Fan Fiction

(Fan Fiction) EPISODE 1: The plan for the picnic

The Sethia’sown a textile company,”Sethia Textiles”. Aryan, Sushanth, Prabhat and Deewakar complete a meeting and come home from office. They are greeted by Sanchi, Priyanka, Neelima and Sarita respectively along with dadisa. Sonu, Neeti and Nishanth also come down to greet them. Aryan starts staring at Sanchi as she blushes. Everyone tease them to disturb their moment. Then the ladies take their office bags and all of them go to their rooms to freshen up. Meanwhile Sonu,Neeti and Nishanth along with dadisa wait for dinner in the hall.

In Sushanth and Priyanka’s room: Sushanth asks Priyanka whether she told everyone or not. Priyanka sayas she will when the time comes then they hug and Priyanka says they have to go and eat. In Neelima and Prabhat’s room: Neelima says there is something weird in Priyanka’s behaviour and Prabhat says even he thought Sushanth was hiding something from everyone. I aryan and Sanchi’s room; Aryan enters and closes the door from behind. He then hugs and kisses(on the cheek) Sanchi from behind. Sanchi tells Aryan that they will get late for dinner Aryan replies that he doesn’t care and just wants to spend some time with her. Sanchi tries to leave but Aryan catches her hand and pulls her towards himself. Sanchi then reminds Aryan that tomorrow is blood test day and that they have to wake up early.

Then everyone is called for dinner. Sanchi goes down and Aryan is angry he couldn’t spend much time with her.At dinner Deewakar reminds everyone that tomorrow they have to take blood tests as usual. then dadisa says that she thinks after the past events the family should go on a picnic the day after to spend time as a unit together.

PRECAP:The blood test reports come and Sanchi is in shock after seeing Priyanka’s reports.

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