Eternal Love Story # Our Riansh (Chapter-28)

Thank you so much for your comments… I request silent readers to comment, it motivates us…..


Near Bhopal:-

At 3:00 pm:-

Vansh and Riddhima came out of the car and was roaming there

Vansh- So what’s your favorite work I mean hobby?

Riddhima- I usually never got time to spend free always busy with college work or in library btw in these days I got to know that you are angry man with cute look… how you control your anger?

Vansh- Basketball….. I play basketball it reduces stress as many times I dribble ball

Riddhima- Great…… So may I know where are we going I mean where are you taking us………..?

Vansh- I told you Darjeeling

Riddhima- I mean where in Darjeeling…… Are we going to stay in car for these days?

Vansh- Oh….. No I have a Mansion in Darjeeling, we are going to stay there

Riddhima- Ok….. Btw I don’t know why I’m too excited to go there

Vansh- Even I’m I don’t know why I selected that place

Riddhima- Ok………

Vansh- Btw……. What’s the full form of RV Mansion?

Riddhima- Riddhima and Veer….. Dad kept it…..

Vansh- Oh….Ok…. How many members are there in your family?

Riddhima- Aren’t you investigating me too much….. May I know why?

Vansh- Just on the sake of friendship….

Riddhima- Ok….Mom, dad, bhai, bhabhi and these three….. You must be aware

Vansh- What?

Riddhima- About …..

Kabir (cutting him) – Riddhima….. Sejal is calling you

Riddhima- Ok…. I’m going

Riddhima leave

Kabir (to himself) – Thank God, I came on time and heard them otherwise till now Vansh must have known everything…..Now It’s dangerous to even leave them alone…. God… How will we make them close?

His thoughts were broken by Vansh’s voice

Vansh- Kabir….. At night you can sleep and dream… Now wake up and stop dreaming it’s still evening

Kabir- Sorry…. I was just thinking

Vansh- Ok…. Did they understood

Kabir- Who?

Vansh- For what I have left you inside

Kabir- For what you left?

Vansh- Kabir…. Are you fine or in shock of revelation Sejal slapped you hard

Kabir- Oh…. That… Yaa they understood

Vansh- I’m not getting how are they getting everything so easily

Kabir- Wow…. I mean if they understood you still have problem and if they didn’t understood you then also have problem

Vansh- Ok fine….They must be hungry

Aryan- Bhai…. We are tired too

Vansh- Oh really Aryan…. What you did that you are tired?

Aryan- I was speaking and entertaining you guys that’s the most important thing

Vansh- Who asked you to do it….

Aryan- My heart…. It always says to entertain everyone

Angre (mumbling) – That’s not entertaining that’s blood sucking

Aryan- Angre…. I heard

Angre- Thank God…. I don’t have to repeat

Aryan- Angre

Vansh- Do one thing….Let me bring boxing gloves and you two start WWE here only….. Everyone will get entertained also

Aryan- I don’t want to see him losing

Angre- Really? … I will lose or are you afraid to get your face smashed

Aryan- Wrong Angre….Handsome face

Angre- Don’t joke

Voice- Wow….

They turned to see girls standing there

Ishani- Now you guys really have lost your minds

Sejal- Especially Kabir….

Kabir (shocked) – What did I do now?

Sejal- Why aren’t stopping them….?

Kabir- Now without TV I’m getting entertained then what’s the need to switch off the TV….Let it go….

Ishani- It’s not his fault Sejal…. See Aryan…. Fighting like a Playgroup student

Angre- That tag is booked Ishani

Ishani- What whom?

Aryan- Vansh and Riddhima…. They fight like them

Riddhima- Done with our intro… and you Mr. Vansh

Kabir (whispering to Sejal) – See the Live show now

Riddhima- Do you really have a brain or not……?

Vansh- Now what I did?

Riddhima- Really you are asking what you did….

Vansh- Will you tell?

Riddhima- We are hungry since god knows when and you guys are fighting like Tom and Jerry

Aryan- Who is Tom and who is Jerry?

Vansh- Aryan….

Riddhima- Wow….. Now he will say sorry and you will give him your lecture like a professor…. You know what this much lecture to even our college professor’s don’t give….. Keep quiet…Say Sorry….. But don’t remember about us that we are hungry

Vansh (whispering to Angre) – I guess hunger went to brain causing mood swings

Angre chuckles slightly

Riddhima- See now also…..

