Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 29th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Bhima’s books are his strength..

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 29th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The episode starts with Manjula regretting her decision of not taking money from Puranjan. Calling the girls stubborn, she mourns over the starving conditions they are currently suffering. The girls console her while agreeing to write a letter to their father. Manjula dismayed their thought willing to starve but not to ask help from their father. She says that she is not week she just has a broken foot. The girls went to bring their brothers back. They agree on staying hungry for the night. Manjula cries behind grieving Bhima Bai and the trust she put in her.

Anand and Bhima were wondering helplessly, finding work, and worrying for their family at home when they say a man with a Cow. They went towards him asking for some work or a loan. The man resents them not to touch him or

his animal. Anand and Bhima took a step back. The man disgusted them both for making fun of their cast. He agrees on giving them work on one condition, that they make fun of themselves and their cast. Bhima agrees saying that work is work. The man expresses his wish of having two animals, but he could not afford them. The man wanted to have Anand and Bhima as his animal, tied in a rope, just like the cow for the night in return he will give them money. Bhima resents his wish but Anand pondering over the miserable condition of his family agrees to do so. He sat on the floor to be tied up as an animal but pleads for money, so that he may help his family. Bhima tries to stop him, but Anand was determined. The man leans forward to tie him up, Bhima stops them. Bhima says that his fight is to prove them equal to human and not an animal, Anand must not lose his hope. The man being affronted by what Bhima said tells them to die hungry, the girls came towards Anand telling the man that they will die hungry but with the pride of being a human. She forces his brother to come home; they have agreed to stay hungry tonight. They will spend the time while counting stars.

Pandit shows Mahraj all the Jewels he collected in today’s donation. Mahraj orders him to take these to the jeweller. Meanwhile, two boys came, asking for Mahraj’s blessing shows him the money they stole for his temple. Mahraj asks them not to call it stolen, it is something they have won after hardship and facing trouble for. He by changing the concept of burglary, called it a prize for their struggle. Pandit was asked to combine this money with jewels. He gave the boys a few pennies as a gift.
Bhima was missing Baala. Anand was sad of not having a big brother like Baala and a father. Bhima was disappointed for not being able to do anything for his family. The girls were called inside.

Seth ji came to show his happiness to Mahraj as he has won in not letting anyone help Bhima and his family. Mahraj asked them to cook meal and take it to them. Mahraj wanted so to cut a deal.

Manjula brought Sugar and water for everyone. He tells Bhima not to worry, they will stay hungry just like people do when they fast. Seth ji and his fellows came to Bhima’s residence saying that they have brought delicious meal for him and his family. Bhima inquires the reason of his kindness. He is here to cut a deal. Anand knew that they would come to make fun of their miserable state. Manjesh puts the deal in front of Bhima, he tells him that for next seven days they will take care of his family’s meal as along as he will give them his books. They will do so for the coming weeks as well. Seht ji tries to pursue Bhima, as his decision can either end their starvation or may result in someone death. Bheema took a step towards his bag but was stopped by his brother and sisters. The girls indicate not eating anything Seth ji and his fellows have brought. Bheema making the decision, grabs his bag and move towards Seth ji. Seth ji asks him to put his bag on the floor and take the food. Instead of doing what Seth ji asked Bheema kissed his bag. Telling it that these men are afraid of the books it contains. These great men are afraid of him studying these four books. Bhima denies Seth ji’s deal as he will not hand over his biggest weapon. He does not accept his demand. Bhima’s family applauds his decisions..

Update Credit to: Sona

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