Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 27th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Bhim Rao is leaving.

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 27th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Rama can’t say much, she only wants him and Ramji to live happily. Bhim Rao is hungry, wants Rama to cook him breakfast.

Ramji sits in despair waiting for Bhim Rao or Rama to come out. Bhim Rao comes out but ignores Ramji, he questions Bhim Rao about his decision. Bhim Rao wants to let it go, it’s a useless argument. Ramji asks if his father’s advice is useless. Bhim Rao questions, Ramji has wandered for jobs, worked will full dedication. Ramji left for his job while Bhimabai was sick, said that he was fulfilling his responsibility. Bhim Rao is doing the same now. Jijabai taunts Ramji, Bhim Rao will not listen to anyone so it’s better for them to leave. Ramji leaving might stop Bhim Rao otherwise he must understand that Bhim Rao has no respect for anyone.


informs Vaijnath that Ramji cannot do anything, Bhim Rao will go to Maharaj which he is sacred of. Bhim Rao’s position will strengthen after working for Maharaj. Janardan trusted Vaijnath to do something about it, Bhim Rao will not ask anyone after having job at the palace. Vaijnath questions un frustration, he will teach Hitesh and Janardan their position. They were beaten for raising questions. They ran away.
Bhim Rao leaves to deliver files in front of Ramji. Ramji thinks that over perspective should change with our positions. Ramji fulfilled the Army’s order because he was their servant, but Bhim Rao does not have to be one. Bhim Rao should question himself; he plans to change society which requires taking bold steps. Bhim Rao should think twice before going to Maharaj. Janardan and Hitesh rush to chawl requesting Bhim Rao not to leave otherwise Vaijanth would turn their lives to hell. Bhim Rao questions, he will talk to Vaijnath. Ramji thinks that Bhim Rao should support his people. Bhim Rao calls Ramji for siding with the enemy for his self-interest, Bhim Rao will not be with his people when aboard for education.

Hitesh questions Bhim Rao for making them trust. Bhim Rao faith lies in his mother, she is not with him now. Her mother promised never to leave her but that wasn’t true. It is a rule of life, no one is permanent. Bhim Rao leaves and so does everyone else. Jijabai taunts Ramji once again, asks him to leave this place. Rama requests Jijabai to speak for everyone once, just not herself.

Bhim Rao delivers the work; the official praises him. He asks Bhim Rao to prepare for his departure tomorrow morning. Rama hears the conversation. Bhim Rao will be ready. Rama runs away.

Rama comes to a side, cries her heart out. Bhim Rao finds her there, he interrogates. Rama isn’t crying, she is happy. Bhim Rao wants to know why she is crying. Rama taunts him for not understanding his wife’s tears. She wants to know why he isn’t wise as a husband. She was about to leave but Bhim Rao stops her but calls him his Rama. Bhim Rao tells that apart form their mother men only become childish in front of their wives, it takes them away from the worldly battles bringing them peace. He begs Rama not to take that right from him, he has to be wise to fight society sot let him be unwise in front of her to show her love. Bhim Rao will leave for Maharaja tomorrow, but right now they can be together. He opens his arms for a hug. Rama and Bhim Rao hugged each other tightly. He asks her to put her hand forward, Bhim Rao places his hand on top of it. He asks her to take care of it, Rama questions because the hand is empty. Bhim Rao is leaving her with responsibility to take care of their caste, will not ask her to risk her life but do everything to protect them. She is his and the caste’s strength. Rama will do everything to fulfil this responsibility. Bhim Rao wants her to not to put her life at stake for it. Jijabai spies on them.

The Episode Ends.

Update Credit to: Sona

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