Sejal- Riddhima…. Please stop fighting in the middle of the road aren’t you tired…… I’m hungry

Vansh- Move inside….. It’s already about to 4 pm

Siya- Vansh bhai, when will we reach Darjeeling?

Vansh- Till 7 am or before that tomorrow…. BTW I must say in your group Siya is the only sweet and less talkative

Riddhima- but in your none of you is sweet an innocent

Vansh- Thanks for the compliment

Riddhima- Really…..

Vansh- I said move inside…. You are the one talking

Sejal- Guys enough…. Move inside now

They all left inside…… and sat on the a table

Waiter comes there

Waiter- What would you all like to order?

Riddhima- One plat…..

Vansh (cutting her) – A Veggie feast Pizza, Veg four cheese white sauce pasta, Capresse Salad and In Indian One plate Pav Bhaji, Vada Pav, Aloo Tikki, Chole Bhature and in desert Dahi Bade and a Chocolate chip

Riddhima- Done? Now take mine……

Vansh- This was for you only……

Riddhima- What? Why? I want to order something else

Vansh- in Morning you only ordered these things

Riddhima- It was morning and now I want to have something else

Vansh- God….. I will have it…..

Riddhima- No wait….. I will order something else for everyone

Vansh- Why you will order……

Riddhima takes the tissue kept on the table and put it in Vansh’s mouth and start

Riddhima- Now don’t speak anything….. Bring North Indian Thali for us…… After all we are in North India so let’s start with that only

Waiter takes the order and leave

Vansh- Why you put the tissue in my mouth?

Riddhima- To keep you quiet….. Now be quiet or I will repeat it

All chuckles on this and after few minutes there order came

Vansh- This much?

Aryan- Exactly I don’t want to be a balloon till we reach back Mumbai……

Ishani- Shut up and eat…..

Riddhima- What’s your problem….. Can’t you do any work without fighting?

Vansh- Now you started

They kept quiet and ate further after they paid the bill they left quietly

Riddhima again sat in the Driver’s seat

Vansh- Riddhima, Aren’t you tired?

Riddhima- Aren’t you tired of listening to same answer I said I’m not

Vansh- Take a break….

Riddhima- Just now we took…..

Vansh- I’m not at all in mood….

He came in silently and sat

Riddhima started driving and this time hopefully they didn’t fight or said

At 8 pm:-

In RV Mansion:-

Veer and Sooraj entered in the room where they saw Ruchi and Sandhya sitting

Sandhya- Any information there

Veer- No mom, In fact it was useless to go there

Sooraj- Now that’s confirmed that they are kidnapped, Veer put whole Mumbai on alert…. Check each and every car….

Veer- Ok dad….

Veer (to himself) – Dad, I am really very sorry for making you this much tense but what to do after whatever happened in past I don’t want history to repeat…..

Sandhya- Veer, Go and freshen up after that come down to have dinner

Veer- Ok mom……

Veer and Ruchi came to their room

Veer- Had you informed dad about it?

Ruchi- Yaa…… Now go and freshen up….. After a three days we will eat together on the dining table

Veer nodded and left for dining table

In Car:-

At 8 pm:-

Aryan- Riddhima Di, where are we?

All were in deep thoughts that was broken by Aryan….

Riddhima- Due to my fast driving we are about to leave Satna and after about 45 minutes we will enter UP

Vansh- Riddhima wait….Stop…..That’s a long route

Riddhima stops the car

Riddhima- from where we will go then?

Vansh- Ok then, listen, take another route and move from Sidhi to Singrauli and directly move to Bihar route that will be a short cut to reach Darjeeling

Riddhima- Set on Google Map not on my brain

Vansh sets the location and Riddhima starts driving

Vansh dimmed the light of the car

Riddhima- Why you dimmed the light?

She opens the light

Vansh- I want to take a nap

He again dimmed the light

Riddhima- So what take like that only?

She opens the light

Vansh- Riddhima Please

He again dimmed the light

Riddhima- Vansh…..

She opens the light

Vansh- Riddhima

Episode ends

Precap- Dhaba Party and Entering Darjelling

Do comment guys and tell me your guesses about the precap and give me the feedback of the episode

Sorry for any grammatical mistake……………


I'm Niyati... just while scrolling through written updates I came here and became the member IMMJ2 fandom...Willing to be a psychiatrist 💖💖💖

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