Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 25th October 2023 Written Episode Update: Bhim Rao returns to the village

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 25th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The officials asks everyone to wait for some time since there is also something else written, Bhim Rao agrees to read it completely, he reads the letter that states that Bhim Rao must come while leaving everything otherwise he will get punished, but he was given the scholarship as a student with the promise that he will come and work after completing his studies but Bhim Rao is no longer a student but he is the leader and he was a leader even when he was not given a scholarship, so a King will not call a leader after insulting him. The villagers are left in shock, as Bhim Rao continues to read that he should only come when he desires and the villager allow him, as they are going to just free a leader, hearing this all of the villagers start clapping for him. Bhim Rao is given the

letters by the official who walks back into the house, while the villagers remain clapping for Bhim Rao, he comes to thank them all by holding his hands together in front of them, they all hug each other.

Bhim Rao is standing when his father stands up mentioning he does not know if a father should say this to his son but he would like to say it as he feels it is also the right time, Bhim Rao asks what has happened, his father says that when everyone was calling him a leader he felt really tensed because he is the one who has treated Bhim Rao with a lot of love but the feelings of all those people is very different from what he has but there was one person who was not able to bear it and he was that person but in the other moment he felt very proud of being a father, but in that two minute story he understood something that when his son gets a very high position then he does not only belong to him but everyone else which they cannot keep restrained. Bhim Rao asks his father what is he saying as they are very different things which can never be measured together, his father agrees saying that love can indeed not be measured but in reality humans tend to measure the love, he says that Bhim Rao’s mother Bimma Bai always used to say that Bhim always helps other and fights for them so would one day be loved by everyone and then he would be of everyone, when Bhim would get hungry everyone will be prepared to serve him food so will Bhim recognize what she will make. Bhim asks his father what would he reply, his father says he never understood the questions so would remain silent but now when he has understood the meaning then she is not by his side, Bhim wiping of his tears goes to his father asking what reply would he give to his mother, Ramabai coming from behind says she will tell what Baba would say to Aai, she mentions he would say that Aai must not be worried when he will get to eat what she makes but be happy that he has gotten a lot to eat, Ramabai asks Baba if this is what he would say, Baba agrees that this is what he would have said so Bhim moves ahead in this life to the extent that he becomes the leader of this entire country, because the foreigners are ruling on them by force while Bhim should rule with his intellect and idea so he makes a position in the mind and heart of the locals, he says that he would always be there to support Bhim Rao till he is alive, Bhim and Ramabai get worried hearing this, he blesses Bhim Rao before leaving.

Bhim turns to Rama asking how did she know what Baba would say to Aai, she replies that when she was serving food this is what she was thinking and both the mother and wife feel the same about their husband and children, Bhim is really moved by what Rama is saying, he places the Thali on the bed and hugs Rama tightly while trying his best to control his emotions, he says how would he be able to repay them back for all these sacrifices, because they are prepared to stay away from him when they are his family so this is also a kind of loan and how would he be able to repay such a big loan in this single life that he has got, Rama tells he should fulfill his duty and fulfill all the dreams that he has, Rama wipes of the tears from his face, Bhim tells Rama that she is going to be involved in each and every dream so in the future if anyone calculates what he did and got then in that story there is surely going to be a mention of the sacrifice of Rama, and everyone would know what she did for him. They are going to tell each other about the importance of the sacrifices of a wife in the success of a man, because when they are fighting outside they are just getting burdened by the loan of their wives because they take care of the entire family. Rama says she does not know it because she is not that intellectual but just prays that whatever Bhim Rao desires should happen, she asks him to have the food, he takes the Thali in his hands while looking at Rama.

The landlord sitting in the office mentions Bhim Rao has really troubled him to the extent that the problems are not ending, he is suggested that they need to end the his respect if they want to break his desire, the landlord instructs the Seth to do it since he is the boss of Bhim Rao, because once Bhim Rao is forced to accept he is a servant then would not agree to stand back up to them, Sushipal says that their mission to think of new plans to ruin him when the Landlord agrees but informs the boss that now things are up to him because Bhim Rao stays in his office for the entire day.

The villagers gather around in the society when they agree to play the music because of the arrival of Bhim Rao and even dance to celebrate, Ramaa and Baba are also enjoying the dance performance of the locals, even the women join the men in their celebration. The elder after thinking for a moment slowly walks back to her house, Rama and Baba are still smiling.

Update Credit to: Sona

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