Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 11th December 2023 Written Episode Update: Meghnat plans to harm Bhim Rao in Pune

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 11th December 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Bhim is walking with Ramji, Rama and Aanad when Bhim says that he feels they would see what happens but now must start their investigation and he feels they should first go to the person who owned the horse.

Lakshmi is crying sitting in the house remembering when Jija Bai slapped her and even Bala said that he feels Karuna can do anything but not falsely swear on his life. Lakshmi is crying when she is consoled that till Bhim and Rama donot come back she should stay calm, Jija Bai entering asks then what would she do after that, she tells Shoba to not instigate lakshmi coming in their house, Shoba tells Jija Bai that she is the mother in law and had she thought about her house then no one else would need to come here and console them, Jija Bai replies she does not need to learn

anything from her, she warns Shoba to stay away from her house and tries to push her when Shoba twists her hand warning if she tries to twist her hand in the future then would break her hand but then Karuna also twists the hand of Shoba threatening to break it, Jija Bai seeing the opportunity manages to break free, she angrily turns towards Lakshmi who is crying.

Bhim along with Rama reach the owner of the horse, Bhim asks if his name is Kayshuv and he is the one who have the horse to the son of Puran kaka when Kayshuv says that he does not know what happened that Puran burned everything. Aanad says then even Kayshuv would take his own son to get married on the horse, Bhim asks Kayshuv to speak the truth and swear that he would make sure his son sits on the horse, Bhim takes out the pen and paper mentioning he is recording the first witness who would lead to the release of Puran kaka but if he does not speak the truth then must understand that the Kayshuv who lends the horses to others on their wedding would not be able to make his own son sit on a horse. Rama asks him to think before speaking as he might not get a chance to speak the truth, Aanad also advice that those who lie would not even dare of speaking the truth, Ramji says that lying for so many years could not result in him allowing his son to sit on a horse so he should speak the truth for once. Kayshuv agrees to tell the truth that Puran saved a lot of money to fulfill his dream of allowing his son to sit on a horse but then the people from the elite class started beating them with the sticks, Kayshuv starts crying informing how they all burned the house of Puran and even stopped him from burning out the fire, Kayshuv not being able to control his emotions hugs Bhim who also embraces him wile controlling his tears. Bhim says he is feeling nice that Kayshuv told the truth, he closes his diary thanking him and requests for another support from Kayshuv requesting him to show them the house of Puran Kaka and the place where it all happened, Kayshuv says he would not be able to take them right now but in the night.

Meghnat is with the people who request him to do something since the Bhim Rao would be able o take the evidence after which they would only get punished from the court. Meghnat says this is not the time to stand but do something because he felt these people would end the problem named as Bhim Rao from his life. They all ask the leader of the village for his suggestion who says they should wait for Bhim Rao in the same village of Puran and end his life once and for all, they all agree and leave.

In the night Bhim Rao, along with Rama, Ramji and Aanad are walking with Kayshuv towards the house of Puran.

Lakshmi is massaging the feet of aunt who asks her to not be worried as they all went together and nothing would ever happen to them as Aanad has the support of his husband. Lakshmi says it is a new city and anything can happen, truth be told she is really worried when Karuna also comes telling she is also feeling bad. The aunt explains she can understand as everyone from this house would be worried when Karuna replies she is tensed because they all just keep praying that Bhim Rao wins the fight but he is feeling bad that they should turn down the light and talk in it. Lakshmi gets up telling Karuna to at least think about what she is saying as it has also gotten dark but she should understand how she has gotten so biter, Karuna explains that after the actions of Bhim Rao they have still not gotten the wage, the aunt tells her to go and sleep informing that there are some people in this house who are trying to help others but some members want to cause darkness.

Bhim Rao reaches the house of Puran with Kayshuv when they start calling the neighbors as no one is present but then the leader comes saying everyone is present here but would only meet them when they desire, Bhim explains that they cannot stop them from telling the truth but kidnapping them however it will never stop them from fighting for the truth. Meghnat says that Bhim Rao along with everyone would be scared after seeing what they have done, the leader asks them to see what they have done and so calls the people who start coming out of the houses with the sticks on fire along with the cans of some chemical; Meghnat asks them to hurry up seeing which Bhim Rao along with Aanad, Ramji and Rama are worried. The leader asks if they got satisfied after seeing the result, the villager start throwing the liquid on Bhim Rao, Rama and Aanad along with Kayshuv when they all try to save themselves but Meghnat along with the leader are just smiling. They quickly stand pointing the burning wooden sticks towards Bhim when one of the locals warn them to leave from this place quietly otherwise would be burned and they should for the last time tell what they are planning, they warn them to leave when Bhim tries to explain however the people are threatening, Bhim asks if they would allow them all to just stand here but Meghnat refuses saying it is a new plan after which Bhim would protest here and think of a new plan. The leader asks Meghnat to let them see what Bhim Rao does, Meghant requests the leader to not see his actions but the leader says they also want to see if Bhim Rao stands here quietly then they would also not do anything but Bhim would suffer severe consequence, Meghant agrees telling the leader to come and sit with him after which they will enjoy the sight of him standing. Bhim Rao is worried.

Update Credit to: Sona

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