Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 25th January 2024 Written Episode Update: Karuna misbehaves with Bhim and Rama

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 25th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Jij a Bai tells Meera that Karuna just said it by mistake so why is she scolding her, Meera replies this is all the doing of Jija Bai but do they not feel shame by ruining the image a women when men are like that but they should both have some shame, Karuna gets furious and is about to answer but Jija Bai stops her explaining sometimes they have to stay quiet which is the rule of a fight, Karuna angrily says she would take care of this old women very soon, Jija Bai exclaims everyone would have to pay in this house.

Lakshmi while walking with Rama says there would be a lot of drama in their house since she got more money then Karuna di, Shamla says there is a problem in every house, Rama asks what is she doing here but Shamla says she made the dish for her and Bhim, Rama asks

how is she doing, Shamla says she is running as she came to meet them but even has to run back home, Shamla says she will go back to her house because if anyone sees her then it would cause a lot of problem so she leaves, Lakshmi asks Rama if they should return, Rama then asks Lakshmi to take the vegetable and go back home while she will come back, Lakshmi asks where is she going so Rama says she will run with Shamla but Lakshmi should go back, she leaves.

In the night Jija Bai asks why are they all waiting as they would come back after eating since they got the pay, Meera replies they would not return after eating since they know them both very well but Karuna says that Bua knows them wrong, Bhim and Rama return when he is asked if they both have come back after eating, Karuna replies that surely they would have come back after eating, Jija Bai also explains even if Bhim does not say anything then Rama would say she is hungry, Jija Bai asks if they have lost the trust, Ramji scolds Bhim saying that what they have done is wrong because they got the pay so would eat without even telling them all, Ramji gets up to leave but Bhim stops him however Ramji says now Bhim would apologize to everyone, he explains that it is not wrong to spend time with his wife but people in the family feel it is wrong, even he has started feeling it. Bhim says he has stopped him to tell the reason they got so late and what they were doing, Ramji asks what is the truth. Bhim reveals they both got the salary today and after a lot of struggle they all are in the house so they both thought of taking something for everyone in the family, Rama says each of their salary is not enough so they both joined together to purchase something for everyone, Bhim mentions this is why they have kept it all outside, Bhim then takes out new clothes for Ramji, after which he goes to give the same to Bala while giving a Kurta to Aanad, he even takes out a saree for Jija Bai, she is hesitant at first but then finally takes it angrily. Bhim even asks Rama to give the gifts, she first gives it to Meera Bua before going to Lakshmi whom she gives bangles, Rama says that Karuna likes to apply something on her hair which is why she brought it for her, Lakshmi says this is their Bhim and Rama as they care a lot for everyone.

Karuna angrily throws the gift on the floor saying she does not want it, Ramji calls Bala to pick it up and take with him, he does not care if Karuna keeps it or not when both Bhim and Rama brought it with so much love. Bala leaves after picking it up. Lakshmi asks Rama what did she bring for her husband even Aanad asks what did Bhim bring for his wife, Rama replies she has brought a book for him, Aanad asks what is it about, she says that everything is written about London in this book, and where is the garden or street. Bhim immediately starts reading it with utmost excitement, he is very happy but asks what was the need for it, Rama replies so he knows where is everything when he goes there, he would not forget that he has to go to study in London. Ramji asks what is Rama made of, as even if they all forget she would not forget where he has to go and study, he says even if he dies then there is no worry, he knows that she is present to take care of Bhim and on his studies so what else does he need, he blesses Rama. Aanad says Bhim did not tell what did he bring for her, Bhim says he also brought a book for Rama, Lakshmi asks what is the book about, he says Rama always keeps asking when would she learn to speak English so this book has all the teachings, Rama taking ti asks what was the need for it, he says that she herself is saying he will go to study in London then would write the address in English.

Bala goes to Karuna asking what is all this, saying that everyone is happy outside while she is sitting angrily in the room, he mentions he is witnessing it for a lot of days that she has turned into like this. Karuna asks if she should dance after wearing it, Bala asks what is this madness when Karuna explains he should also not force her to be their supporter, because Rama is trying to show that she is very wealthy.

Shamla is eating dinner in the kitchen when Shishupal comes to have some water, he turns to see that she does not have enough vegetable and asks why did she take so little but she says that she has enough, he opens the pot but they all are empty, Shishupal angrily says she should keep some for herself as they donot get dreams bout how much is left, Shamla says that when a husband asks them to take the vegetable and why are they having so little then the stomach gets fill, Shishupal asks where is it written when she mentions she heard from her friends, she requests him to let her meet Bhim as he is all that she has left in the name of family, Shishupal is worried.

In the morning Shoba brings tea for Puran while Deepak is sitting working, Janardhan comes down and looking at Puran says he would be liking the free tea, Shoba asks how he started in the morning, Puran asks him to come and sit when he would tell how sweet is the tea, Janardhan asks him to say whatever he likes, Puran asks Janardhan of his age, who replies he is thirty seven years old. Puran replies this means he would live for thirty or forty years after that he would die then would not meet anyone either him or the world which is why he suggests they should live peacefully, as the anger that he has in his heart does not mean anything so if he has some love in his heart then life would be happy, even his face would get better. Janardhan starts smiling telling Puran that he does not like two people shining in this Chawl so Puran should shine, Jija Bai stops Janardhan saying if they have to live on the money of other then everyone starts shining, Puran feels embarrassed

Update Credit to: Sona

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