Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 2nd June 2023 Written Episode Update: The Principal accepts his mistake.

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 2nd June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

In this episode Vaijnath stops Vaipal and announces Bhim Rao’s dream of graduating is broken. He congratulates the upper caste. The principal sends the collector, Rama stops him, she comes to college along with chawl members and lower caste. Rama can let the collector leave until justice is served to her husband. Shishupal questions her audacity. Rama can give her life than put her husband’s effort to waste. The principal threatens to call the police. The lower caste strived for Bhim Rao; Shoba tells that Bhim Rao has fought a lot of wars for them. They are here to fight for Bhim Rao. Vaijnath asks Vaipal not to worry. Meera will not do anything but won’t leave this place. Vaijanth threatens to call upper caste, there will be a blood bath here. Ramji has been struggling his entire

life, isn’t afraid of a blood bath. Bhim Rao doesn’t like everyone getting in trouble for his paper. Rama asks them to wait here until Bala brings the person. Principal questions. Rama asks him to wait.

Hitesh tells Jijabai that everyone’s effort will prevail in helping Bhim Rao. Jijabai refuse, it isn’t absolute for Bhim Rao to win every time. Janardan is living on hope. Hitesh plans to go and watch. He calls Joku as well.

Vaijnath questions. Bala rushes in, a carriage arrives. Bala asks him to witness the situation. The man approaches principal telling that he works for the prince. He got to know about the situation here, Bhim Rao will be arrested if at fault or the punishment will be implicated at the college. The principal points out Bhim Rao. The man will decide that himself, he asks Bhim Rao, the Principal and teacher to come inside. The principal refused to be harassed. The man informs that Maharaj is in talk with the principal’s superiors. He takes them inside. Vaijnath tells that the lower caste can do nothing. Rama will not sit back for her husband. Ramji will put Vaipal to jail in case Bhim Rao is innocent. Rama taunts him to get himself cleaned inside the cell.

The man couldn’t tell outside the punishment that will be implicated on the culprit. If Bhim Rao wasn’t given a scholarship The Prince wouldn’t have interrupted in the matter but now the culprit will be imprisoned till death. The teacher and Principal accused Bhim Rao, he tore the paper himself though classmates tried to stop them, but he got into an argument with them as well. The upper caste was cleansing themselves because of this. The man agrees, he asks Bhim Rao to provide evidence. Bhim Rao tells that he was pushed into mid on first day of college, than hit on the head, his papers were exchanged the following day and now her wife is standing outside with lower caste. The man agrees, he considers Principal the culprit, the teacher will be spared if he testifies against the principal. The teacher testifies immediately. The man will punish the principal for his crime, he will be dragged to the station and imprisoned for life. Bhim Rao stops him; he cannot let that happen to his Guruji despite everything. He knows that no one will questions his crime but taunt and scare his values and morals, as a lower caste Bhim Rao can relate to that pain. The upper caste will punish Bhim Rao for it. The man tells that someone has to be punished, if not principal than Bhim Rao. He agrees, Bhim Rao doesn’t want to punish the crime just wont prefer a teacher being humiliated. The man will decide the law, he takes Bhim Rao with him. Teacher congratulates Principal, they must go out to see everyone’s reaction.

Jijabai, Hitesh, and others come as well. The man comes out along Bhim Rao. He announces Bhim Rao as culprit. Everyone is shocked. Ramji refused. The man tells that Bhim Rao lied and he must be punished for it. The principal corrects, tells everyone that he is the actual liar here.

The Episode Ends.

Update Credit to: Sona

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