Categories: Ek Duje Ke Vaste

Ek Duje Ke Vaste 31st May 2016 Written Episode Update

Ek Duje Ke Vaste 31st May 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shravan is in the conference but is not paying attention. He only keeps thinking about Sumo. A smile can be seen on his face. Pushkar asks for his attention. Shravan excuses himself and goes in washroom. Pushkar manages the clients.

Shravan thinks of Sumo once again. He rebukes himself for focusing on nonsensical stuff. Focus on work.

Shravan gets a message from a client. He has to meet that client at his office. He gets ready. Sumo asks him if he is always getting ready. He looks in her direction but there is no one. He smiles. He hears her voice again. You could smile nicely. He sees her sitting on the bed and smiling. She is gone when he takes a step towards her. He combs his hair. Sumo calls him hero, not just from face but from heart as well. He turns but she disappears again.

She suggests him what suits most on him (black colour). He smiles but then tells himself to stop. Enough! I will not meet her for a few days and wont even think about her. That’s it!

Sumo is in pain. She thinks of Shravan’s reaction when she had winced in pain. Why did he look so changed today? Forget him. I should visit a doc first. She tries getting up. She sends a message to Shravan. I am in very much pain. Everyone is going out in a wedding. I am going to see a doc.

Mama ji offers to go with Sumo but she denies. Preeti asks her why she isn’t coming with them. Sumo says I told you already. She compliments Preeti. nanu coughs. Mami sends Mama ji to bring him downstairs as Sumo can also not go up in this condition. Sumo looks at her phone. Kaisa banda hai. He still hasn’t replied to my message.

Sumo thinks he has enough manners. I got hurt right before his eyes because of him but he dint even ask about me. He could atleast reply. Lift stops. It turns out to be Shravan. She is surprised. I was just thinking about you. He does not reply and pretends to be busy in phone. She gets in the lift. She stands quietly for a second but then asks him directly. I sent you a message saying I am coming here. You can come here but not say anything to me. He lies that he dint read her message. She directly asks him what is upsetting him. What’s the problem? Tell me. The lift stops abruptly. She loses balance. He holds her and then makes her stand holding the railing. She worries. She gets to know that the lift will take half an hour to start. There is some technical problem. She is tensed. I am already unwell and now this! She sits down on the floor and looks panicky. She tells Shravan she is unwell. Please talk to me. I feel uneasy and suffocated. Just say anything. He sits down next to her. Nothing will happen. Close your eyes and imagine yourself somewhere else. She feels all the more uneasy after closing her eyes. He tells her to go ahead and talk then. She talks about how they went to a fair in childhood. A ride had stopped working and I got scared. You caught me tightly. I kept shouting while you tried to make me understand. When we finally got down you told me that I shouldn’t have been scared of that ride. I wouldn’t let you fall ever. They think of it. She had laughed at him then and had called him Superman Chashmish. He recalls it too and stands up with a start. I don’t recall anything! She is surprised. How can you not remember it? She feels he is reacting as if he hates her face! Lift opens. He holds it for her. She asks him if he cannot accompany her to the doc. He denies. I have to go for the meeting. She nods sadly and leaves. Sad song plays.

Preeti warns Pushkar not to talk angrily with her or she wont talk to him. He agrees. Why did you tell everything to Sumo? There are some things which are not to be told. She does not understand. Why should I lie to my sister? I want my life to be simple. He tries but fails. She tells him to end the call now. I have to go home as Didi is not well. He asks her how it happened. She shares that she went to meet Shravan in the afternoon and fell. She has fever too. Pushkar gets concerned.

Shravan gives some report to Pushkar. Pushkar asks him if he made Sumo fall. Shravan denies. Pushkar tells him what Preeti told him. Shravan says it happens. She will get fine.

Shravan is in his room but lost in his own thoughts and world. He gets Sumo’s call but doesn’t pick it up. He realises he wrote S on the notepad and cuts it. Sumo sends a message to him. He is not happy to see it but calls her back. She says I thought you slept. He lies he was in washroom. Tell me why you called me at this hour. Is everything fine? She says the same to him. What has happened to you? Why are you behaving like this? You were behaving weirdly in the lift too. Did I do something wrong? He says I made a mistake not you. She is confused. he says neither can I tell nor you would understand. She wonders if something has happened at home. I feel you are trying to avoid me. he says I only want to focus on work for now. She asks him if people who want to focus on their career don’t talk to friends. He simply says goodnight and ends the call. She is confused.

Precap: Shravan calls Sumo. Pushkar said you were unwell. Prita calls out for Sumo. Shravan taunts Sumo for working when she isn’t well. Sumo wonders why Shravan is fight with her. Why do you want to separate me from you!

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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