Categories: Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2

Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2 21st December 2020 Written Episode Update: Devraj decides to buy Tiwari house

Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2 21st December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Shravan drinking the food. Bunty asks what’s the matter, when you don’t get affected, why don’t you express. Shravan says I do care, my dad wants to ruin Tiwaris and take revenge, Suman has broken her engagement for my sake, I can’t even stand by her even if I want. Shravan drinks more. He says Bunty, fate is such, you see, one day, I will leave everything and go. Bunty says you have to leave all this. Shravan says there is no relation left between us, one side is my dad and other side is my love, dad has made my life a complex puzzle and Suman’s love has also put me in a dilemma, now I m confused. Shravan gets angry and says I will sit here and drink, I m not scared of anyone, sit and drink with me.

Shravan comes home drunk. Suman looks on. He enters

her house. She says what is he doing here. She goes downstairs. He says I m opening my room door, what are you doing. She asks didn’t you sleep. He says I was feeling sleepy so I came here. He tries to open the lock. She laughs. She says lock won’t open, its changed. He says its wrong, because I have come after 9 pm. She says wrong.

He asks for the keys. She goes and gets the key. She asks did you have dinner. He says no. She says we had prepared your fav dish, will you have it. He says I will leave everything one day and go away. He asks for the keys. She opens the door and asks him to come. He talks silly things in drunken state. She laughs. She says your phone is ringing. He gets Devraj’s call. Devraj asks where are you. Shravan says I m going to sleep. Devraj says you aren’t at home, where are you. Shravan looks around and asks how did I come here. Suman says I was thinking the same, you lie to everyone that you don’t care for anything, everything matters to me, trust me, I m not annoyed for anything, I understand your helplessness. He says I made a mistake. She says our relation is of years, how will you forget me.

Suman says don’t worry, I don’t take you serious these days. She asks him to have the keys and get a peaceful sleep. She smiles. Shravan leaves from her house. He comes home. Devraj looks on shocked. Shravan enters the house. Devraj opens the lights. Devraj asks from where are you coming. Shravan says I was with Bunty. Devraj says really strange.

Shravan argues with Devraj. He says you always take things on your ego like before. Devraj says a son grows up when he counts his dad’s mistake, tell me, where were you. Shravan is tensed. He goes. Beena talks to Goyal about selling the house. Suman tries to stop Beena. Ramesh asks whom are we going to sell the house, we have this right to know. Shravan comes to apologize to Devraj. Devraj asks him to forget it and come, they are going to buy a property, Tiwari house. Suman asks Ramesh to explain Beena not to sell the house. He says sorry, I can’t help you this time. Devraj, Rajender and Shravan come for the house deal. Beena says we have no problem, we will just sell the house. Rajender says we have two conditions. Ramesh asks what. Rajender says you have to vacate the house in 1-2 days, you can’t take anything from here. Shravan sees Suman.

Suman says we have memories with our house. Devraj says you will get much money, you can buy new things and new memories with the money. Beena says its fine, we will buy new memories, right Shravan. Ek duje….plays…. Suman recalls Shravan and her memories. Suman says this will happen when you want, we will leave everything and go away.

Rajender gives the property papers. Beena asks Ramesh to sign. Shravan comes. Suman and Shravan propose each other.

Update Credit to: Amena


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