Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 29th May 2023 Written Episode Update: Jijabai creats a misunderstanding between Bala and Karuna.

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 29th May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

In this episode Rama calls Bhim Rao over to sit so he may study. Rama likes seeing Bhi Rao in stress but only when she is doing it. She would tear other people apart if they did so.
Jijabai waits for Bala and Karuna to return to see what unfolded. Karuna came back, asked her to take the responsibility. Karun asks Jijabai to show responsibility herself, she is least concerned about Bhim Rao and his studies during his exams. Karuna leaves. Bala comes, Jijabai asks if something happened in the market because he is upset while Karuna went inside all cheered. Bala wonders. Jijabai has nested the doubt, now she will see how Karuna stays up to her mark.

Vaijnath calls the principal to his house, asks Vaipal to bring tea. Vaipal serves him tea. Vaijnath directly asks him to fail Bhim

Rao, the principal wants the same thing but wonders how. Vaijanth replaces his cup of tea with an empty cup. The principal has to do the same with Bhim Rao. The principal questions, Vaijnath explains. After that they enjoy their tea. The principal assures to do so, Bhim Rao’s fate will change no matter what.

Bhim Rao studies while Rama watches him. Rami brings them dinner. Bhim Rao questions him for bringing food. Ramji could not be happier to do that job, he loves to help his child in this scenario. Ramji will wait for Rama outside because no one can stay the night in college instead Bhim Rao according to the orders. Something drives Rama away from Bhim Rao no matter what. Bhim Rao tells that she is serving the sentences of her husband’s struggles. Bhim Rao assures her to spend an entire day with her travelling Bombay after his exams. Rama wants to see the sunrise from the beach with him. Bhim Rao eats his dinner.

Karuna brings Meera home, Lakshmi brings Meera’s favorite dinner, so she called her here. Meera has already eaten. Lakshmi insister her to eat, this is her house as well. Jijabai tells that the house was hers. Lakshmi requests Jijabai not to fight, Karuna will handle Jijabai. Jijabai leaves saying that Karuna bought the vegetable so she may do as he pleases. Lakshmi feeds Meera, she wipes her tears.

Jijabai comes out to find Bala standing in despair, she brought him aside to ask what happened. Jijabai is bad for Rama and Bhim Rao, not anyone else. She doesn’t know why Karuna hates her, thought Jijabai loves her laugh, loves they way she was laughing on her way back from the vegetable market. Jijabai insists Bala to speak. Bala is thinking pessimistically, there is nothing wrong. Bala leaves. Jijabai asks him to investigate whether the matter bothering him is worth it or not. Bala agrees with her, he decides to investigate the matter.

Next morning, Bhim Rao wakes up early and decides to get ready. He forgot to bring toothbrush, he went outside to make some arrangements. He comes out to find his family standing outside, Ramji tells that he will be there for his child who has been studying all night. Bhim Rao says that they could have come after the exam. Rama gives him his toothbrush, iron clothes, water, and breakfast. Bhim Rao asks them to leave. Karuna recalls Jijabai asking to be punctual in her duties. Karuna tells everyone that she will come after bringing milk. Bala wonders why she went herself instead of asking him.

Jijabai wakes up to an empty house, she asks Hitesh and others about her family. Joku taunts them for not caring about Jijabai enough to inform her before leaving. Phuliya questions Joku for not caring about her as well. Joku shuts her up, he doesn’t need a lecture. Phuliya wants him not to break someone’s family when he can’t handle his own. Ramji and family came back. Hitesh wonders. Meera tells that they went to Bhim Rao to give them breakfast. Janardan calls it drama. Shoba thinks that everyone should plant a tree one in a lifetime to understand the love and affection towards it, which is similar in Bhim Rao’s case. Jijabai asks about Karuna. Rama tells that she went to get milk, doesn’t know where Bala left to. Jijabai is well aware where Bala went to.

The Episode Ends.

Update Credit to: Sona

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