Girlfriends how will I stop them?

Ishani- Hawww………How many girlfriends do you have?

Aryan- One and only you, as you are worth 100…..

Ishani- What do you mean?

Sejal- Guys I swear I don’t have gun and license or I would have shoot you all.

Kabir- I have one, want.

Aryan- Kabir, you don’t love me.

Kabir- No…. Please stop them.

Angre- Ok fine together, let’s turn around.

Kabir- 3……2…..1……

All turned around and uncovered their eyes and saw none there.

Kabir- Now where are they?

Sejal- I can’t see them….

Aryan- Even I can’t

Angre- Idiots lets search out……

All came out and saw them in front of Uma and Ajay’s room fighting.

Angre- No way kill me….

Kabir- I’m leaving……..

Sejal- Idiots they are our friends and we were the one to bring them……

Siya- Yaa she is right.

Angre- Then go and handle them….

Siya- Lets go Angre…….

Angre- I love my life

Ishani- Let’s go together.

Aryan- No way let’s kidnap them.

Kabir- Are you a criminal?

Ishani- Exactly why you all always kidnap us?

Aryan- We love doing that

Sejal- And I would love killing you all if you won’t come with me.

All looked at her and then at the couple who were standing in front of the room hugging each other.

Vansh- Riddhima, Let me go in.

Riddhima- No Vansh, it’s not your room.

Vansh- It’s my room, bye.

Riddhima- No it’s mine.

Vansh- Mine

Riddhima- Mine means mine.

Vansh- Then even you are mine lets go together.

Riddhima- No Vansh, we aren’t married.

Vansh- Then let’s go….Oh no

Riddhima- What happened??

Vansh- Kabir said priest will run away no…let’s stop him.

Saying so both enter in the room and saw Uma and Ajay sleeping….

Riddhima- How cute…….

Vansh- Let’s join them…

Riddhima- Idiot no…. we sh…..

Before she could complete both were pulled back with in a second and saw Kabir and Angre…

Vansh- What was that?

Kabir- Nothing lets go to sleep…

Vansh- I won’t sleep with you, I will sleep with my Riddhima..

Saying so he hugged her tightly…

Kabir- Vansh first leave from here….

Vansh- It’s my room then what mom and dad are doing here

Angre- Vansh it’s not your room, come.

Vansh- Ok… Come Sweetheart.

Saying so he followed them.


As soon as they entered they looked at Vansh and Riddhima.

Sejal- Vansh sleep here and Riddhima come with me

Vansh- No I won’t let her go…

Siya- Bhai, then how come you will marry her tomorrow.

Vansh- Why what’s the issue?

Siya- See Mom will see you both together then she will ask you questions and that can delay the marriage.

Riddhima- She has point Vansh, now.

Vansh- There is no point.

Kabir- Shut up Shut up shut up…….. Now no one will say even a word.

Riddhima- Kabir, there are 8 people all need shut up which one was for me.

Kabir fell on his knees.

Kabir- God either kill me or make them sleep.

Vansh- No let us get married then die….

Kabir- That’s it……. Vansh sleep here now….

They made him lay there on the couch and Sejal dragged Riddhima to her room and all girls locked themselves in the room

After a lot of tantrums all slept.


Next morning Riddhima woke up in her room and saw all the mess she shouted.

Riddhima- Aaahhhhh…..

Siya who was sleeping beside her woke up with a jerk, Ishani fell from the couch and Sejal woke up and fell from the bed.

Ishani- What the hell was that Riddhima? My back….Oh god…….

Sejal- Why you shouted?

Riddhima- Woah….. Nothing ……How come I’m here…..

Sejal- Last night you both were drunk, remember….

Riddhima- No….. Sejal can you get me a lemon juice…….

She said holding her head

A voice came at the door, they saw Kabir.

Riddhima- Kabir, you here.

Kabir- Yeah…….take even Vansh was having a headache so I made for both of you, drink it….. Ok…

He said and passed it to her

Riddhima- What happened last night?

Kabir- Nothing important you both were just drunk and we brought you here through my balcony and then just…..

Riddhima raised her eyebrows

Riddhima- Just?????

Sejal- You both shared a kiss…..

Vansh and Riddhima both shouted in their respective rooms.

Vansh- In front of you all.

Angre nods at this.


Riddhima- After that…..

Siya- After that you both ran out from there and entered to Uma aunty and Ajay uncle’s room.

Riddhima – What? And then


Vansh- What? And then

Aryan- Then we all brought you here and made you sleep here, that’s it….

Vansh- Oh shit….


Sejal- Stop all that already we are super late

Riddhima- What’s the time??

Kabir- 2 pm

Riddhima- What??

Ishani- Riddhima, please leave and get ready. Kabir please send her bridal dress…….

Kabir- Where is it?

Sejal- It must be with mom.

Kabir- Sandhya aunty.

Sejal nods and all left leaving the couple in their respective rooms.

Riddhima- I need to talk with Vansh…..

Vansh calls Riddhima at the same time

Riddhima- Vansh I’m sorry… I wasn’t knowing what I did……..

Vansh- Riddhima I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.

Riddhima- But then too sorry

Vansh- Ok fine, it all happened in the flow……

Riddhima- Yaa…

Vansh- So all set.

Riddhima- About.

Vansh- You are going to be Mrs. Vansh Raisinghania

Riddhima- So what?

Vansh- Where are you?

Riddhima- Obviously in my room.

Vansh- I’m coming there to tell about your what?

Riddhima- No no…. I got to know what you meant….

Vansh- Good for you… So tell all set.

Riddhima- Vansh this is not first time I’m getting married.

Vansh- What?

Riddhima- Remember last time, when we were getting married.

Vansh- Oh that one…

A voice again came…

Voice- Again, I swear..

Riddhima looked at the door and saw Kabir.

Kabir- Mom asked you both to not to see and see yourself guys you both are talking. Riddhima cut the call and get ready.

Vansh (on call) – Riddhima keep the call on speaker.

Riddhima did.

Vansh (on speaker) – Kabir come to my room, right now.

Kabir looked at Riddhima who was chuckling and making an annoyed face and kept the dress and he left.

Riddhima- Dare you to scold him Vansh.

Vansh- I won’t ok……

He hanged the call and both got ready…….


Do comments guys if you like the chapter 

Sorry for any grammatical mistake……….



I'm Niyati... just while scrolling through written updates I came here and became the member IMMJ2 fandom...Willing to be a psychiatrist 💖💖💖

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